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American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Assistance Listing Number: 84.250Q
Program Type: Discretionary Grants

Program Description

The purpose of the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) program, which is also known as the Section 121 Program, is to provide grants to the governing bodies of Indian Tribes to develop or to increase their capacity to provide a program of vocational rehabilitation services, in a culturally relevant manner, to American Indians with disabilities residing on or near federal or state reservations. The program's goal is to assist American Indians with disabilities, consistent with such individuals’ strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice, so that such individuals may prepare for, and engage in, high-quality employment that will increase opportunities for economic self-sufficiency. Program services are provided under an individualized plan for employment and may include native healing services.


The governing body of an Indian tribe or consortia of such governing bodies located on federal and state reservations may apply.

AIVRS Projects

For a listing of current AIVRS projects (93 projects across 26 States), please visit the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Training and Technical Assistance Center (AIVRTTAC)