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I am thinking about accepting a job offer out of state. My family and I live in Arizona and my wife works in AZ as a teacher. I am considering a job in New Mexico where I would stay in an apartment and travel home to AZ as many weekends as I can. She... read more
Dan Oliver ‎Posted 2 weeks ago | Latest post a week ago by TomD8
I received the cp2000 in ju.e regarding 2022 taxes. Initially the form said that I didn't enter all of the 1099's o received. I was able ro verify they were all entered. On line 5a it shows a total of 52626 On line 5b the taxable amt was decreased to... read more
cuddlykitties4 ‎Posted 3 weeks ago
Upon review of my taxes, TT found an error saying that Schedule E for one of my rentals (in my primary residence) requires link to QBI worksheet because "yes" was selected for QBI deduction qualification. However, that is incorrect - I selected "no" ... read more
agentaly ‎Posted 21m ago
I did a direct rollover of my old state pension to a traditional IRA. The pension had pre and post tax contributions. They said they could only issue one check but did give me the breakdown between the two amounts. Will I be able to reduce my taxable... read more
Myunk9 ‎Posted 51m ago | Latest post 28m ago by VolvoGirl
The website seems to want me to purchase expensive package to do individual taxes for 2023. I have 2 W-2's and a Schedule K-1 form. Seems pretty straight-forward, but apparently not so!
drmarianstewartm ‎Posted 2 hours ago | Latest post 2 hours ago by VolvoGirl
Turbo keeps looping back to "Give us a minute to look things over. then I go through clicking the Continue button, then it looks back to "Give us a minute ..."I captured the screens. I just want to print out my GA return and mail it in. Not sure how.
I lovetheIRS ‎Posted 3 hours ago
Hello, I was hoping to get some guidance to ensure I am filing correctly. I am a single member S Corp and for 2023, I am showing a loss in item F. For the sake of this discussion let's call it $5k. For 2024, I anticipate profits, let's call it $100k.... read more
luckyaces09 ‎Posted 4 hours ago | Latest post 2 hours ago by Mike9241
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