VarDial 2024


The Eleventh Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial) 2024 will be co-located with NAACL 2024 in Mexico City. The call for papers is available here. We also organize two shared tasks in connection with VarDial 2024.

VarDial is a well-established series of workshops promoting a forum for scholars working on a range of topics related to the study of diatopic language variation from a computational perspective.

The workshop deals with computational methods and language resources for closely related languages, language varieties, and dialects. We welcome papers dealing with one or more of the following topics:

In addition to the topics listed above, we also welcome papers dealing with diachronic language variation (e.g. phylogenetic methods, historical dialects). 

Papers presented at the past editions of VarDial focused on machine translation between closely related languages and language varieties, adaptation of POS taggers and parsers for similar languages and language varieties, compilation of corpora, spelling normalization, computational approaches to the study of mutual intelligibility, and the automatic identification of similar languages and dialects.

Contact: [email protected] - [email protected]


Yves Scherrer
University of Oslo (Norway)

Tommi Jauhiainen
University of Helsinki (Finland)

Nikola Ljubešić
Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) 

Preslav Nakov
Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (UAE) 

Jörg Tiedemann
University of Helsinki (Finland)

Marcos Zampieri
George Mason University (USA)

Previous Workshops

VarDial 2023 at EACL

VarDial 2022 at COLING 

VarDial 2021 at EACL

VarDial 2020 at COLING

VarDial 2019 at NAACL

VarDial 2018 at COLING

VarDial 2017 at EACL

VarDial 2016 at COLING

LT4VarDial 2015 at RANLP

VarDial 2014 at COLING