Spring Data Couchbase5.3.4

Spring Data for Couchbase is part of the umbrella Spring Data project which aims to provide a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for new datastores while retaining store-specific features and capabilities.

The Spring Data Couchbase project provides integration with the Couchbase Server database. Key functional areas of Spring Data Couchbase are a POJO centric model for interacting with Couchbase Buckets and easily writing a Repository style data access layer.


  • Spring configuration support using Java based @Configuration classes.
  • CouchbaseTemplate helper class that increases productivity performing common Couchbase operations. Includes integrated object mapping between documents and POJOs.
  • Exception translation into Spring’s portable Data Access Exception hierarchy.
  • Feature Rich Object Mapping integrated with Spring’s Conversion Service.
  • Annotation-based mapping metadata but extensible to support other metadata formats.
  • Automatic implementation of Repository interfaces including support for custom finder methods (backed by Couchbase’s query language, N1QL) and PagingAndSortingRepository.
  • For Couchbase server versions < 4.0, repositories can still be backed by Couchbase Views.
  • Support for geospatial and multidimensional querying (backed by Couchbase Spatial Views)
  • Can serve as the backend for @Cacheable support, to cache any objects you need for high performance access.
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