Office of Public Affairs

Press Room and Public Notices

The Office of Public Affairs responds to media inquiries and coordinates all contact with news media representatives.

Many issues originate in one of the nine regional water quality control boards throughout California. Media are encouraged to contact the regional boards directly on local or regional issues and the State Water Resources Control Board Office of Public Affairs for statewide issues. The State Water Board public information officers can serve as liaisons to media on regional issues, if needed.

  Press Room Main Contact Information

The best way to contact the press room is by email: [email protected]

  • Jackie Carpenter, Media Relations Director
    [email protected]
  • Blair Robertson, Public Information Officer (Drinking Water, SGMA, Regions 1, 2, and 5)
    [email protected]
  • Ailene Voisin, Public Information Officer (Water Rights, Regions 4, 8 and 9)
    [email protected]
  • Edward Ortiz, Communications Specialist, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)
    [email protected]
  • Dimitri Stanich, Drought Communications Officer (SAFER program, Water investments, Region 7)
    [email protected]

Press Room

1001 I Street, 24th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 341-7365
Fax: (916) 341-5252

Travel to the State Water Resources Control Board in the CalEPA Headquarters Building

Email: [email protected]

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Public Requests

  • Public Records Requests
  • Public Comments Requests
    If you would like to request a copy of written public comments submitted to the Board on an item noticed for public comment, please send a request to [email protected], identifying the item as listed on the Notice or board meeting agenda by date, agenda item and number (if any). The Clerk of the Board will respond by sending a link to access them.

Videos and Webcasts

  Water Boards Map

Regional Board Jurisdictions
(click map for specific locations)