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Prehistory of Tamil Nadu

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Good day. I would like to know why you labeled the fragment about Tamil Nadu's prehistory that contained quite well-known facts as "false". I added links to some sources available online; in fact, there are lots of detailed works about Indian continent's prehistory that agree that the spread of technologies took place in the direction from North to South. In particular, first Neolithic cultures emerged in North India about 7000 BC, while the South Indian Neolithic lasted from 3000 BC to 1800 BC, that is, much later. --Dmitri Lytov 03:28, 14 мая 2013 (UTC)[ответить]

Hi Dmitri Lytov, thanks for writing in.
Well, the earliest Neolithic site in South Asia is Mehrgarh, dated to 7500 BC, in the Kachi plain of Baluchistan, Pakistan; the site has evidence of farming (wheat and barley) and herding (cattle, sheep and goats) and their language is a Dravidian Language and this confirms that the Neolithic people of Tamil Nadu shared the same language family of the Harappan group, which can only be Dravidian and apart from Brahui all the other Dravidian languages are related only to the south Indian Region with no links to any of the North Indian Languages, So the Tamil People are none other than the Harappan People.. Pearll's sun 10:43, 14 мая 2013 (UTC)[ответить]
1) Let us not confuse the history of the territory of Tamil Nadu with that of Tamil people. The article is about the territory, and the fact that South India remained technologically backward throughout thousand of years is well attested by archaeological evidence.
2) Speaking about the history of Tamil people:
- there is no linguistic evidence left by the Neolithic culture of Mehrgarh, and speaking of the "Dravidian" language of Mehrgarh seems to be as useless as attributing it to any other languages, like "Aryan" or "Australian", for example;
- the finding of a Harappan inscription in South India may be an evidence of trade contacts between those territories, but nothing else. The examples of single imported artifacts found in the context of other cultures are quite numerous. The cultural difference between the Indus Valley and South India at that time was too huge to suppose any further affinity;
- the pre-Aryan substrate found in the Vedic language, and attributable to Harappa with a very high probability, shows no affinity to Dravidian languages; it looks rather like a language isolate;
- my own opinion, if it matters to you, is that Dravidian attribution of the Harappan civilization or even of any other advanced Neolithic cultures that preceded it is highly improbable, as it meets too many obstacles in the archaeological, linguistic and especially genetic evidence;
- whatever my opinion is, Wikipedia is not a proper place to discuss hypotheses. If you want, we can do it by e-mail. --Dmitri Lytov 23:15, 14 мая 2013 (UTC)[ответить]
I noticed that you asked other users the same question in the English Wikipedia. Well, to be honest, South India was indeed once progressive compared to North India, and even to the rest of the world. However, it took place really long ago, about 35,000 BC, when South Indians for the first time in the world introduced microlithic tools (scrapers, arrows etc.), which became known in Europe only 25,000 years later. However, for unknown reason, since then their development went really slow, perhaps because of favorable weather conditions (in other parts of the world people had to fight against the climate, and in order to survive in this struggle, they had to invent more and more advanced tools and ways of living). You can read about it, for example, in publications of this researcher (the site needs registration to allow downloading articles). Regards, Dmitri Lytov 13:07, 17 мая 2013 (UTC)[ответить]
Hi, thanks for the details. Yes, since the day the Tamil Nadu got merged with the Indian Union the excavation are in progress, but a bit slower. While Million-year-old tools are found near Chennai the Neolithic took longer, I hope more details are found sooner during the excavations so we may know the reasons behind the mystery. Pearll's sun 04:41, 18 мая 2013 (UTC)[ответить]