☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 443

< > Effective - 14 Jul 1975, see footnote    bottom

  443.325.  Individual notice of foreclosure sale — form of request for — recorder's duty — foreclosing part to give notice — release of security instrument, effect of — notice deemed given, when. — 1.  Any person desiring notice of sale under any deed of trust or mortgage with power of sale upon real property may, at any time subsequent to recordation of such deed of trust or mortgage, cause to be filed for record in the office of the recorder of each county in which any part or parcel of the real property is situated a duly acknowledged request for such notice of sale.  This request shall specify the name and address of the person to whom the notice is to be mailed and shall identify the deed of trust or mortgage by stating the names of the parties thereto and the legal description of the land described therein and the book and page where the same is recorded or the recorder's number and shall be in substantially the following form:


"In accordance with RSMo, 443.325, request is hereby made that notice of sale under the deed of trust (or mortgage) recorded the ______ day of ______, 20______, (as recorder's number ______ or in Book ______, Page ______ ) of the records of ______ County, Missouri, the legal description of the property being ______ in County, Missouri, executed by ______ as Grantor (or Mortgagor) in which ______ is named as beneficiary (or Mortgagee) and ______ as Trustee, be mailed to ______ (Name) at ______, (Address) ______, (City) (State).




A separate request shall be filed for each person desiring notice of sale.

  2.  Upon the filing for record of such request, the recorder shall index the request in a separate index so that the name of the mortgagor or grantor shall be indexed as the grantor, and the name of the requesting party shall be indexed as the grantee.

  3.  In the event of foreclosure under a power of sale, the foreclosing mortgagee or trustee shall, not less than twenty days prior to the scheduled date of the sale, cause to be deposited in the United States mail an envelope certified or registered, and with postage prepaid, enclosing a notice containing the information required in the published notice of sale referred to in section 443.320, addressed

  (1)  To each person whose name and address is set forth in any such request recorded at least forty days prior to the scheduled date of sale; and

  (2)  To the person shown by the records in the office of the recorder of deeds to be the owner of the property as of forty days prior to the scheduled date of foreclosure sale at the foreclosing mortgagee's last known address for said record owner; and

  (3)  To the mortgagor or grantor named in the deed of trust or mortgage at the foreclosing mortgagee's last known address for said mortgagor or grantor.

  (4)  Actual receipt by the addressee of the envelope referred to above shall not be necessary to establish compliance with the notice requirements of subsection 3 hereof.  Recording of receipt issued by the United States Post Office for certified or registered mail to evidence that said envelope has been delivered by the sender to the United States Post Office shall constitute proof of compliance with notice requirements of subsection 3 hereof.

  4.  The foreclosing mortgagee* or trustee of a deed of trust or mortgage filed subsequent to a deed of trust or mortgage for which a request has been recorded in accordance with subsection 1 hereof shall give notice to each person named in each such request so long as the prior deed of trust or mortgage identified in such notice has not been released of record.

  5.  The release of a deed of trust or mortgage shall cancel of record all requests for notice which pertain to the deed of trust or mortgage identified in such request.


(L. 1973 H.B. 164, A.L. 1975 H.B. 226)

Effective 7-14-75

*Word "mortgages" appears in original rolls.

---- end of effective  14 Jul 1975 ----

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