☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 380 County, Town and Farmers' Mutual Property Insurance Companies 
380.005   Definitions. (8/28/2008)
380.011   Classification as Missouri mutual insurance companies — new companies ... (1/1/1985)
380.021   Authority to do business on not-for-profit basis — property of members, ... (1/1/1985)
380.031   Exemption from insurance laws, exceptions. (1/1/1985)
380.041   Board of directors, election, qualifications, terms, officers — annual ... (1/1/1985)
380.051   Financial statement filed annually, fee. (1/1/1985)
380.061   Examination by department, powers and duties — expenses — examination by ... (1/1/1985)
380.071   Unsafe operation of business — reasonable time to remedy — failure to ... (1/1/1985)
380.081   Noncompliance — notice, content hearing — judicial review — failure to ... (1/1/1985)
380.091   Forms filed where — disapproval by director, notice, content — judicial review. (1/1/1985)
380.101   Policyholder in mutual to be member — eligibility — member's right to sue ... (1/1/1985)
380.111   School district's real and personal property may be insured — procedure for ... (1/1/1985)
380.121   Membership fee — business basis, how established — assessment of members — ... (1/1/1985)
380.131   Loss or judgment against company, business basis to determine procedure — ... (1/1/1985)
380.141   Unsatisfied judgment against company, restraining order for transaction of ... (1/1/1985)
380.151   Mutual companies may unite or transfer funds and engagements, procedure — ... (1/1/1985)
380.201   Definitions. (1/1/1985)
380.211   New companies prohibited, when. (1/1/1985)
380.221   Missouri mutual companies may elect to come under this law — procedure — ... (8/28/1992)
380.231   Company operations limited to Missouri. (1/1/1985)
380.241   Amendment to articles and bylaws, procedure — fee. (1/1/1985)
380.251   Forms, filing and approval, fee — policy, required provisions — ... (1/1/1985)
380.261   Kinds of insurance company may make. (8/28/1989)
380.271   Financial reinsurance requirements. (8/28/1991)
380.281   Mergers of certain mutual companies, procedure — merger plan, required contents. (1/1/1985)
380.291   Meeting to consider merger plan, notice — requirements. (1/1/1985)
380.301   Approval of merger plan, votes required. (1/1/1985)
380.311   Articles of merger, content — executed by corporate officers. (1/1/1985)
380.321   Director to review petition for merger — hearing to be held, when — ... (1/1/1985)
380.331   Certificate of merger issued, when — director and secretary of state's duties. (1/1/1985)
380.341   Merger effective when. (1/1/1985)
380.351   Certificate of merger returned to whom. (1/1/1985)
380.361   Surviving corporation after merger, rights and liabilities. (1/1/1985)
380.371   Powers of a company, generally. (1/1/1985)
380.381   Board of directors, election — terms — vacancies — annual meeting, quorum, ... (1/1/1985)
380.391   Misuse of company assets for private gain, penalty. (1/1/2017)
380.401   Record of investigations of company operations by director — violations, ... (1/1/1985)
380.411   Officers, how selected, tenure. (1/1/1985)
380.421   Membership in a company, eligibility. (8/28/1984)
380.431   Initial charge — guaranty fund to be maintained, how funded, purpose — ... (1/1/1985)
380.441   Liability of members — suspension of company liability during delinquency ... (1/1/1985)
380.451   Policyholder not liable for obligations after termination of policy — ... (1/1/1985)
380.461   Company may borrow to pay losses — assessment to pay loan. (1/1/1985)
380.471   Approved investments. (8/28/1990)
380.482   Annual statement of company. (1/1/1985)
380.491   Director to examine, when — expenses. (1/1/1985)
380.501   Company may dissolve — procedure. (1/1/1985)
380.511   Company exempt from insurance laws, exception. (1/1/1985)
380.521   License for agents — agencies and brokers. (1/1/1985)
380.531   Notices, how given. (1/1/1985)
380.541   Policy cancellation — exceptions. (1/1/1985)
380.551   Waiver of provision or defense, what constitutes — evidence. (1/1/1985)
380.561   Rules, authority for, procedure. (8/28/1995)
380.571   Violations, penalties. (8/28/2007)
380.581   Powers of company in general. (1/1/1985)
380.591   Suits against company commenced when — limitation. (1/1/1985)
380.601   Conversion to a mutual insurance company — procedure. (1/1/1985)
380.611   Sale of corporate charter, penalty — exclusive right to control a company, ... (1/1/1985)
380.621   Citation of law — definitions — chapter 380 sole authority, exceptions — ... (8/28/2024)
380.631   Insolvency. (8/28/2024)
380.651   Provisions inapplicable to mutual companies. (8/28/1993)
 - Cross References
All license, permit and certificate applications shall contain the Social Security number of the applicant, 324.024
Mortgage insurance, restriction, condition, 443.415
Property acquired by foreclosure, how disposed of, 375.340
Tax lien on property to follow insurance proceeds, when, 139.110
Tax on income, companies exempt from, 143.441

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