☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 538 Tort Actions Based on Improper Health Care 
538.205   Definitions. (8/28/2020)
538.210   No common law cause of action — limitation on noneconomic damages — jury ... (8/28/2020)
538.215   Damage itemization by trier of fact — excess noneconomic damages to be ... (2/3/1986)
538.220   Damages, how paid — security required for future damage payments, when, ... (8/28/2005)
538.225   Affidavit by a health care provider certifying merit of case — legally ... (8/28/2005)
538.228   Immunity from civil liability for certain health care professionals and ... (8/28/2005)
538.229   Certain statements, writings, and benevolent gestures inadmissible, when — ... (8/28/2005)
538.232   Venue for certain actions against health care providers, where. (8/28/2005)
538.235   Laws applicable to what actions. (8/28/1986)
538.300   Certain laws not applicable to sections 538.205 to 538.230. (8/28/2005)
538.305   Applicability to causes of action, when. (8/28/2005)
 - Cross References
Prejudgment interest allowed in tort cases when, procedure, amount, 408.040
Time limitation to bring malpractice actions, 516.105

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