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84.421F: DIF - Creating a 21st Century Workforce of Youth and Adults with Disabilities Through the Transformation of Education, Career, and Competitive Integrated Employment

Assistance Listing Number: 84.421F
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants

Program Description


The purpose of this priority is to fund model demonstration projects designed to develop, implement, refine (as defined in this notice), evaluate, and disseminate, for easy adoption, new or substantially improved model strategies or programs to transition youth and adults with disabilities to competitive integrated employment (CIE) in any one of five topic areas or sixth field-initiated topic area that includes the opportunity to address more than one topic as outlined in this notice.

Topic Areas

Topic Area 1: Broadening Access to Advanced Technology Careers and Creating A 21st Century Workforce of Youth and/or Adults with Disabilities Leading to CIE;

Topic Area 2: Innovative Applications (as defined in this notice) of Advanced Technology to Support Youth and/or Adults with Disabilities Leading to CIE;

Topic Area 3: Justice-Involved Youth with Disabilities: Early Intervention (as defined in this notice) and Reintegration (as defined in this notice) from the Juvenile Justice System to the Community, Leading to CIE;

Topic Area 4: Early Intervention and Workforce Reintegration Strategies for Youth and/or Adults with Acquired Disabilities that Lead to CIE;

Topic Area 5: Early Intervention and Workforce Reintegration Strategies for Disconnected Youth and/or Disconnected Adults with Disabilities that Lead to CIE; and

Topic Area 6: Field Initiated


  • State agencies or their equivalents under State law: (1) State Educational Agency; (2) State Juvenile Justice agency; (3) State Developmental Disabilities agency; (4) State Department of Health; (5) State Department of Human Services; or (6) the Designated State Unit for VR Services.
  • Public, Private and Nonprofit Entities, including Indian Tribes and Institutions of Higher Education.