☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 625 Division of Commerce and Industrial Development 
625.021   Functions and duties of division — overseas offices authorized. (8/28/1973)
625.025   Solid waste, use of for energy and materials, promotion of. (8/28/1986)
625.031   Division to promote state's economic welfare. (8/28/1961)
625.041   Use of data of other state agencies — advisory boards — cooperation by ... (8/28/1986)
625.051   Division may accept gifts and grants. (8/28/1961)
625.091   Bureaus or units of division. (8/28/1961)
625.101   Director's power to contract research studies. (8/28/1961)
625.111   Advisory boards may be appointed. (8/28/1961)
625.115   Expenses paid by state. (8/28/1961)
625.125   Biennial reports. (8/28/1961)
 - Cross References
Industrial development by municipalities, Chap. 100
Missouri National Guard members offered interview for state positions, when, 36.221, 105.1204
New state programs to sunset after six years, Missouri sunset act, 23.250 to 23.298
Solid waste disposal, promotion of resource recovery in coordination with the department of natural resources, 260.225
Veterans, state agency forms to include veteran data, information on agency's veteran services provided, when, 42.051

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