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“But it’s time we’ve all admitted to this fact: there is nothing wrong with being single! Whether you’re holding out for a deeper connection, are focusing on your career, or just want to spend more of your time being free to do exactly as you please, more and more women are choosing to remain single for extended periods of time.”

Happy Friday, Bookworms! Here’s what the team at Simon & Schuster Canada is reading.

Alexandra, Marketing Assistant: After a few weeks of intense reading, I was looking to kick back with something a little lighter for the weekend. When I approached a colleague for recommendations, I promptly had Sandhya Menon’s When Dimple Met Rishi thrown in my face. And it’s everything I’ve been needing out of a contemporary romance. (Thanks for the recommendation, Jacquelynne!)

Holley, Publicity Assistant: I have just started reading Lauren Graham’s Talking as Fast as I Can, and I am loving it! I love reading celebrity memoirs; I most enjoy reading the short anecdotes from before they were famous and to see where they came from, but more importantly I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan. I am eager to get home and finish reading this tonight to hear more behind the scenes secrets!

Jacquelynne, Marketing Assistant: What’s more perfect for the current weather conditions than a book called Winter? Although this book has nothing to do with the holidays (or snow, for that matter). It is the final book in the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, where everything finally comes to an explosive and satisfying conclusion for Cinder, Cress, Scarlet, and Winter (or so I’ve been told). Like all other books in this series, Winter is a retelling, but this time of Snow White. In this version, she has horrific visions and scars marring her face. It’s taken me so long to finally pick up this 800-page monster, mostly because I’ve been reading for work, but also because I just don’t want this series to end!