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Federal Financial Reporting and Technical Assistance

Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) Update

On March 19, 2024, RSA sent this email to VR agencies regarding of a change in the applicability of BABAA to home modifications under the VR program. Since issuing its initial guidance to VR agencies on March 23, 2023, RSA received inquiries about the applicability of BABAA to home modification projects undertaken by VR agencies for VR program participants pursuant to an Individualized Plan for Employment and this email addresses those inquiries. 

Instructions for VR Financial Report (RSA-17) (DCL-23-03)

On September 28, 2023, RSA transmitted a copy of the revised Vocational Rehabilitation Financial Report (RSA-17) form and instructions for the State VR Services program. The Office of Management and Budget has approved this information collection (OMB control number 1820-0017) until September 30, 2026. The revisions to the RSA-17 are effective for the VR program for new VR grant awards issued on or after October 1, 2023 (FFY 2024). The RSA-17 collects semiannual cumulative VR financial data on an award-by-award basis.

This comparison document lists the RSA-2 and SF-425 data elements that are comparable to RSA-17 data elements and outlines differences between the three information collections. VR agencies may use this technical assistance tool when developing their internal controls related to the RSA-17 to ensure the correct data is being reported.

State VR Program Change in Interpretation of Recipient (DCL-23-02)

On June 23, 2023, RSA issued this letter that informs VR agencies of RSA's change in interpretation of the word “recipient,” for purposes of determining satisfaction of the carryover requirement of section 19(b) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act) (29 U.S.C. § 716(b)) and 34 C.F.R. § 361.64(b). For reasons described in the letter, this change in interpretation affects only the VR program when there are two VR agencies in a State (General and Blind); it does not affect the State Supported Employment Services program.

Allowable Sources of Non-Federal Share for the State VR Services Program

On February 27, 2023, RSA issued TAC-23-01 to promote a better understanding of the various allowable sources of non-Federal match available under the VR program.

Guide for Requesting Changes to Grantee Information on Formula Grant Award Notifications

On October 21, 2022, RSA revised its Guide that provides technical assistance about information included on Grant Award Notifications (GANs) and how to request changes to that information. RSA will only make changes to grant awards in an “open” status in G5.

Formula Award Information Collections and Reporting Deadlines

In the Spring of 2021, RSA partnered with the VRTAC-QM to develop this technical assistance tool to help VR agencies and other grantees track the information collections RSA manages for formula awards and the deadlines for submitting these data to RSA. This tool includes details related to the fiscal information collections, including the RSA-17, RSA-692, SF-425 reports, and the Certification Regarding Lobbying Form

Revised Instructions for Completing SF-425 Reports for CAP, IL-OIB, and PAIR (DCL-20-01)

On July 29, 2020 RSA transmitted a copy of the SF-425 and revised instructions for completing the form for the following formula award programs: CAP, IL-OIB, and PAIR. RSA revised and updated the instructions because the Department has retired parts 74 and 80 of EDGAR and adopted in their place the Uniform Guidance at 2 C.F.R. part 200. 

Cancellation Fees Technical Assistance 

On December 17, 2019, RSA responded to inquiries received regarding whether "fees for services that were not rendered" or "cancellation fees" are allowable under the State VR Services, State Supported Employment Services, and Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind programs. In this response, RSA provides an analysis for program staff to use when determining whether such a cost is allowable and, therefore, may be paid with program funds as an administrative cost.

VR Program Maintenance of Effort Calculation 

On September 16, 2019, RSA informed VR agencies of an important change to the process used to assess maintenance of effort (MOE) for the VR program that will affect the way RSA allots funds in FFY 2020 and beyond. 

Supported Employment Program SF-425 Instructions 

On August 3, 2018, RSA issued PD-18-02 to transmit a copy of the SF-425 and revised instructions for completing the form for the funds reserved under the Supported Employment program for services, including extended services, to youth with the most significant disabilities (CFDA 84.187B).  

On August 3, 2018, RSA also issued PD-18-01 to transmit a copy of the SF-425 and revised instructions for completing the form for the portion of the Supported Employment allotment not required to be reserved and expended for youth with the most significant disabilities (CFDA 84.187A). 

Certification Regarding Lobbying Form

RSA grantees must sign and submit the Certification Regarding Lobbying Form (ED 80-0013) to RSA in order to comply with the certification requirements under 34 C.F.R. Part 82, "New Restrictions on Lobbying." This certification is a material representation of fact upon which the U.S. Department of Education relies when it makes a grant or enters into a cooperative agreement.