☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 488

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2005, 2 histories    bottom

  94.903.  Sales tax authorized (certain fourth class cities) — ballot — administration and collection — refunds — repeal of tax, ballot — continuation of tax, ballot. — 1.  In addition to other fees authorized by law, the clerk of each court shall collect the following fees on the filing of any civil or criminal action or proceeding, including an appeal, except that no fee shall be imposed pursuant to this section on any case that is filed charging traffic violations except alcohol-related offenses:


Supreme court and court of appeals $20.00;
Circuit division $10.00;
Associate circuit courts $  8.00; and
Small claims courts No additional fee


  2.  Court filing surcharges pursuant to this section shall be collected in the same manner as other fees, fines, or costs in the case.  The amounts so collected shall be paid by the clerk to the office of the state courts administrator and credited to the special fund designated as the basic civil legal services fund.  However, the additional fees prescribed by this section shall not be collected when a criminal proceeding or defendant has been dismissed by the court or when costs are waived or are to be paid by the state, county, municipality, or other political subdivision of this state.


(L. 2003 S.B. 447, A.L. 2005 S.B. 420 & 344)

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