Marcin Floryan

Marcin Floryan

Täby, Stockholms län, Sverige
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I combine my passion for technology and for working with people to create an environment where people can apply their skills and experience working together towards a shared goal. I care about sustainable, continuous and frequent delivery of value and help teams take pride in the quality of the solutions they build.

I see engineering teams as complex adaptive systems and thus work by applying principles and practices from the domains of agile, lean, systems thinking, and similar to allow for the desirable outcomes to emerge in presence of sensible guiding constraints.

I strive to be an inclusive and compassionate leader. I care about creating an environment of psychological safety where failure is encouraged and used as an opportunity to learn, where people can fully be themselves and where diverse opinions are encouraged and conflict seen as a healthy opportunity for learning and growth.

I remain firmly grounded in technology to guide strategy and vision in line with the latest development on the market and leverage good architectural practices. I promote engineering practices from Extreme Programming.

I constantly improve my knowledge and skills with relentless curiosity and determination.

I’m a regular speaker at international software development conferences. I share my experience, insights and create opportunities for practical, action-based learning in workshops. I have organised the first gathering of the Agile Lean Europe Network, the ALE2011 conference, in Berlin.

Artiklar av Marcin


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  • Spotify-bild


    Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

  • -

    Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland


  • STEMNET-bild

    STEM Ambassadors


    5 år 7 månader


    STEM Ambassadors use their enthusiasm and commitment to encourage young people to enjoy STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). They open the doors to a world of opportunities and possibilities which come from pursuing STEM subjects and careers.

    STEM Ambassadors not only inspire young people, they also support teachers in the classroom by explaining current applications of STEM in industry or research.

  • Code Club-bild

    Code Club Volunteer

    Code Club

    1 år 3 månader


    I run a Code Club ( guiding primary school children (Year 5 & 6) through projects that help children learn how to program by showing them how to make computer games, animations and websites.


  • Spotify Guilds: How to Succeed With Knowledge Sharing in Large-Scale Agile Organizations

    IEEE Software

    The new generation of software companies has revolutionized the way companies are designed. While bottom-up governance and team autonomy improve motivation, performance, and innovation, managing agile development at scale is a challenge. We describe how Spotify cultivates guilds to help the company share knowledge, align, and make collective decisions.

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  • Commitment: Novel about managing project risk - Polish translation

    The Polish translation of the Commitment book by Olav Maassen, Chris Matts and Chris Geary

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  • Feedback

    Value, Flow, Quality

    Customers don't know what they want, developers don't know how to build it, and things change! Painful as those problems may be, they are common, in fact, inevitable. Feedback is the only solution. It is not a perfect solution, and interpreting feedback may not always be simple, but it is essential - the only way that we can adapt and learn.

    This session examines where, when and how organisations need to embed feedback loops within their development process, from idea evaluation to…

    Customers don't know what they want, developers don't know how to build it, and things change! Painful as those problems may be, they are common, in fact, inevitable. Feedback is the only solution. It is not a perfect solution, and interpreting feedback may not always be simple, but it is essential - the only way that we can adapt and learn.

    This session examines where, when and how organisations need to embed feedback loops within their development process, from idea evaluation to acceptance testing and monitoring. This helps you set up feedback so that you gain the learning you need, rather than the reassurance you crave, and at the right point - when it is still possible and cheap to change. The session contains numerous activities and case practical suggestions for ways of garnering feedback, from qualitative prototyping to GREEDY algorithms, and considers their use and cost. A practical and comprehensive exploration of feedback in software development, this session is essential reading for almost all roles and levels.

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  • Kanban

    Value, Flow, Quality

    A pull system that uses WIP constraints, Kanban believes in making work and processes visible in order to manage and measure them. The ease with which Kanban can be overlaid onto any existing workflow without disruption has made it a popular choice.

    This session considers the five original principles by which Kanban defines itself and the most common tools and practices that enable easy implementation. From negotiating service agreements with other departments to metrics that enable…

    A pull system that uses WIP constraints, Kanban believes in making work and processes visible in order to manage and measure them. The ease with which Kanban can be overlaid onto any existing workflow without disruption has made it a popular choice.

    This session considers the five original principles by which Kanban defines itself and the most common tools and practices that enable easy implementation. From negotiating service agreements with other departments to metrics that enable improvement, this practical guide moves far beyond the simplistic 'task board and wip limit' of which Kanban is sometimes accused. This session builds on a more in-depth explanation of principles about flow found in other sessions, and should be read in conjunction with Queues, Batches and WIP. There are assumptions within Kanban that can lead to disappointing results without a fuller understanding of whether and how to apply Kanban within your own team.

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  • Scrum

    Value, Flow, Quality

    Of the various agile methods and practices which have emerged in recent years, probably the most famous and successful is Scrum, which describes itself as a 'framework' for developing software. Popularity carries a certain risk - the more people adopt or use an idea, the more likely it is to be mistranslated, misunderstood or misapplied. This session provides a thorough, grounding in Scrum, providing you with all you need to get started on implementation.

    We firmly believe, however, that…

    Of the various agile methods and practices which have emerged in recent years, probably the most famous and successful is Scrum, which describes itself as a 'framework' for developing software. Popularity carries a certain risk - the more people adopt or use an idea, the more likely it is to be mistranslated, misunderstood or misapplied. This session provides a thorough, grounding in Scrum, providing you with all you need to get started on implementation.

    We firmly believe, however, that a description of practices is insufficicent to create change. Use this session in conjunction with more others on the thinking behind specific principles such as prioritisation, feedback and collaborative team working. For specific engineering practices that support Scrum, consider sessions in our Quality theme. With these, you can avoid the problems over which many organisations have stumbled when trying to apply Scrum.

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  • Who is agile


    In 2011, the agile manifesto turned 10 years old. Some of the agile methodologies are even 5 to 10 year older. In the agile world, we pay a lot of attention to the people in the teams. Thanks to mailing lists and social media, agile leaders are very approachable. Yet we don't know them. This book gives you access to learn a little more about agilists. You will find all kinds of people in this book, people who have been on the Agile Alliance board, Gordon Pask Award winners, Scrum masters, Scrum…

    In 2011, the agile manifesto turned 10 years old. Some of the agile methodologies are even 5 to 10 year older. In the agile world, we pay a lot of attention to the people in the teams. Thanks to mailing lists and social media, agile leaders are very approachable. Yet we don't know them. This book gives you access to learn a little more about agilists. You will find all kinds of people in this book, people who have been on the Agile Alliance board, Gordon Pask Award winners, Scrum masters, Scrum trainers, people who started movements, people who organized agile conferences, famous authors, hard core teammembers, etc.
    You will also read about people who don't consider themselves agilists. They are in this book because they have inspired agilists, and I dare to say that they actually agree with what I call an agile mindset.

    All these people have 2 things in common: they are interesting people and they have remarkable stories.

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