

Segment text into words, punctuations marks, etc.

Segment text, and create Doc objects with the discovered segment boundaries. For a deeper understanding, see the docs on how spaCy’s tokenizer works. The tokenizer is typically created automatically when a Sprache subclass is initialized and it reads its settings like punctuation and special case rules from the Language.Defaults provided by the language subclass.

Tokenizer.__init__ method

Create a Tokenizer to create Doc objects given unicode text. For examples of how to construct a custom tokenizer with different tokenization rules, see the usage documentation.

vocabA storage container for lexical types. Vocab
rulesExceptions and special-cases for the tokenizer. Optional[Dict[str, List[Dict[int, str]]]]
prefix_searchA function matching the signature of re.compile(string).search to match prefixes. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
suffix_searchA function matching the signature of re.compile(string).search to match suffixes. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
infix_finditerA function matching the signature of re.compile(string).finditer to find infixes. Optional[Callable[[str], Iterator[Match]]]
token_matchA function matching the signature of re.compile(string).match to find token matches. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
url_matchA function matching the signature of re.compile(string).match to find token matches after considering prefixes and suffixes. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
faster_heuristics v3.3.0Whether to restrict the final Matcher-based pass for rules to those containing affixes or space. Defaults to True. bool

Tokenizer.__call__ method

Tokenize a string.

stringThe string to tokenize. str

Tokenizer.pipe method

Tokenize a stream of texts.

textsA sequence of unicode texts. Iterable[str]
batch_sizeThe number of texts to accumulate in an internal buffer. Defaults to 1000. int

Tokenizer.find_infix method

Find internal split points of the string.

stringThe string to split. str

Tokenizer.find_prefix method

Find the length of a prefix that should be segmented from the string, or None if no prefix rules match.

stringThe string to segment. str

Tokenizer.find_suffix method

Find the length of a suffix that should be segmented from the string, or None if no suffix rules match.

stringThe string to segment. str

Tokenizer.add_special_case method

Add a special-case tokenization rule. This mechanism is also used to add custom tokenizer exceptions to the language data. See the usage guide on the languages data and tokenizer special cases for more details and examples.

stringThe string to specially tokenize. str
token_attrsA sequence of dicts, where each dict describes a token and its attributes. The ORTH fields of the attributes must exactly match the string when they are concatenated. Iterable[Dict[int, str]]

Tokenizer.explain method

Tokenize a string with a slow debugging tokenizer that provides information about which tokenizer rule or pattern was matched for each token. The tokens produced are identical to Tokenizer.__call__ except for whitespace tokens.

stringThe string to tokenize with the debugging tokenizer. str

Tokenizer.to_disk method

Serialize the tokenizer to disk.

pathA path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn’t exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str,Path]
excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

Tokenizer.from_disk method

Load the tokenizer from disk. Modifies the object in place and returns it.

pathA path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects. Union[str,Path]
excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

Tokenizer.to_bytes method

Serialize the tokenizer to a bytestring.

excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]

Tokenizer.from_bytes method

Load the tokenizer from a bytestring. Modifies the object in place and returns it.

bytes_dataThe data to load from. bytes
excludeString names of serialization fields to exclude. Iterable[str]


vocabThe vocab object of the parent Doc. Vocab
prefix_searchA function to find segment boundaries from the start of a string. Returns the length of the segment, or None. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
suffix_searchA function to find segment boundaries from the end of a string. Returns the length of the segment, or None. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
infix_finditerA function to find internal segment separators, e.g. hyphens. Returns a (possibly empty) sequence of re.MatchObject objects. Optional[Callable[[str], Iterator[Match]]]
token_matchA function matching the signature of re.compile(string).match to find token matches. Returns an re.MatchObject oder None. Optional[Callable[[str], Optional[Match]]]
rulesA dictionary of tokenizer exceptions and special cases. Optional[Dict[str, List[Dict[int, str]]]]

Serialization fields

During serialization, spaCy will export several data fields used to restore different aspects of the object. If needed, you can exclude them from serialization by passing in the string names via the exclude argument.

vocabThe shared Vocab.
prefix_searchThe prefix rules.
suffix_searchThe suffix rules.
infix_finditerThe infix rules.
token_matchThe token match expression.
exceptionsThe tokenizer exception rules.