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Ambassador Program


Welcome to the Vote Smart Ambassador Program!

By becoming a Vote Smart Ambassador you represent Vote Smart in your community bringing our resources directly to your neighborhoods.

An Ambassador is a member of Vote Smart who shows our informative 4-minute video to community groups and distributes our posters and brochures in their communities. The mission of the Ambassador Program is to enable our members to reach out to their communities and bring them the free factual information that we offer. Ambassadors help promote an informed voting community by spreading the word about Vote Smart's free services and programs. Because Vote Smart has no advertising budget we depend upon word of mouth promotion. Become an Ambassador, and help your neighbors get the facts, not the spin!

The following guide outlines the entire Ambassador Program. It contains all the information you need to find and set up presentations, give presentations, answer questions, request material and much more.

Setting Up a Presentation

The following steps outline the process of setting up a presentation:

  1. Locate a suitable organization, group, association or club. Use our list of suggested organizations for ideas about where you can present or ask us for help finding nearby organizations that would be interested in having you present a program.
  2. Call the organization and ask for the person who coordinates speaking engagements, or the program director.
  3. Ask if the group has any open slots for speakers, and if they would be interested in having a Vote Smart Ambassador come and speak to their group and show a short 4-minute video on how to use Vote Smart’s free programs.
  4. If the contact person has not heard of Vote Smart tell them a little about it. How it was started by President’s Ford and Carter along with 38 other leaders of both major parties. Let them know it was funded by major foundations like Ford and Carnegie along with over 100, citizens supporters.
  5. Find out approximately how many attendees you can expect. This will let you know how many brochures you will need.

We encourage our Ambassadors to set up their own presentations. However, if you need assistance in finding an appropriate group to present to, or in setting up a presentation once you've found a group, we can offer you assistance with this. Simply call the Membership team at 515-989-6363, or email [email protected]. There is no minimum or maximum number of presentations you must give. We simply ask that you do as many as you are able or willing to do.

Giving a Presentation

The second step in the Ambassador Program is actually giving the presentation you just set up. Making an appearance as a Vote Smart Ambassador is quite simple. What follows is a basic outline of the presentation steps.

  1. Let the 4-minute video do all the work. It is an excellent explanation of what Vote Smart does, how it does it, why it can be trusted and how to use it.
  2. Hand out brochures. Arrive at the presentation space early and find a place to display the brochures. You may want to stand at the door and hand them to people directly as they walk in. You can also place one on each seat. Every attendee should have a brochure in his or her hand.
  3. If given the opportunity emphasis these points:
    • Vote Smart covers the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the Federal Government and all 50 State Governments in six basic categories:
      1. Background and Contact info
      2. Issue Positions
      3. Voting Records
      4. Campaign Finances
      5. Special interest group ratings
      6. Speeches and Public Statements.
    • Every candidate - Democrat, Republican, or third party - is treated with equal deference, and only relevant and unbiased facts are presented. Vote Smart does not lobby, support, or oppose any candidate, nor does it accept support from any organization that does.
    • In order to keep its unbiased, non-partisan integrity Vote Smart does not accept financial support from special interest groups, corporations, or the government. Vote Smart is supported primarily by its members. Vote Smart also receives grants from philanthropic foundations.
    • We are so trusted that Google, Bing, Yahoo and major media are amongst our biggest users.

Remember, these presentations are simple and easy! If you don't feel comfortable speaking in front of an audience, don't! Just show the video and pass out brochures.

Through the Ambassador Program we hope to find others who will support our efforts but you do not need to ask for contributions. Our primary goal is to inform people in your community of our existence, allowing them to use our services to obtain abundant, accurate information about those who govern and those who wish to. All of our services are available free of charge and though membership and contributions are appreciated, they are not required.

  • Call us! 515-989-6363
  • Email us! [email protected]
  • Write us! Ambassador Coordinator
    Vote Smart
    1153 24th Street
    Des Moines, IA 50311

Suggested Venues

Some types of groups you might consider:

  • Political groups
  • Civic Organizations
  • High Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Labor Unions
  • Libraries
  • Professional Groups
  • PTA Meetings
  • Retirement Communities
  • Religious Organization

Some examples of these groups:

These are suggestions, something to get you started. Feel free to branch out. If you find another venue, go for it!

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