☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 184

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1969    bottom

  184.374.  Bonds, how transferred. — Whenever the owner of any coupon bond, or any bond payable to bearer, already issued or hereafter issued by the district shall present any such bond to the treasurer or other officer of such corporation, who by law performs the duties of treasurer, with a request for the conversion of such bond into a registered bond, such treasurer, or such other officer, shall cut off and cancel the coupons of any such coupon bond so presented, and shall stamp, print or write upon such coupon bond, or such other bond payable to bearer, so presented, either upon the back or upon the face thereof, as may be convenient, a statement to the effect that the said bond is registered in the name of the owner, and that thereafter the interest and principal of said bond are payable to the registered owner.  Thereafter, and from time to time any such bond may be transferred by such registered owner in person, or by attorney duly authorized on presentation of such bond to such treasurer, or such other officer, and the bond be again registered as before, a similar statement being stamped, printed or written thereon.  Such statement stamped, printed or written upon any such bond may be in substantially the following form:


(Date, giving month, day and year.)
This bond is registered pursuant to the statute in such cases made and provided in the name of ______ (here insert name of owner) and the interest and principal thereof are hereafter payable to such owner.
______, treasurer (or such other officer).




After any bond shall have been registered as aforesaid, the principal and interest of such bond shall be payable to the registered owner.  Such treasurer, or such other officer, shall keep in his office a book or books which shall at all times show what bonds are registered and in whose names.


(L. 1969 3d Ex. Sess. H.B. 23 § 13)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1969 ----

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