Join us at live online workshops and in-person events for K-12 educators who want to meaningfully engage their students with media literacy through media making and youth voice.

Upcoming Schedule

View our conference calendar for more KQED education event opportunities.

Making Media, Making Change: Support Student Voice for the 2024 Election
September 7, 9am-3pm PDT

In-person workshop; for grade 6-12 educators (Free)

Location: UC Berkely School of Education

Empower students to share their voice about issues that matter to them ahead of the 2024 election, with support from KQED, the Bay Area Writing Project, and UC Berkeley History Social Science Project. We get it. Teaching the election can feel precarious. This in-person workshop for middle and high school teachers across subject areas will focus on the genre of civic commentary, which asks students to draw from their life experience along with research-based evidence to craft an argument about an issue they care about. We’ll also explore KQED's Call for Change Youth Media Challenge, which invites students to create a multimedia commentary and publish on the Youth Media Showcase —reaching an audience beyond the classroom. Join us to create your own audio commentary to use as a model for this project–and perhaps a submission to KQED’s Perspectives listener commentary series. Create in community with fellow educators and get support, curriculum resources and fresh ideas to tackle this election season. All levels of experience are welcome. All you need is a laptop and headphones. Coffee, snacks and lunch will be provided. Register today and spread the word! Attendance is limited.

"Well-designed, responsive to teachers, enthusiastic and knowledgeable instructors, good pacing, skillful use of the technology--loved it!"

- Middle school educator

Teaching about Current Events and Navigating the Media Landscape (with Facing History)
September 12, 4-6pm PDT

Online workshop; for grade 6-12 educators (Free)

We live in a time when it can be difficult to identify reliable news sources. Misinformation and disinformation clouds our information landscape, especially around a national election. This session with KQED and Facing History prepares educators and students to take stock of their media choices, explore media bias, explore tools for differentiating fact from opinion, and think about what healthy news habits they want to adopt.

This session is part of a 6-part series, Democracy in Action: Teaching about the 2024 Election & Educating for Civic Participation, hosted by Facing History & Ourselves. Participants can choose to join all the sessions or individual sessions.

Teacher to Teacher:

Tips for Teaching Election 2024

September 17
4-5pm PDT / 7-8pm EDT

Online webinar; for grade 6-12 educators (Free)

Join public media this Constitution Day for discussion, strategies and support to teach the 2024 election. Hear from three classroom teachers in politically diverse communities who are building civic knowledge and engagement, and empowering students to share their voice as part of the democratic process. Come for the conversation and ready-to-use resources. Leave inspired and equipped to teach Election 2024 in your classroom.

Learn More + Register

Youth Voice as Civic Action (with Facing History)
September 19, 4-6pm PDT

Online workshop; for grade 6-12 educators (Free)

How can young people see themselves as an active part of civic society? Join KQED and Facing History for an interactive online workshop exploring the pivotal role of young people in civic engagement during an election season and beyond. Educators will explore classroom ready resources, activities and tools designed to help students harness the power of civic action, and audio storytelling to share their stories and viewpoints on a range of issues with their peers and wider community.

This session is part of a 6-part series, Democracy in Action: Teaching about the 2024 Election & Educating for Civic Participation, hosted by Facing History & Ourselves. Participants can choose to join all the sessions or individual sessions.

The Art of Centering Student Voice with Editorial Cartooning
September 24, 4-5:30pm PDT

Online workshop; for grade 6-12 educators (Free)

Learn how your students can create editorial cartoons to share their civic voice ahead of the 2024 election. Editorial cartooning has a long history in the United States and draws on a rich visual and symbolic vocabulary to communicate complex ideas in a creative, accessible way. Get ready to get hands-on in this 90-minute workshop from KQED and the News Literacy Project! We’ll unpack the history and "visual vocabulary" used in editorial cartoons, then create our own. We'll also talk about how your students can publish their work as part of KQED’s Call for Change Youth Media Challenge. No previous artistic experience required! 

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About KQED

KQED is a nonprofit, public media station and NPR and PBS member station based in San Francisco that offers award-winning education resources and services free to educators nationwide. KQED Teach is a collection of professional development courses that empower educators to teach media literacy, make media for the classroom and lead media-making projects with students in K-12.