Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program

Petitions Regarding UST Cleanup

A petition is a request from an aggrieved person for the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) to review any action or failure to act by a regulatory agency that the petitioner believes to be improper or inappropriate. There are different filing procedures depending on which type of petition is most appropriate to file.

  1. Petitions for Closure of UST Case (Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) or Local Oversight Program (LOP) Agency)
    Any UST or residential tank owner or operator or other responsible party who believes that corrective action has been satisfactorily implemented, but who has not been granted closure, may petition the State Water Board for review of the case. However, you should be aware that State Water Board staff will automatically review a UST case closure denial. The State Water Board directed its staff to review all denied UST case closure requests within six months of the date the denied request for closure (RFC) was uploaded to GeoTracker, as stated in Resolution 2012-0062 adopted on November 6, 2012, "Directing Additional Actions to Improve the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Program." Denied RFCs are tracked on the GeoTracker website. This Flow Chart displays the denied UST case closure review process.

    One may still elect to file a petition that may be considered by the State Water Board at a board meeting, assuming the UST case is not closed by Executive Director after the State Water Board staff review.

    The following information is helpful, although it is not required, to be included in the closure petition. This information is also explained in the "Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy."

    • Repair, removal, and installation of USTs and associated system components.
    • Available public water supply, contaminants released, release abatement, and if there is any free product present at the site.
    • Conceptual Site Model assessing nature, extent, and mobility of the release.
    • Remedial action(s), testing for methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and any nuisance conditions.
    • Affected groundwater, vapor intrusion and direct contact risk.
  2. Non-Closure Petitions Involving Regional Water Board Oversight of UST Cases
    For matters not involving denial of closure for a UST case, an aggrieved person may petition the State Water Board in matters involving a Regional Water Board's actions or failure to act. See more information and details about filing one of these water quality petitions.

  3. Non-Closure Petitions Involving LOP Agency Oversight of UST Cases
    For matters not involving closure, an aggrieved person may petition the State Water Board in matters involving LOP agency's actions or failure to act. The current LOP agencies can be found on the Local Oversight Program webpage. For more information and details about how to file one of these petitions, review Resolution No. 88-23 for filing LOP petitions.

Where should petitions be sent?

It is preferred that petitions should be emailed to the addresses below, or hard copy faxed, or filed in person.

  • Send Petitions for Closure of UST Case (Regional Water Board or LOP Agency) to:
  • State Water Resources Control Board
    Underground Storage Tank Program
    1001 "I" Street, 15th Floor
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    FAX: (916) 341-5808
    ATTN: Dayna Cordano, (916) 341-5385
    EMAIL: [email protected]

  • Send Non-Closure Petitions Involving Regional Board Oversight of UST Cases to:
  • State Water Resources Control Board
    Office of Chief Counsel
    1001 "I" Street, 22nd Floor
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    ATTN: Adrianna M. Jerome, Legal Analyst, (916) 341-5156
    EMAIL: [email protected]
    Detailed information is also available on the Water Board's "Water Quality Petitions" webpage

  • Send Non-Closure Petitions Involving LOP Agency Oversight of UST Cases to:
  • State Water Resources Control Board
    Office of Chief Counsel
    1001 "I" Street, 22nd Floor
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    FAX: (916) 341-5199
    ATTN: Julie M. Osborn, Attorney IV, (916) 341-5176
    EMAIL: [email protected]