☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 256

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1992    bottom

  256.657.  Secretary of commission to serve as treasurer — salary, expenses, staff and equipment — bond requirement — deposit of funds — duties — annual audit — report — warrants, form. — 1.  The secretary of the commission shall hold the office of treasurer of such district and he shall receive and receipt for all moneys collected or obtained by the commission.

  2.  The secretary may receive a salary, payable monthly, such as the commission may fix, as well as all necessary expenses.  The commission shall furnish the secretary the necessary office room, furniture, stationery, maps, plats, typewriter and postage, which office shall be in the county, or one of the counties, in which such district is situated, and the district records shall be kept in such office.

  3.  The secretary may appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the commission, one or more deputies as may be necessary, whose salary or salaries and necessary expenses shall be paid by the district.

  4.  The secretary shall give bond in such amount as shall be fixed by the commission, conditioned that he will account for and pay out, as provided by law, all moneys received by him from any source, which bond shall be signed by at least two sureties, approved and accepted by the commission, and the bond shall be in addition to the bond for the proceeds of sales of bonds.  The bond of the secretary may, if the commission shall so direct, be furnished by a surety or bonding company, which shall be approved by the commission.  Bond shall be placed and remain in the custody of the president of the commission, and shall be kept separate from all papers in custody of the secretary.

  5.  The secretary shall deposit all funds received by him in some bank, banks or trust company to be designated by the commission.  All interest accruing on such funds shall, when paid, be credited to the district.

  6.  The commission shall have audited the books of the secretary of the district by a certified public accountant each year and make report thereof to the landowners within thirty days thereafter, showing the amount of money received, the amount paid out during such year, and the amount in the treasury at the beginning and end of the year, and file a copy of such statement in the office of the county clerk of each county containing land embraced in the district.

  7.  The secretary of the district shall pay out funds of the district only on warrants issued by the district, said warrants to be signed by the president of the commission and attested by the signature of the secretary.  All warrants shall be in the following form:


$______ Fund ______ No. of warrant ______ Secretary of the Regional Water District, state of ______.
Pay to ______ dollars out of the money in ______ fund of ______ district for ______.
By order of commission of the Regional Water District.
President of district.
Attest ______,
Secretary of district.



(L. 1992 S.B. 661 & 620 § 28)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1992 ----

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