Registering for an account:

Registering for an account is required if you would like to receive new releases via email as they are uploaded to this site.
To register:
  1. Select "Log in" on the top right of the page. On that page, select ‘Sign up’ below the log in button.
  2. You will be prompted to enter information, including your preferred username and password. Please choose a password that will be easy to remember but difficult for others to guess.
  3. After proceeding, a confirmation email will be sent to you. When it arrives, click the registration link in the body of the message to activate your account. After doing so, you can return to our website to log in and subscribe to as many publications as desired.

Subscribing to publications:

Subscribing to publications is free. Active publications that are currently being published by NASS, AMS and ERS can be subscribed to. Once you subscribe to a publication, it will be emailed to you as soon as a new release is uploaded to our site.
To subscribe:
  1. On the homepage, search by category or a specific title of a publication that you want to subscribe to.
  2. On the results page, to the right of every title, you will see a "subscribe" button if the publication is subscribable. Hit subscribe.
  3. To confirm that the subscriptions have saved, you may visit the dashboard, and select "publications" in the left column. From there, you will see a list of your publications.
To unsubscribe:
  1. To unsubscribe to a publication, you can return to your dashboard, then select "subscriptions" in the lefthand column to see a list of your current publications.
  2. In the "actions" column, select "unsubscribe" for every publication that you no longer wish to receive via email.
To Ensure Delivery of Reports:
Spam filters set up by Internet Service Providers and in some mail programs will block the delivery of email. To ensure that you get your confirmation email and subsequent reports, please add the address [email protected] to your address book.


For questions about the content found within publications (such as how the data was collected or analysed, or if the data can be provided in a different format), please contact the issuing agency directly that is responsible for the publication.
For further help navigating this website, or to report any problems, please contact Mann Library through the Contact Form.