
Our sustainability ambition

We believe in using technology to enable a better, more connected future for all.

Through our solutions, operations and people, we connect the planet, economies and communities in innovative and sustainable ways that positively impact the world.

We’ve set ambitious targets to achieve net-zero emissions across our operations by 2030, and across our value chain by 2040. Using the power of our technology and our employees’ paid volunteering days, we’re committed to addressing regenerative conservation, education and digital access across our global communities.

Foreword from our CEO


Abhijit Dubey Global CEO, NTT Ltd. 

We are delighted to present to you our annual Sustainability Report, in which we reflect on our achievements, commitments, and share future commitments towards a more sustainable future. At NTT Ltd., we are proud of the progress we have made over the years, and we are resolute in our continued journey to drive positive change and mitigate our environmental impact.

Two years ago, we set an ambitious target to achieve net-zero emissions across our operations by 2030, and across our value chain by 2040. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to this goal as we remain focused on three interconnected themes: connected planet, connected economies, and connected communities. Through our approach, guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and using science-based targets, we aim to create a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Some of our achievements include:

  • In FY22, we have successfully reduced our total emissions by an impressive 21%, resulting in the saving of over 1.6 million tonnes of carbon.
  • We were among the first IT companies to achieve external validation from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for our target to achieve net-zero emissions in our operations by 2030 and across our value chain by 2040. The SBTi have classified our net-zero ambitions in line with the Paris Agreement of limiting the earth's warming to 1.5°C.
  • We have developed a data waste assessment solution to assist companies in evaluating their data storage and eliminating duplicates, offering an effective means to reduce data clutter. The reduction in data storage requirements for companies will result in reduced data center needs and lowering emissions in the long term.
  • We are using innovative Direct Chip Liquid Cooling and Liquid Immersion Cooling technologies to make our data centers more sustainable as the need for computing power increases with the introduction of Generative AI.
  • We offer 3 days paid volunteer leave annually for our employees to support education and conservation projects within their local communities. In FY22, we contributed 22,604 hours of volunteering time and during the most recent World Cleanup Day our employees collected more than 12,000 kgs of litter – more than four times what we collected in 2022. In addition, we are committed to improving our communities around the world including supporting a girls' school India, our Saturday school in South Africa, and IT Academy for Women in Brazil among many others.
  • We were awarded the EY Global Equality Standard certificate for our commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within our organization. Our GDC Americas division was honored with the 2023 Disabled Veterans Award, and we have successfully doubled gender diversity in our Executive Leadership team over the past two and half years.

As we come together as NTT DATA Inc. in 2024, we recognize the importance of embedding sustainability into the fabric of our new entity. As a trusted global innovator we will continue to use technology for good to create a more affluent and harmonious society. Our brand promise to transform businesses for success, disrupt industries for good, and shape a better world for all informs our combined future approach to sustainability.

  • Transform businesses and society for successful growth with sustainable services and solutions involving our end-to-end value chain.
  • Lead by example to disrupt industries for good innovating services and solutions to regenerate our planet.
  • Shape a better world for all, applying our digital capabilities to improve livelihoods and contribute to a diverse, equitable and inclusive society.

This report reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and our dedication to making a positive difference in the world. We thank you, our valued stakeholders, for your continued support and collaboration as we strive to create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Download our reports

FY23 Independent Assurance Statement

We commissioned LRQA to provide independent assurance of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory (GHG Assertion) for global operations and activities for the 2023 financial year.

2023 Sustainability Report

Download a copy of our 2023 Sustainability Report to see how we’re driving change and working to achieve our sustainability goals.

2022 Sustainability Report

Our 2022 report demonstrates our commitment to enabling sustainable innovation in three interconnected themes: people, economy and communities.


Our Sustainability Ambition

Our approach is guided by the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through a materiality assessment, we’ve identified the areas where our people, operations and solutions can have the greatest impact across our three interconnected themes of planet, economy and communities.

Connected Planet

Using technology solutions to help protect, restore and regenerate the natural world, and conserve precious natural resources for future generations.

  • Net-zero emissions across our operations by 2030, and across our value chain by 2040
  • 100% renewable energy in our data centers by 2030, and in our offices and facilities by 2035
  • Solutions for biodiversity on every continent where we operate by 2025
  • Incorporate circular design into the way we operate by 2026 to reduce waste and carbon emissions

Connected Economy

Using our trusted technology to help organizations thrive and make their contributions to a sustainable and resilient digital future.

  • Grow our portfolio of smart solutions to support our clients and partners in reducing 200 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2026
  • Establish a Sustainability Innovation Fund and mentorship program for climate technology and smart solutions
  • Maintain the best standards of cybersecurity, data privacy and data protection
  • Ensure high standards of ethical behavior in line with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and underpinned by our values of integrity, trust and connection

Connected Communities

Supporting diverse and inclusive communities where we operate, enabling access so everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential.

  • Provide 5 million young people and children from underprivileged areas with digital access and education opportunities by 2030
  • Contribute 1 million hours of employee volunteering every year from 2025, focused on education and conservation
  • Have more than 50% of employees belonging to one or more diversity categories by 2025
  • Double the diversity of our executive leadership team by 2025

Our priority Sustainable Development Goals 

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Partnering for a more sustainable world

We are committed to public transparency and accountability. We’re proud to be in the top 25% of all companies assessed globally by EcoVadis and a leader in carbon management and environmental criteria.

We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and have signed the UN Global Compact. We are in the process of having our targets validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) aligned to the 1.5-degree pathway (Paris Agreement).

Our ambition in action