Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy is to provide information about the health data that YouGov may collect and use, as is required under Washington’s My Health My Data Act. While this notice will only apply to you if you are a member based in Washington state, the information is accurate and relevant for all members in the United States.

If you would like additional information about our use of personal data, and the rights you have, we encourage you to read our full privacy notice, which is available by clicking here.

Consumer Health Data

“Consumer Health Data” is personal information that is linked or reasonably linkable to a consumer and that identifies the consumer’s past, present or future physical or mental health status. YouGov collects Consumer Health Data when you create your YouGov account and answer certain questions in our surveys. We don’t collect or obtain Consumer Health Data about you from any third parties.

We obtain your consent for the collection and use of Consumer Health Data by providing clear information about the information we are collecting in our surveys (in the introduction pages and / or the questions and the answer options) and by giving you choice about what information you share with us. You always have complete control over the surveys you participate in and the questions you answer.

Consumer Health Data we may collect, and how we use it

As noted above, we collect Consumer Health Data when you create your YouGov account and answer certain questions in our surveys. Because of the broad nature of our research, we cannot provide a comprehensive list of the categories Consumer Health Data we collect in this policy. Examples of Consumer Health Data you may provide when you participate in our surveys include –

  • Health conditions or diagnoses
  • Treatments, procedures, or the use of health care services
  • The use of prescribed medication
  • Reproductive or sexual health
  • Gender-affirming care

We use this information in the same way we use other information we collect (i.e., for market research purposes, as described in our full privacy notice). We will also include information about the purpose of our research within our surveys.

Sharing Consumer Health Data

YouGov is a global organisation. This means that some of the personal data (including Consumer Health Data) that we collect may be transferred to companies in the YouGov group that are in different countries. For example, when a client wants to carry out research in multiple countries, or our global data teams analyse data from across the world. You can find out more about our group here.

While our business is built on providing clients with anonymised research insights (which are based on but do not include your personal data), on occasion, our clients may ask to combine your research data with their own data to obtain even greater insights or to improve their products or services. In such cases you will be asked if you are willing to provide certain identifying data (such as your email address or a social media handle) to our clients to enable this. Whether you share this data or not is completely up to you – we will not share Consumer Health Data in an identifiable form without your consent.

We will also share Consumer Health Data with certain service providers, including data storage providers. You can find out more about our approach to data storage here.

Your rights

You have certain rights in relation to the personal data (including Consumer Health Data) that we hold about you, which are designed to give you more choice and control over your personal data. These rights are explained below.

The right to notice / information

You have the right to be notified which categories of personal data we collect and the purposes for which data is being used. This information is included in our main privacy notice (available here) and this Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy.

The right to request access to personal data (or, the “Right to Know")

You can request a copy of the data that we hold about you and related information (in a structured and machine-readable format), including:

  • The categories of personal information we collected about you;
  • The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
  • Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information;
  • The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information; and
  • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.

The right to request rectification of personal data

You can ask us to correct any inaccurate data about you and to complete any incomplete data that we hold about you.

The right to request erasure of personal data

You can request that we delete the personal data we hold about you.

The right to opt out of YouGov selling or sharing personal data

You can request that we not sell or share your personal data. We will only sell or share data with our partners (as described in the ‘Our use of personal data for advanced research and modelling’ section of this privacy notice) if you have previously given us your consent, and you can change your preferences at any time by –

  • Accessing the “Permissions” section of your Account page, or by clicking the “Do Not Sell My Info” button in the footer of our website, and selecting “No” under “Uses of your data”; or
  • Enabling the Global Privacy Control (GPC) to automatically communicate an opt-out request. For a GPC request to work, you must have enabled the GPC on your device and be logged into your YouGov account.

Please note that if you are not a YouGov member then we will not sell your data by default.

Exercising your rights

You, or a person registered with your State’s government whom you have authorized to act on your behalf, can exercise any of these rights by using the contact details below. We will not deny, charge different prices for, or provide a different level of quality of goods or services if you choose to exercise these rights.

Once you have submitted your request, we may contact you to request further information to authenticate your, or your authorized agent’s, identity (because we want to make sure it is actually you requesting your data) or to help us to respond to your request. Except in rare cases, we will respond to you within 1 month of receiving this information or, where no such information is required, after we have received full details of your request. While some rights apply generally, some are only available in certain circumstances, so if we feel that any right is not available to you, we will let you know along with the reason for our decision. You have the right to appeal our decisions in these cases.


[email protected]


The Data Protection Officer

YouGov Plc

50 Featherstone Street



Vereinigtes Königreich


Phone: +1 877-370-8600

Last updated: 27 May 2024