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Честерский зоопарк
Chester Zoo
Основан 1931
Находится Аптон-бай-Честер[англ.], Чешир
Площадь 125 акров (51 га)
Животных 20,000+ (2016)
Видов 500 (2016)
Число посетителей в год 1.69 млн. (2015)[1]
Веб-сайт [Честерский зоопарк  (англ.)
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Честерский зоопарк англ. Chester Zoo - зоопарк в Аптон-бай-Честер[англ.], Чешир, Англия. Честерский зоопарк был создан в 1931 году Джорджем Моттершидом[англ.]* и членами его семьи.[2] Это один из крупнейших зоопарков Великобритании, его площадь составляет 125 акров (51 га).[1].

Честерский зоопарк находится под управлением Зоологического Общества Северная Англия, зарегистрирован как благотворительная организация в 1934 году. Зоопарк не получает государственного финансирования. Честерский зоопарк стал самым посещаемым атракционом дикой природы Великобритании с 1.4 млню посетителей в 2014 году.[3] В 2007 году Forbes включил Честерский зоопарк в 15 лучших зоопарков мира.[4] В июле 2015 года TripAdvisor назвал Честерский зоопарк лучшим зоопарком Великобритании и седьмым в мире.[5]

Создание и начало деятельности

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  • [1] Карта Ordnance Survey[англ.] 1898 года территории, на которой расположен современный Честерский зоопарк: имение Оакфилд по центру внизу.

Семейным бизнесом Моттершидов было выращивание овощей и фруктов, их земли располагались в Шавингтоне[англ.] недалеко от Кру. Джордж Моттершид коллекционировал животных, таких как ящерицы и насекомые, которые попадали вместе с экзотическими растениями, которые покупались за рубежом для семейного бизнеса. Посещение зоопарка Белль Вью[англ.] в 1903 году зародило у юного Джорджа мечту создать собственный зоопарк.

Моттершид получил тяжелое ранение во время Первой мировой войны и привел несколько лет в инвалидном кресле. Несмотря на это его коллекция животных росла, и Джордж начал искать подходящее место для его зоопарка. Он выбрал имение Оакфилд[англ.] в Аптон-бай-Честере[англ.], который в то время был деревней, а сейчас является пригородом Честера. Он приобрёл имение Оакфилд за £3,500 в 1930 году.[6] В имении площадью 9 акров (3,6 га) росли сады, другой особенностью была близость к железной дороге, связывающей с Манчестером и Ливерпулем. Несмотря на все трудности, Честерский зоопарк был открыт для посещения 10 июня 1931 года.[7] Первые животные были выставлены в загонах во дворе.[6]

Быстрое расширение зоопарка, несмотря на трудности со снабжением, началось после Второй мировой войны. Моттершид был весьма находчив; экспозиция белого медведя (1950) была построена из использованных дорожных блоков и материалов дотов, разобранных после войны.[6] Главным девизом зоопарка того времени был "Все время строимся". Моттeршид был награжден Орденом Британской империи, получил почетную степень магистра, а также нанимал пост президента Международного Союза Директоров Зоопарков. Он умер в 1978 году в возрасте 84 лет.

Развитие зоопарка

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Моттершид хотел создать зоопарк без традиционных викторианских клеток из железных прутьев.[8] Он находился под влиянием Карла Хагинбека, изобретателя концепции современного зоопарка, и Хейни Хейдигера[англ.], пионера этологии.

В Честере Моттершид реализовал идею Хагенбека использовать рвы и канавы как альтернативу клеткам из прутьев, и применил ее на всей территории зоопарка, даже для видов, для которых Хагенбек ее применение не рассчитывал. Например, когда шимпанзе были выпущены в свое новое место обитания в Честере в 1956 году, на не небольшой архипелаг из заросших травой остовов, они были отделены от посетителей каналом шириной не более чем 12 футами (3,7 м). Никто в то время не знал, способны ли шимпанзе плавать. Выяснилось, что не могут и сегодня остров шимпанзе является одной из центральных экспозиций Честерского зоопарка.

В 1986 году зоопарк был обнесен забором в соответствии с Zoo Licensing Act 1981[англ.].[9]

Царство красной обезьяны, экспозиция, посвященная индонезийским лесам, и на которой представлены исчезающие виды[англ.] орангутанов с островов Суматра и Борнео, открылась в мае 2007 года.[10]

В январе 2009 года Честерский зоопарк представил Natural Vision, проект по превращению зоопарка в крупнейший аттракцион такого рода в Европе стоимостью £225 миллионов. Первая фаза проекта стоимостью £90 миллионов, включает экспозицию, посвященную африканском дождевым лесам площадью 140 акров (56 га), в которой будут представлены гориллы и шимпанзе, а также окапи и множество тропических птиц, земноводные, рептилии, рыбы, и беспозвоночные, свободно передвигающиеся среди пышной растительности. В планах также организация перемещения посетителей по воде. Natural Vision также учитывает строительство отеля на 90 номеров, колледжа, а также обновленный главный вход, который соединит зоопарк с пристанью; эти работы планируется завершить к 2018 году.[11] Планы были представлены для общественного обсуждения в июне 2009 года.[12]

The projected Heart of Africa bio-dome, along with plans for the hotel, were shelved in 2011 due to the loss of £40m potential funding when the North West Regional Development Agency was abolished.[13]

In December 2012 planning permission was gained for a later phase of the Natural Vision masterplan. One of the largest zoo developments in Europe, Islands at Chester Zoo is a £40million redevelopment project to extend the zoo's footprint and recreate six island habitats of Southeast Asia.[14]

Management structure

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The North of England Zoological Society (NEZS) is the organisation that runs Chester Zoo and the conservation campaign, Act for Wildlife. It was formed in 1934 by the zoo's founder, George Mottershead.[15]

The zoo is managed by an executive team led by Dr Mark Pilgrim, the director general. He is responsible for the zoological teams, science and education, and field conservation and research, as well as the whole zoo site. Jamie Christon is the managing director and responsible for development, finance, guest and business operations, marketing, human resources, and health and safety. Both report to the Board of Trustees for The North of England Zoological Society.[16]

Layout and facilities

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New bridge over Flag Lane

Mobility scooters and locker and buggy hire are available near the main entrance.Ошибка: некорректно задана дата установки (исправьте через подстановку шаблона)

The zoo is bisected by a public bridleway, Flag Lane. For many years, a single bridge (now called Elephants' Bridge), drivable by zoo vehicles and powered wheelchairs, near the elephant exhibit was the only crossing place within the grounds. A second crossing, passable by pedestrians and mobility scooters, called Bats' Bridge, opened in April 2008 near the Twilight Zone, has improved the ability of visitors to circulate.

There are other ways to travel around the zoo:

  • A transportation system, now generally known as the monorail, with a station at the main entrance near the elephants and a station near the lions. It runs in a circle, but riders are only permitted to make single journeys of a half circle.
  • A circular boat trip operates on the Lazy River in the Islands exhibit.

Visitors must pay extra for using the monorail, but the boat trip in Islands is included in normal zoo admission.

Chester's catering facilities include Bembé Kitchen near the main entrance which opened in 2006. June's Pavilion is on the west of the zoo and Manado Street Kitchen is found on Sulawesi in the Islands exhibit. The Oakfield Restaurant, in a Victorian mansion house near the lion enclosure, and the Acorn Bar, are both used for private functions as well as catering to zoo visitors.

There are children's play areas, shops, kiosks and several picnic lawns around the zoo. A second pedestrian entrance is located in the southeast corner of the zoo behind Oakfield House.

For a long time the public entrance was at the east end off Caughall Road. In recent years the public entrance has moved to the north side with dedicated access off the A41 Chester By-Pass. Thus the zoo is entered in the 'newer' part west of Flag Lane, near the elephants, and the old car parks at the east end are being built over with service and educational buildings.

The zoo owns land outside the public area, and uses that land to grow food for its herbivorous animals.

The Chester Zoo monorail.

A monorail system was built and installed by Computerised People Mover International at a cost of $4 million and then opened by the Duchess of Kent in 1991.[17][18][19] The system is 1 mile (1½ km) long and travels on an elevated guideway to give views of the park grounds – the track crosses Flag Lane twice on its one-way circular shape. The two halves of the park are connected by the system and there is one station in each part, one near the lion enclosure and one near the monkey building. Each train on the system can seat 24 passengers[20] between its four cars and a full tour takes around fifteen minutes.[21]

The system is a straddle beam monorail. The layout has a separate depot and control room[17][20] and carries approximately 2,000 passengers per day.[22] T&M Machine Tool Electronics made improvements totalling £300,000 to the monorail's drive system and electrics in 2009, including more than 25 миль (40 км) of new cabling. The monorail was re-launched by music producer Pete Waterman during a visit on 23 July 2009, when Waterman drove the first loop of the new system.[20] The upgraded system uses pairs of 2,2-киловатта (3 л. с.) AC motors for each carriage, with remote monitoring managed over a 5Ghz wireless link.[23] One week later a power failure occurred, requiring the first eight visitors of the day to be escorted off the monorail using a hydraulic lift.[24][25]

In May 2012, Queen Elizabeth II took a tour of Chester Zoo in a specially redecorated monorail set painted in a Union Flag theme for her Diamond Jubilee.[26][27][28][29]

Species and animals

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Female rhinoceros hornbill at Chester Zoo.

Chester Zoo holds a large and diverse collection. At the end of 2007, over half the species at the zoo appeared on the IUCN Red List and 155 were classified as threatened species. 134 species were kept as part of a managed captive breeding programme. The zoo manages the studbooks for Congo buffalo, jaguar, blue-eyed cockatoo, Madagascan tree boa, gemsbok (all ESB species), black rhinoceros, Ecuadorian amazon parrot, Mindanao writhe-billed hornbill and Rodrigues fruit bat (all EEP species). In addition, Chester holds 265 threatened plant species. At the end of 2015, Chester zoo became the first zoo outside of New Zealand to breed the tuatara.[30]

Group Number of species Number of animals
Mammals 79 1864
Birds 155 1138
Reptiles 52 230
Amphibians 24 577
Fish 100+(from end of 2012) 3829
Invertebrates 300 1381+
Total 710+ 9019+

Islands at Chester Zoo

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The zoo opened Islands at Chester Zoo in July 2015,[31] a project extending the footprint of the zoo by 15 acres and built to the south of the west half of the current site.

Islands showcases areas where the zoo is involved in conservation programmes, including Sumatra, the Philippines and Indonesia.[32] Visitors are able to walk between the islands via a series of bridges and also view the animals via on a boat trip. The project also includes educational exhibits, play areas and a restaurant, the Manado Street Kitchen.[33] The exhibit is opening in phases[34] with phase one including a boat trip around the enclosures for visitors to view some of the zoo's key species from South East Asia, including Visayan warty pigs, southern cassowary, banteng and lowland anoa.

Phase two opened later in the summer[34] and includes Sumatran tigers, Sunda gharials, and other reptiles, birds and invertebrates.

Phase two will also feature a new zoo building, the Monsoon Forest, the largest indoor zoo exhibit in the UK.

Phase 2 is now complete and open with the installation of the Sumatran orang utans and a breeding pair of Javan silver gibbons.[35]

Elephants of the Asian Forest

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An Asian elephant at Chester Zoo

Chester was the first zoo in the UK to successfully breed Asian elephants in captivity. The most famous of these was Jubilee (1977–2003), so named as he was born in 1977, the year of the Queen's Silver Jubilee. The zoo has a breeding herd of six elephants, composed of one male and five females – the breeding male Anug-Bo, ageing female Maya, Thi Hi Way, her daughters Sithami Hi Way and Nandita Hi Way and Sithami's daughter Sundara Hi Way . The elephant house also used to house African elephants, rhinos, hippos and tapirs. Motty, a hybrid African-Asian elephant calf was born in July 1978, but died in infancy.

A £2 million breeding facility modelled on an Assam (India) rainforest called Elephants of the Asian Forest opened in Easter 2006, as a major alteration of the zoo's previous elephant house. Inside the elephant house, other indigenous Asian species are exhibited, including great Indian hornbills, azure-winged magpies, green peafowl, red-billed blue magpies, red junglefowl, Derbyan parakeets, spiny turtles, and monitor lizards. There is an aquarium for pla eesok, pig-nosed turtles, clown loach and Asian arowana fish.[36]

On 10 February 2011 Sheba, the matriarch of Chester Zoo’s Asian elephant herd, had to be put down because of digestive tract illness caused by inability to chew her food because her last molar teeth were worn to stumps.

Spirit of the Jaguar

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Jaguars at Chester Zoo

Spirit of the Jaguar[37] was opened in 2001 and is sponsored by Jaguar Cars and was designed by McCormick Architecture.[38] The exhibit is split into four sections. The two inside are modelled on a rainforest and a dry savannah, and the two outside contain rivers and pools so that the jaguars can exercise their swimming skills. There are currently three jaguars, two spotted and one black like a black panther. A new breeding pair, Napo and Goshi, arrived from France in 2013 as non-breeders Coro and Bonita were moved and elderly males Salvador and Pele died. The exhibit also contains a pack of bush dogs, a colony of leaf-cutter ants, sloths, and an aquarium featuring numerous rainforest fish such as Discus fish and shoals of tetra. The exhibit went through another makeover in late 2011, and now has a theme focusing on human/wildlife conflict.[39][40]

Realm of the Red Ape

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Realm of the Red Ape is a GBP3.5 million extension to the existing orangutan house, home to Bornean orangutans, and was the most expensive capital project in the zoo's history before the construction of Islands.[41] The exhibit opened to the public on 26 May 2007 after a two-year construction period. It comprises a new two-story building linked to the existing orangutan house with three indoor and two outdoor enclosures, providing accommodation for a larger number of apes. The outdoor areas can be viewed from a first floor public gallery and feature mesh roofs supported by tree-like structures which act as climbing frames for the apes. A further enclosure houses a group of four lar gibbons.

Animals and plants from Indonesia are exhibited inside Realm of the Red Ape in a rainforest-themed setting. Birds on display include Timor sparrows, chestnut-backed thrushes, and orange-headed thrushes. Crocodile monitors, reticulated pythons, red-tailed racers, king ratsnakes, emerald tree monitors and green tree pythons feature among the reptiles. Asian tree toads, White's tree frogs, giant walking sticks, jungle nymphs, praying mantises and leaf insects complete the line-up.

Located next to Realm of the Red Ape is an enclosure for Europe's first breeding pair of babirusa, and oriental small-clawed otters. Sumatran orangutans are to move out of Realm of the Red Ape in late 2015 to move to 'Islands'.

The Chimpanzee Breeding Centre

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A chimpanzee group

This pavilion was opened in 1989 by Diana, Princess of Wales and Countess of Chester, and is home to 26 common chimpanzees. This is the largest colony of chimps in Europe, housed in the Roundhouse, a conical indoor enclosure linked to an outside moated island. The island is planted with many bushes and has large poles for the chimps to climb on. The inside area has a climbing frame that allows the chimps to stay close together on several levels of platform. There are seven interconnected off-show dens.

The two okapis at the zoo

Tsavo Rhino Experience

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The zoo's black rhinoceros exhibit, modelled on the Tsavo National Park in Kenya, was opened in 2003 at a cost of GBP2 million. The zoo has a successful rhinoceros breeding programme and currently keeps eight rhinos. Meerkats and crested porcupines are kept in a small enclosure nearby, and a nearby paddock is home to banded mongooses and warthogs.

Fruit Bat Forest is the largest free-flying bat cave in Europe. The cave holds three species of bat: Rodrigues fruit bats, Livingstone's fruit bats and Seba's short-tailed bats. It is also home to a varied collection of other species including Madagascar hissing cockroaches, scorpions, Turkish spiny mice and blind cave fish.

Monkey Islands was opened in 1997, replacing the old monkey house, and is currently home to four monkey species: Colombian black spider monkeys, mandrills, lion-tailed macaques and Buffy-headed capuchins. Campbell's guenons and porcupines were formerly housed with the mandrills, and Sulawesi crested macaques were kept here until they moved to 'Islands' in 2015. Visitors enter the monkey house and view the animals from a central corridor. Each species has a glass-fronted indoor enclosure with climbing apparatus and an outdoor enclosure, moated and heavily planted.

Miniature Monkeys, opened in May 2004, consists of two enclosures. The first is home to a pair of pied tamarins with pygmy marmosets, and the second is shared by three emperor tamarins, three golden-headed lion tamarins and a pair of red titis. Azara's agoutis, Geoffrey's marmosets, black-tailed marmosets, black lion tamarins and white-faced sakis have also been housed here in the past but have been moved out for various reasons.

Bears of the Cloud Forest

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Bears of the Cloud Forest opened in 2004 and is home to a pair of spectacled bears and other South American animals. The purpose-built exhibit is designed to mimic the bear's natural habitat by providing trees and a rocky terrain. Sharing the bears' enclosure with them are a non-breeding group of ring-tailed coatis. Nearby are paddocks housing capybaras and Brazilian tapirs.

Guanaco and Vicuna were previously housed with Rhea.

Secret World of the Okapi

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Formerly the camel house, this enclosure adjoining the giraffe house was remodelled in 2006 to house okapi. Initially two males were kept: Dicky arrived from Marwell Wildlife in 2005 and Mbuti came from Bristol Zoo in the same year. In 2006 Dicky left for London Zoo to make way for a female named Stuma from Germany. In 2009 Mbuti and Dicky were swapped back, with Mbuti going to London after advice that he should be bred with Stuma, and Dicky coming back to Chester. Other animals that can be seen here include red duikers, Gambian pouched rats, several species of cichlid from Lake Barombi Mbo in Cameroon, Gaboon vipers, Mount Kulal spiny mice and Mesic four-striped grass mice. The okapi bred for the first time in 2012, producing a female calf named Tafari.

The fountain and gardens in front of Islands in Danger

This exhibit is primarily a herpetarium for the zoo's Komodo dragons, originating from the Lesser Sunda Islands. It was opened in 1998 and extended in 2003 to include an outdoor enclosure used by the dragons in the warmer summer months. The exhibit is built on the site of the zoo's former bird house. In 2007, several young baby Komodo dragons were put on display after one of the zoo's two females laid eggs which hatched although the female had not been mated; this is parthenogenesis, the first such case recorded in this species.[42] The exhibit was revamped in 2009 to house Caribbean iguanas in one section of the building.

Dragons in Danger also houses various Indonesian and Philippine rainforest birds, such as Palawan peacock-pheasants, pheasant pigeons and Victoria crowned pigeons. Recently added was a small group of Mindanao bleeding-hearts which have successfully bred.[источник не указан 4823 дня] Species formerly kept in the exhibit include Visayan tarictic hornbills, Socorro doves, Papuan lorikeets and Saint Lucia parrots.

Located near the sun bears, this area used to be a petting farm, but was closed due to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. The petting farm is now a picnic lawn and a former kune kune pig enclosure has been demolished in favour of a food stall.

Mongoose Mania, which houses dwarf mongooses features tunnels beneath the enclosure which allow children to crawl through, popping up their heads into plastic domes to give them a mongoose's eye view of the world.

Giant otters and penguins

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In early 2010, the Californian sea lions left the collection. Over the late winter the pool was converted to house a new species to the zoo. The giant otters went on show for the first time on 26 March 2010. The zoo bred their first pups in 2013.

In the neighbouring enclosure, a large breeding group of over 50 Humboldt penguins have their own pool, and visitors can watch the birds from an underwater viewing window.

Chester's Tropical Realm is Britain's largest tropical house at over 26,000 cubic metres. Opened in 1964, most of the interior is an open-plan space extending to roof level and themed with pools and mature tropical plants, with pathways for visitors through the undergrowth. Here, more than 30 species of birds are free-flying, including Nicobar pigeons, various species of starlings and ground birds such as crested partridges.

Aviaries and vivaria are arranged around the sides of the building; those on the upper level were originally designed for birds of paradise and the hornbill aviaries were originally made for gorillas. The aviaries currently house birds such as great Indian hornbills, rhinoceros hornbills, two pairs of tarictic hornbill (one pure-bred and one hybrid), writhed-billed hornbills, wrinkled hornbills, red-crested turacos, Palawan peacock-pheasants, Congo peafowl, Bali starlings, blue-crowned pigeons, fairy-bluebirds, white-rumped shama, Montserrat orioles and red-billed curassows.

The Tropical Realm is also the centre of the reptile collection. The crocodile pools (which formerly housed West African dwarf crocodiles, American alligators and Philippine crocodiles) currently house spectacled caimans. Near the entrance is an enclosure for tuataras. This lizard-like species from New Zealand is the last surviving sphenodont, a prehistoric group of reptiles, and Chester is the only British zoo to exhibit them. There were many varieties of snakes and lizards in the past (many had to depart as a result) ; rhinoceros ratsnakes, garter snakes and eyelash vipers now being the only remaining. The lizard collection is now made up of beaded lizards, caiman lizards, and a Parson's chameleon.

Tortoises are represented by Galápagos and radiated tortoises, whilst other species include poison dart frogs and invertebrates such as death's head cockroaches, tailless whip scorpions and a salmon pink bird-eating spider.

Work has commenced on the former indoor quarters of the yellow breasted capuchins to house a pair of endangered Aye-Aye.

A vulture at the zoo

This is the zoo's largest aviary, and is one of the biggest in the UK. It was opened in 1993 on the site of the former polar bear enclosure. It houses a variety of European birds, including European black vultures and griffon vultures, and the rarer of the two European storks, the black stork. There are spoonbills, ibises and egrets as well as a selection of waterfowl. Smaller birds include rock doves, northern lapwings, red-legged partridges and the native but rare red-billed chough.

This aviary was constructed to rehouse the zoo's breeding pair of Andean condors, who have since parent-reared a chick for the first time. It is now also home for the American black vulture from the Americas and several species of waterfowl. The aviary is dominated by a large sandstone waterfall, and a fake llama skeleton is used at feeding time. The enclosure is built on the site of the zoo's former brown bear enclosure.

Rare Parrot Breeding Centre

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Blue-throated macaw.

Parrots on display here include blue-eyed cockatoos, red-vented cockatoos, palm cockatoos, short-billed black cockatoos, red-and-blue lories, yellow-backed chattering lories, Mount Apo lorikeets and blue-and-yellow macaws. Most of the birds were moved to the Rare Parrot Breeding Centre from the old parrot house when it was demolished in 2005 to make way for Realm of the Red Ape.

This enclosure consists of several aviaries housing rare and endangered South American parrots and macaws. These include hyacinth macaws, blue-winged macaws, blue-throated macaws, golden conures, golden-capped conures, blue-throated conures, red-crowned parrots and red-tailed parrots. The first aviary was opened in 2001 and the remainder in 2004. A single Azara's agouti also forms part of the exhibit.

The aquarium is a small and traditional building (one of the oldest at the zoo, built by George Mottershead's daughter and son-in-law in the 1950s) housing a varied collection of freshwater and marine fish, aquatic invertebrates and amphibians. It has had notable success breeding seahorses and achieved the first captive breeding of the freshwater motoro stingray.

Other notable fish include electric eels, African lungfish, tropical reef fish (such as clownfish) and various Lake Malawi cichlids. Amphibians include Japanese fire belly newts and axolotls. Invertebrates such as starfish, sea urchins and several species of coral and shrimps are housed with the fish.

Asian Plains and paddocks

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Scimitar-horned oryxes

In 2008, Asian Plains received its official opening.[43] Based around a mixed-species paddock featuring blackbuck and Burmese brow-antlered deer, the exhibit has recently been extended to include new enclosures for greater one-horned rhinoceros and cheetah. The male rhino was joined by a female in 2008 to form a pair which the zoo hoped would breed. Sadly in November 2009 the male Indian rhino "Patna" was put down due to a longstanding leg injury. The zoo obtained a replacement male from Edinburgh Zoo in March 2010. Since they were closely related the previous female departed for a zoo in Spain shortly after, and the zoo are in the progress of creating a breeding situation – Baabu has now been exchanged for 'Beni' from Pilsen Zoo. The paddocks formerly housed barasingha, Ankole cattle and sitatunga.

Other paddocks on the west side of the zoo support grazing herds of Grevy's zebras, sitatunga, Kirk's dik-diks, scimitar-horned oryx, gemsbok, eastern bongo, lesser kudu and roan antelope.

Przewalski's horses have recently left the collection to make way for the new African hunting dog enclosure. Other animals formerly housed here were Père David's deer, red-necked wallabies, ostriches and emus.

Mkomazi National Park Painted Dogs Conserve

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In 2011, a new exhibit housing African painted dogs on the site of the former Przewalski's horse paddock was opened. In the style of an African Research Station with an African Village, the exhibit has a dry landscape with fake kopje stones. A pack of five African painted dogs are the main exhibit, however aardvarks and rock hyraxes are nearby.

Forest Zone and Butterfly Journey

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The north east area of the zoo is where many forest-dwelling species are kept. As well as the chimpanzees, okapis, jaguars, condors and Tropical Realm, there are enclosures for Congo buffalo, red river hogs and Malayan tapir. Nearby is a large paddock for the zoo's nine Rothschild giraffes. Aye-ayes are to be housed near the exit of the Tropical Realm as well as a group of native sand lizards, and a mixed enclosure for red-knobbed curassows and blue jays. An enclosure formerly housing maned wolves has been replaced by a heated butterfly house called Butterfly Journey, which is based around the life cycle of a butterfly, featuring free-flying butterflies and moths (The exotic species on show include blue morphos, giant owls, glasswings, swallowtails and Atlas moths), a cabinet of cocoons, and an area with caterpillars.

Animals formerly displayed in forest zone include maned wolves, babirusa, warthogs, Chilean pudú, Mallorcan midwife toads, golden-bellied capuchins, visayan warty pigs, ring-tailed coatis and bactrian camels.

A sumatran tiger at Chester Zoo

As well as jaguars, Chester Zoo keeps lions, tigers and cheetahs[44] in its big cat collection. The lions are the Asiatic subspecies found only in the Gir Forest in India in the wild. The zoo's former resident male Asoka was joined by a female, Asha, from Rome in 2006. The pair have bred on three occasions, but so far their only offspring to survive has been a male cub, Tejas, born and hand-reared in 2007. His upbringing was featured prominently in the first series of Zoo Days. Tejas left Chester Zoo for Besancon early in 2008 as part of the European breeding programme for this subspecies. Asoka left the zoo in early 2010, he was moved to Rome Zoo as part of the European breeding programme. His replacement is 3-year-old Iblis, who arrived from Planckendael Zoo in Belgium. In late summer 2011, Asha retired to Santillana and was replaced by four-year females Kiburi and Kumari.

In 2007, a male Sumatran tiger called Kepala arrived from Dudley Zoo to join the two resident female Bengal tigers, who left in 2008. The same year, the zoo acquired a female tiger named Kirana, but unfortunately it was discovered that the pair were related. Kepala departed to Dublin Zoo and a new male named Fabi was brought in to form a breeding pair of Sumatrans, a critically endangered subspecies in the wild.[45] Kirana and Fabi bred and have so far bred successfully on three occasions since 2011.[46]

The zoo welcomed its first ever cheetah cubs in June 2011. The cheetahs are the vulnerable Sudanese subspecies, and another litter was born in 2013.

In early October 2015 the zoo welcomed a pair of Malayan Sun Bears from the Rare Species Conservation Centre in Kent. There is a female called Milli (8) and a male called Toni (11). They moved to the old Tiger enclosure after the tigers moved to Islands and are the first Sun Bears at the zoo since 1976.

Blue cranes

Other animals exhibited at Chester Zoo include Bactrian camel and onager in a large paddock in the centre of the zoo, formerly the zebra exhibit. A paddock which was only visible from the monorail but can now be seen from the Bats' Bridge holds a group of Philippine spotted deer.

In 2009, a walk-through bird safari with African bird species opened. It currently houses hornbills, lilac-breasted rollers, hammerkops, weaver birds and a variety of waterfowl, amongst other species.

Bordering the paddocks is a waterway running north-south along which the water bus travels, past island groups of white-faced sakis, Alaotran bamboo lemurs and howler monkeys. A variety of callitrichids, including cotton-top tamarins, were formerly housed on the Bamboo lemur Island, whilst the howler monkey and white-faced saki exhibits were formerly home to black-and-white ruffed lemurs and red ruffed lemurs. A now unoccupied island has previously held lowland anoas and babirusas.

In the southeast corner of the zoo are enclosures housing an assortment of animals including bush dogs, red pandas, servals, Southern pudu and giant anteaters.

Near the Rare Parrot Breeding Centre is an aviary currently housing spectacled owls and formerly home to macaws and keas the remainder of the zoo's owl collection are seen nearby. The owl aviaries were recently modified.

Flocks of Chilean and Caribbean flamingos live in shallow water alongside a large island housing a group of ring-tailed lemurs. New indoor accommodation for the flamingos was completed in 2007. Storks, cranes and a variety of waterfowl are housed in large pens alongside Tsavo.

In 2011 and 2012 there was a display of animatronic dinosaurs: Triceratops, Edmontosaurus and its eggs and hatchlings, Dilophosaurus (which squirts water from its mouth), Allosaurus, Rugops, Omeisaurus, Apatosaurus, Baryonyx, Dimetrodon, Tyrannosaurus rex. A second exhibition was made in 2012 with other anamatronic dinosaurs featuring: a Stegosaurus, a Dilophosaurus and young (which both spit water), a Megalosaurus, a Styracosaurus and hatchlings, a Brachiosaurus, a Quetzalcoatlus, an Edmontonia, a Pachycephalosaurus, two Coelophysis, a Parasaurolophus, a Deinonychus and a Tyrannosaurus rex and young.

Membership and adoption

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The zoo has a scheme whereby people can adopt an animal of their choice, they are also given two complimentary tickets to allow them to visit the animals. They can also become members which allows them to visit Chester and a range of other zoos across England free of charge for a year. Every three months, members and adopters receive Z magazine, which provides updates and information about what is happening at the zoo.Ошибка: некорректно задана дата установки (исправьте через подстановку шаблона)

During summer 2007, television crews from Granada filmed at Chester for the documentary series Zoo Days, a behind the scenes look at the day-to-day running of the zoo, narrated by Jane Horrocks. British broadcast rights were sold to Five and the first 20-part series began airing on British terrestrial TV on 8 October 2007, transmitting on weekday evenings in a regular 6:30 pm slot. A second 20-part series of Zoo Days was swiftly commissioned and began airing on 3 March 2008.[47] The third 20-part series was broadcast from Colchester Zoo, before returning to Chester for the fourth 20-part series on 10 November 2008.[48]

In February 2009, "The History of Chester Zoo" was a contestant's chosen subject on Mastermind.

In 2014 the zoo was the subject of BBC One Drama Our Zoo, telling the story of the founding of Chester Zoo by the Mottershead family in the 1930s.[49] During the six part series the show reached audiences in excess of five million viewers and was nominated for two National TV awards.[50]

  1. 1 2 Chester Zoo. Goodzoos website. Дата обращения: 27 февраля 2007.
  2. History of Chester Zoo. Chester Zoo website  (англ.). Дата обращения: 8 мая 2008.
  3. Chester Zoo celebrates a record breaking year. So Cheshire (7 января 2015). Дата обращения: 20 июля 2015.
  4. The World's Best Zoos. Forbes (5 ноября 2007). Дата обращения: 21 мая 2008. Архивировано 31 июля 2008 года.
  5. Price, Mike Chester Zoo named best rated zoo in the Uk by TripAdvisor. Дата обращения: 20 июля 2015.
  6. 1 2 3 From Polar Bears to Pandas: The History of Chester Zoo. Chester City Council (13 февраля 2008). Дата обращения: 20 июня 2008.
  7. Chester Zoo. Goodzoos website. Дата обращения: 27 февраля 2007.
  8. Hunter, Pamela. Veterinary medicine: a guide to historical sources. — Ashgate Publishing, 2004. — P. 455. — ISBN 0-7546-4053-1.
  9. The Zoo Estate. Chester Zoo website. Дата обращения: 28 февраля 2007.
  10. Realm of the Red Ape Conservation Programme. Chester Zoo. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2016.
  11. Zoo unveils £225m transformation. bbc.co.uk. BBC (27 января 2009). Дата обращения: 12 августа 2012.
  12. Zoo's rainforest plans considered. bbc.co.uk. BBC (28 июня 2009). Дата обращения: 12 августа 2012.
  13. Holmes, David (23 Июль 2013). "Zoo's bio-dome stalls but joy at £30m exhibit". The Chester Chronicle. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2016.
  14. "Chester Zoo's £30m exotic islands development wins planning permission". Liverpool Echo. 23 Ноябрь 2012. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2016.
  15. Our Structure and Governance. Chester Zoo. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2016.
  16. Annual Reports. Chester Zoo. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2016.
  17. 1 2 North, B H (Июль 1992). "Next Stop for the Peoplemover (Abstract)". Urban Transport International – Peoplemovers Update Supplement. Landor Publishing Limited. Computerised People Mover International have developed a straddling monorail which is in use at Chester Zoo.
  18. Chester Zoo. Monorails of Europe. The Monorail Society. Дата обращения: 24 июля 2009.
  19. Historical Archives of the site of Upton's Zoo. Upton-by-Chester Local History Group. — «in 1991 the duchess of Kent opened the zoo monorail.» Дата обращения: 25 июля 2009.
  20. 1 2 3 Coulbeck, Ben Music mogul Pete Waterman launches Chester Zoo's revamped monorail. Chester Chronicle (23 июля 2009). Дата обращения: 24 июля 2009.
  21. Pete Waterman gets birds eye view of the zoo. News. Chester Zoo (17 июля 2009). Дата обращения: 24 июля 2009.
  22. Yigitcanlar, Tan Challenges to Urban Transport Sustainability and Smart Transport in a Tourist City: The Gold Coast. The Open Transportation Journal 42 (2008). — «Automated People Movers: Daily Ridership (Thousand People)... Chester Zoo, UK: 2».
  23. Tinham, Brian (марта-апреля 2011). "Chester Zoo monorail upgrade goes smoothly" (PDF). Plant Engineer. Архивировано 7 апреля 2011. Дата обращения: 19 мая 2012. {{cite journal}}: |section= игнорируется (справка)Википедия:Обслуживание CS1 (формат даты) (ссылка)
  24. Moreton, Nick (27 Июль 2009). "Eight people rescued from Chester Zoo monorail after power failure". Liverpool Daily Post.
  25. Porter, Gary (30 Июль 2009). "Chester Zoo's revamped monorail service breaks down due to power failure".
  26. Great British Monorail Train Unveiled. Zoo News. Chester Zoo (11 мая 2012). Дата обращения: 19 мая 2012.
  27. "Queen to visit zoo on jubilee tour". Chester Chronicle. 17 Май 2012. Дата обращения: 19 мая 2012.
  28. "The Queen unveils plaque at Chester Zoo". ITV News. 17 Май 2012. Дата обращения: 19 мая 2012.
  29. Arthurs, Deborah (17 Май 2012). "Your carriages await, Ma'am! Brave Queen cruises down the Mersey on a duck and rides a monorail at Chester Zoo on Diamond Jubilee tour". Daily Mail. Дата обращения: 19 мая 2012.
  30. Chester Zoo Annual Review 2007 – Appendices. Chester Zoo. Дата обращения: 18 июня 2008. Архивировано из оригинала 25 сентября 2008 года.
  31. http://www.chesterchronicle.co.uk/news/watch-chester-zoo-40m-islands-9645555
  32. Chester Zoo's £30m islands plan announced. bbc.co.uk. BBC (8 апреля 2011). Дата обращения: 12 августа 2012.
  33. Chester Zoo's £30m islands plan approved. bbc.co.uk. BBC (27 ноября 2012).
  34. 1 2 http://www.chesterzoo.org/islands/islands-news/2015/july/islands-phase-one
  35. Zoo's £30 million project gets underway with new Monsoon Forest. chesterchronicle.co.uk. Trinity Mirror Merseyside (10 сентября 2013).
  36. Elephants of the Asian Forest. Zoolex website. Дата обращения: 13 июня 2007.
  37. Spirit of the Jaguar. Zoolex website. Дата обращения: 13 июня 2007.
  38. Chester Zoo. McCormick Architecture. Дата обращения: 6 декабря 2013.
  39. Your chance to re-name our Spirit of the Jaguar Exhibit. chesterzoo.org. Chester Zoo (13 декабря 2011). Дата обращения: 12 августа 2012.
  40. Chester Zoo Unveils £500k Giant Otter and Jaguar Exhibits at Half Term. blooloop.com. Blooloop (8 февраля 2012). Дата обращения: 12 августа 2012.
  41. "New pad for the apes opens this weekend". Wirral Globe. 25 Май 2007. {{cite news}}: Разметка курсивом или жирностью не допускается в: |publisher= (справка)
  42. 'Virgin births' for giant lizards. BBC News (20 декабря 2006). Дата обращения: 20 июня 2008.
  43. Marc Ecko opens Asian Plains exhibit. www.chesterzoo.org. Дата обращения: 20 июня 2008.
  44. Bank Holiday is a record. Wrexham Leader (12 мая 2008). Дата обращения: 18 июня 2008.
  45. Sumatran Tiger. iucnredlist.org. IUCN. Дата обращения: 5 марта 2008.
  46. Sumatran Tiger Cubs Emerge From Their Den. sky.com. BskyB. Дата обращения: 23 ноября 2011.
  47. Zoo Days returns to the small screen. Chester Zoo website. Дата обращения: 5 марта 2008.
  48. Zoo Days Series Three.
  49. Необходимо задать параметр url= в шаблоне {{cite web}}. [ BCC One - Our Zoo]. http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/mediapacks/ourzoo. BCC. Дата обращения: 24 августа 2014.
  50. Lucia, Carmella de BBC confirms no second series of Our Zoo. Дата обращения: 20 июля 2015.

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