Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD)


CADD is the CAC Commander’s Executive Agent for Army Doctrine. CADD manages the Army Doctrine Program to provide soldiers the best doctrine possible in a timely manner in a useable format that facilitates operations and learning.


CADD ensures that all Army doctrine is clearly written, relevant and as current as possible through proactive integration of most recent lessons learned, results of validated concepts, emerging technology, force design, and current joint, multinational multi-Service doctrine. Ensure that doctrine accounts for the human factor as the driving force behind all doctrine.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Research, write, coordinate, and produce specified Army, joint, multinational and multi-Service doctrine.
  • Integrate all Army doctrine to ensure internal consistency within Army doctrine and external consistency with joint and multination doctrine as required.
  • Support development of joint and multinational concepts and doctrine.
  • Represent the Army in specified joint, multi-Service and multinational doctrine forums.
  • Provide doctrine subject matter experts to support education and training on doctrine.
  • Support CAC echelons above brigade force modernization proponent activities.
    • Develops Organizational and Operational Concepts for echelons above brigade.
    • Assists in developing designs of echelon above brigade headquarters.

The Command and Control Division of CADD is the lead for the Army’s command and control (C2) doctrine. This includes doctrine on mission command, the operations process, the military decision-making process, and orders production

The C2 Division produces keystone doctrine—ADP 5-0 and ADP 6-0—and helps shape other developing publications ranging from aviation and fires to space operations and military deception. This division plans, coordinates, and reviews doctrinal publications that cover all aspects of the range of military operations developed by other proponents, Services.

Members of this division travel, often serving as subject matter experts at warfighter exercises held in CONUS, briefers to units and leaders, and consultants to military counterparts of partner nations as far away as Armenia and Mongolia. Recent and ongoing efforts include renewing the Army’s doctrinal focus in support of large-scale combat operations.

Areas of responsibility:

  • ADP 6-0, Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces
  • ADP 5-0, The Operations Process
  • FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organization and Operations
  • ATP 5-0.1, Army Design Methodology
  • ATP 6-0.5, Command Post Organization and Operations
  • ATP 6-22.6, Army Team Building

The Army Doctrine Proponent Division (ADPD) is the lead for publishing Army doctrine on behalf of CADD. The division manages the Army Doctrine Publication Program and doctrine policy for Army doctrine proponents by managing the staffing, editing, quality control, and publishing of Army doctrine publications (ADPs), field manuals (FMs), and Army techniques publications (ATPs). This division provides administrative, information system, and editorial support to proponents. ADPD’s administrative support includes coordinating external reviews of draft publications, managing program directives, and maintaining annual print forecasts, budget forecasts, and print requests for all Army proponents. It also includes managing CADD products for promoting education and disseminating Army doctrine as well as coordinating production and publishing of Army doctrinal ePUBs and special distribution products (such as ADP Box Sets), and coordinating the annual synchronization forum with all doctrine proponents.

ADPD’s information system support involves coordinating production and publishing of the Comprehensive Doctrine Guide . ADPD provides quality assurance and control of content for the doctrine mobile application. It recommends doctrine policy and guidance to the TRADOC deputy Commanding General and oversees policy and guidance application by doctrine proponents. ADPD writes and disseminates the CAC Doctrine Developers’ Guidance and Doctrine Newsletter.

Military and civilian members of ADPD produce doctrinal materials, teach the process and methods to write doctrine, and perform quality assurance checks.

Areas of responsibility:

  • TRADOC doctrine publication print approval, budget, and forecast requirements
  • Army Doctrine Literature Master Plan (DLMP) in the doctrine module within the Training and Doctrine Development–Quality Assurance Management System (TD2–QA)
  • Liaison functions to the TRADOC Publications Control Officer at the United States Army Training Support Center (ATSC)
  • Liaison functions to Army Publishing Directorate concerning doctrinal content, process, and regulatory issues
  • Doctrine development training for new authors.
  • Editorial support to Mission Command Center of Excellence doctrine authors for new and revised doctrinal publications

The Tactics Division is the lead for publishing Army tactics doctrine. This division is composed of officers and civilians from various backgrounds. The Tactics Division develops doctrine for the Army based on validated concepts and experiments that confirm enduring ideas or techniques that merit implementation. This division researches, writes, reviews, publishes, revises, and briefs tactics doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures.

Team members participate in various exercises, forums, simulations, and scenario development as subject matter experts of Army tactics doctrine. Members of the Tactics Division contribute to and enhance how the Army fights

Areas of responsibility:

  • The Taxonomy of Army tactics
  • ADP 3-90, The Offense and the Defense
  • ADRP 1-03, The Army Universal Task List (New FM 1-03)
  • FM 3-90-1, Offense and Defense
  • FM 3-90-2, Reconnaissance, Security, and Enabling Tasks
  • ATP 3-91, Division Operations
  • ATP 3-92, Corps Operations
  • ATP 5-0.2, The Staff Reference Guide, Volumes I and II

The Operational Level Doctrine (OLD) Division develops doctrine that bridges the Army’s tactical strength to its strategic value. OLD-developed doctrine defines what the Army is, how it contributes to the joint force, and how the rest of the Army’s vast reservoir of doctrine is organized. OLD team members write the Army’s operational concept. This concept drives the conduct of Army operations, forms the basis on which all other doctrine is developed, and serves as a principle driver of Army training, leader development, force structure, and capabilities development.

Members of the OLD Division maintain the sound intellectual basis for their publications as intellectual leaders by networking with Army, joint, multinational, and other partners. OLD officers are key communicators of current doctrine through this network and its many forums. They lead doctrine discussions and provide briefs across to Army, joint, and multinational partners as well as to instructors, doctrine communities, and other subject matter experts.

The OLD Division researches, writes, reviews, publishes, revises, and briefs operational doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures. It also produces Army capstone doctrine: ADP 1 and ADP 3-0. The OLD Division reviews developing publications to align them with doctrine focused on defense support of civil authorities, security cooperation, support to and countering insurgencies, and information collection. The OLD Division develops joint doctrine for counterinsurgency and information collection.

Areas of responsibility:

  • ADP 1, The Army
  • ADP 3-0, Operations
  • ADP 3-28, Defense Support of Civil Authorities
  • FM 3-0, Operations
  • FM 3-22, Army Support to Security Cooperation

The Joint and Multinational Doctrine Division (JMDD) reviews and updates joint and multinational publications from the Army perspective as well as writes and reviews Army doctrine. JMDD manages the Army Terminology and Symbology program and related publications. It reviews draft Army publications for correct terminology and symbology.

Members of the JMDD represent the Army at forums methods that national and multinational land forces operate, standardize, and interoperate. JMDD represents the Army when working with NATO, ABCANZ, and joint working groups at panels, forums, and writing teams. Members also write, manage, and provide recommendations on the ratification and promulgation of NATO and ABCANZ publications. Some members of JMDD assist the Army Staff on Joint and Allied Joint publications. Lastly, JMDD leads project and writing teams for NATO and ABCANZ in the development of concepts, studies, reports, and publications.

Areas of Responsibility:

APP-6, NATO Joint Military Symbology

APP 28, NATO Tactical Planning for Land Forces

ATP 3-16.1, Countering Insider Threats

ATP-3.2.2, NATO Command and Control of Allied Land Forces

ATP-76, NATO Land Forces Convoy Operations

ATP 105, Land Operational Reports

FM 1-02.1- Army Terms

FM 1-02.2- Army Symbology

FM 3-16, Multinational Operations

FM 6-99, Army Reports and Messages

JP 3-06, Joint Urban Operations

JP 3-10, Joint Security Operations in Theater

JP 3-18, Joint Forcible Entry Operations

JP 3-24, Counterinsurgency (COIN)

JMDD enlists the assistance of CADD divisions, TRADOC CoEs, and other organizations regularly to help manage and develop these requirements

The Headquarters Design Division (HDD) researches, writes, reviews, and refines doctrine and concepts that focus on organizational design for divisions, corps, and the theater army. , that are capable of answering the anticipated and un-anticipated challenges that large-scale ground combat operations. Members of HDD focus on doctrinal documents for echelons above brigade while synchronizing and coordinating efforts with Army, joint, and multi-Service proponents. The HDD is the Mission Command Center of Excellence lead for organizational design staff assistance teams.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Joint Manning Documents
  • Theater Army Organization and Operations Plan
  • FM 3-94, Armies, Corps, and Division Operations
  • ATP 3-92, Corps Operations
  • ATP 3-93, Theater Army Operations

Members of the Special Doctrine Division research, write, revise, and review Army and joint publications that focus on the operational environment and special areas of emphasis. This division develops creative technological solutions to deliver Army doctrine to the point of need, enhance understanding, and engage Soldiers through a modern user interface. Members of the Special Doctrine Division review and integrate draft Army doctrine with multi-Service and joint counterpart doctrine publications.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Allied Tactical Publication 3.16.1, NATO Countering Insider Threats
  • ATP 3-06, Urban Operations
  • ATP 3-37.15 Foreign Security Force Threats
  • ATP 3-90.15, Site Exploitation Operations
  • ATP 3-90.97, Mountain Warfare and Cold Weather Operations
  • ATP 3-90.97, Jungle Operations
  • ATP 3-90.97, Desert Operations
  • Audiobooks
  • Podcasts
  • History
  • Social Media


Phone Directorate

CADD Operations   913-684-2609
CADD Admin Office   913-684-4887
Command and Control C2 Division   913-684-2621
Army Doctrine Proponent Division   913-684-2682
Tactics Division   913-684-2161
Operational Level Doctrine Division (OLD)   913-684-2689
Joint and Multinational Doctrine Division   913-684-4877
Concepts Division   913 684-2606
Special Doctrine Division   913-684-2630

Email: [email protected]

Field Manuals