Legislation by Subject Topic
for the 113th General Assembly 2023-2024

Legislation filed under: Animal Cruelty and Abuse

The primary subject of a bill in this list may be different from the subject listed above.
In those cases, the bill was filed using Animal Cruelty and Abuse as a secondary subject.

Bill Number Composite Abstract Last Action Date
HB0045 by Doggett
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, makes it a defense to a claim for civil damages based on killing or injuring a dog that the dog had been or was killing or worrying a person or wildlife. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 1; Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2 and Title 44, Chapter 17. Withdrawn. 1/30/2023
HB0285 by Whitson
SB0194 by Lundberg
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, raises from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony certain animal cruelty offenses involving a cock; requires a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,500 for the offense of being a spectator at a cock fight. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2.

HB0285: Failed in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

SB0194: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee



HB0398 by Littleton
SB0183 by Walley
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As enacted, requires mental health evaluation and treatment for juveniles who commit aggravated animal cruelty under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 37 and Title 39.

HB0398: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 334

SB0183: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023



HB0472 by Crawford
SB0195 by Lundberg
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As enacted, establishes standards for shelter that must be provided to dogs under animal cruelty laws. - Amends TCA Title 39 and Title 44.

HB0472: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 335

SB0195: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023



HB1320 by Kumar
SB0835 by Lundberg
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, creates the Class C misdemeanor of restraining a dog with a chain, cord, tether, cable, or similar device while a disaster is imminent or occurring; states that a person is not subject to prosecution for a violation unless the person has previously received a warning citation for a violation. - Amends TCA Title 39 and Title 44, Chapter 17.

HB1320: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee

SB0835: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee



HB1938 by Jernigan
SB1847 by Lundberg
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, changes, from 24 hours to 48 hours following receipt of an allegation of a criminal offense committed against livestock, the time frame within which the commissioner of agriculture, the commissioner's agent, a graduate of an accredited college of veterinary medicine specializing in livestock practice, or a graduate of an accredited college of agriculture with a specialty in livestock must make a probable cause examination of the livestock, otherwise a licensed veterinarian is permitted to make the examination. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14; Title 44 and Title 66.

HB1938: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee

SB1847: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee



HB2068 by Jernigan
SB1782 by Lundberg
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, raises from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony certain animal cruelty offenses involving a cock; requires a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,500 for the offense of being a spectator at a cock fight. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2.

HB2068: Held on desk.

SB1782: Rcvd. from S., held on H. desk.



HB2540 by Terry
SB2384 by Lundberg
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, increases the age at which a rabbit that has been colored, stained, or otherwise had their natural color changed must not be sold as a pet, toy, premium, or novelty from under two months of age to under six months of age. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2.

HB2540: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee

SB2384: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Energy, Ag., and Nat. Resources Committee



HB2691 by Doggett
SB2478 by Hensley
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As enacted, prohibits the department of agriculture or any other state or local department or agency from entering private property without probable cause to believe that a criminal offense has occurred or is occurring, the consent of the property owner, a warrant, or a recognized warrant exception; requires a member of a society incorporated for the prevention of cruelty to animals to notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency of the member's intent to make an arrest or interfere to prevent an act of cruelty and the circumstances justifying the action before doing so. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 43; Title 44 and Title 63, Chapter 12.

HB2691: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 704

SB2478: Pub. Ch. 704



SB0183 by Walley
HB0398 by Littleton
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As enacted, requires mental health evaluation and treatment for juveniles who commit aggravated animal cruelty under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 37 and Title 39.

SB0183: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023

HB0398: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 334



SB0194 by Lundberg
HB0285 by Whitson
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, raises from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony certain animal cruelty offenses involving a cock; requires a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,500 for the offense of being a spectator at a cock fight. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2.

SB0194: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee

HB0285: Failed in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee



SB0195 by Lundberg
HB0472 by Crawford
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As enacted, establishes standards for shelter that must be provided to dogs under animal cruelty laws. - Amends TCA Title 39 and Title 44.

SB0195: Effective date(s) 07/01/2023

HB0472: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 335



SB0835 by Lundberg
HB1320 by Kumar
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, creates the Class C misdemeanor of restraining a dog with a chain, cord, tether, cable, or similar device while a disaster is imminent or occurring; states that a person is not subject to prosecution for a violation unless the person has previously received a warning citation for a violation. - Amends TCA Title 39 and Title 44, Chapter 17.

SB0835: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee

HB1320: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee



SB1782 by Lundberg
HB2068 by Jernigan
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, raises from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony certain animal cruelty offenses involving a cock; requires a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,500 for the offense of being a spectator at a cock fight. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2.

SB1782: Rcvd. from S., held on H. desk.

HB2068: Held on desk.



SB1847 by Lundberg
HB1938 by Jernigan
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, changes, from 24 hours to 48 hours following receipt of an allegation of a criminal offense committed against livestock, the time frame within which the commissioner of agriculture, the commissioner's agent, a graduate of an accredited college of veterinary medicine specializing in livestock practice, or a graduate of an accredited college of agriculture with a specialty in livestock must make a probable cause examination of the livestock, otherwise a licensed veterinarian is permitted to make the examination. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14; Title 44 and Title 66.

SB1847: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Judiciary Committee

HB1938: Assigned to s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee



SB2384 by Lundberg
HB2540 by Terry
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As introduced, increases the age at which a rabbit that has been colored, stained, or otherwise had their natural color changed must not be sold as a pet, toy, premium, or novelty from under two months of age to under six months of age. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 14, Part 2.

SB2384: Passed on Second Consideration, refer to Senate Energy, Ag., and Nat. Resources Committee

HB2540: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee of Criminal Justice Committee



SB2478 by Hensley
HB2691 by Doggett
Animal Cruelty and Abuse - As enacted, prohibits the department of agriculture or any other state or local department or agency from entering private property without probable cause to believe that a criminal offense has occurred or is occurring, the consent of the property owner, a warrant, or a recognized warrant exception; requires a member of a society incorporated for the prevention of cruelty to animals to notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency of the member's intent to make an arrest or interfere to prevent an act of cruelty and the circumstances justifying the action before doing so. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 43; Title 44 and Title 63, Chapter 12.

SB2478: Pub. Ch. 704

HB2691: Comp. became Pub. Ch. 704

