Search “Statements of reasons”

On this page, you can search for statements of reasons submitted by providers of online platforms. You can use the free text search box to look for specific words within the free text fields of each statement of reason submitted by providers of online platforms.

Through the advanced search button, you can easily find the statements of reasons submitted by each platform, and filter by several data fields, e.g. the type of restriction(s) imposed, categories and keywords, or the type or language of the content. Please note that only the first 10 000 results are paginated, and only the first 1000 statements of reasons can be exported in .csv format at a given time. The data is updated once every day. If you want to access a larger subset of statements of reasons, please visit the “Data download” page. To submit feedback on the content of this page and to propose additional features, please visit the feedback form.

Please note that a Data Retention Policy applies and search results refer to the Statements of Reasons submitted within a limited amount of time in time past.
Digital Services Act Logo
Statements of Reasons: 12104588196
Platform Restrictions Category Creation Date
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
AliExpress Visibility Unsafe and/or illegal products 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Pinterest Visibility Self-harm 2024-07-30
AliExpress Visibility Unsafe and/or illegal products 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
AliExpress Visibility Unsafe and/or illegal products 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
AliExpress Visibility Unsafe and/or illegal products 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
AliExpress Visibility Unsafe and/or illegal products 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30
Google Shopping Visibility Scope of platform service 2024-07-30

Showing 1 to 50 of 10000 results