Documents for Public Comment

The following documents are presented for public comment. Comments are addressed to the Clerk to the Board.

  If you would like to request a copy of written public comments submitted to the Board on an item noticed for public comment, please send a request to [email protected], identifying the item as listed on the Notice or board meeting agenda by date, agenda item and number (if any). The Clerk of the Board will respond by sending a link to access them.

Search: Topics are in order by the deadline date. You can search for a particular topic by using the “Find” command from the “Edit” menu at the top of your browser window, and typing in a keyword. [Try the shortcut keys: Ctrl+F]

2024 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
Ocean Desal Scoping
The State Water Board will accept written comments, evidence, and other material on the Proposed Project. Electronic comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
Written comments may alternatively be sent via mail to:
Ocean Desalination
State Water Resources Control Board
P.O. Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812-2000 (mail)
1001 I Street, 15th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 (hand-delivery)
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
11/13/2024 by noon
TMDL Compliance Plan
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed TMDL Compliance Plan.
Notice | Program Page
10/15/2024 by noon
Small Municipal Stormwater Permit
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Informal Draft Small Municipal Stormwater Permit.

Notice | Program Page
10/04/2024 by noon
Probationary Hearing Notice and Draft Staff Report for the Kern County Subbasin
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the probationary notice and draft staff report for the Kern County Subbasin.
Electronic Comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
09/23/2024 by noon
Utility Wildfire General Order and EIR
The State Water Board will also accept written comments on the Utility Wildfire General Order and EIR.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
09/13/2024 by noon
ASBS Compliance Plan
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed ASBS Compliance Plan.
Notice | Program Page
09/06/2024 by noon
R2 BPA on Climate Change and Shoreline Adaptation
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Basin Plan Amendments.
Notice | Program Page
08/25/2024 by noon
California Department of Transportation's Stormwater Management Plan
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Department’s proposed Stormwater Management Plan.
Notice | Program Page
08/19/2024 by noon
Changes to Proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the changes to the proposed regulation.
Notice | Program Page
08/12/2024 by noon
September 18, 2024 Board Meeting, Order Setting Aside Water Quality Certification
The State Water Board will accept written comments on a proposed order setting aside the water quality certification for the relicensing of Yuba County Water Agency’s Yuba River Development Project.
Notice | Program Page
08/09/2024 by noon
Changes to Proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the changes to the proposed regulation.
Notice | Program Page
August 20, 2024 Board Meeting- DWSRF IUP
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan
Notice | Program Page
07/24/2024 by noon
Draft FY 2024-25 FEP
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed Draft Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fund Expenditure Plan for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page | SADW FEP Summary | Resumen
07/24/2024 by noon
August 6, 2024 Board Meeting- CWSRF IUP
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed State Fiscal Year 2024-25 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan
Notice | Program Page
07/15/2024 by noon
Revised Draft Municipal Stormwater Cost Policy
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Revised Draft Municipal Stormwater Cost Policy and Staff Report.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
07/09/2024 by noon
Probationary Hearing Notice and Draft Staff Report for the Kaweah Subbasin
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the probationary notice and draft staff report for the Kaweah Subbasin.
Electronic comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso Revisado | Aviso Program Page
07/08/2024 by noon
Proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the changes to the proposed regulation.
Notice | Program Page
07/01/2024 by noon

Expert Panel for the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed questions of convening of a second statewide agricultural expert panel, including the proposed questions, areas of expertise to be considered, and the data to be given for consideration. Electronic comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
Written comments may alternatively be sent via mail to:
State Water Resources Control Board
Attn: Kelsey Moore, Division of Water Quality
1001 I Street, 15th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

06/28/2024 by 5 p.m.
Water Quality Enforcement Policy - APPENDIX D
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on proposed revisions to clarify Appendix D in the proposed update to the Water Quality Enforcement Policy.
Notice | Proposed Appendix D Revisions | Program Page
06/17/2024 by noon  
Proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the changes to the proposed regulation.
Notice | Program Page
Settlement Agreement and Proposed Order City of Calexico
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the settlement agreement and proposed order.
Notice | Proposed Order | Settlement Agreement
06/03/2024 by noon
Central Coast Drinking Water Well Testing Program
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed resolution.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
06/03/2024 by noon
Salton Sea Management Program
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Salton Sea Management Program.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
05/13/2024 by noon
Probationary Hearing Notice and Draft Staff Report for the Tule Subbasin
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the probationary notice and draft staff report for the Tule Subbasin.
Electronic comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
05/07/2024 by noon
Cachuma Project Reconsideration Order
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the draft order denying the US Bureau of Reclamation's petition for reconsideration of Order WR 2019-0148.
Extension Letter | Notice | Program Page
5/02/2024 by noon
Order Setting Aside Multiple Water Quality Certifications
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the reconsideration of Water Quality Certifications for Merced River and Merced Falls Hydroelectric Projects, Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project, and Don Pedro and La Grange Hydroelectric Projects
Electronic comments should be submitted to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]
Notice | Proposed Order
04/09/2024 by noon
Proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the changes to the proposed regulation.
Notice | Program Page
Proposed action to amend the IUP to decrease WRFP grant maximums
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed action to amend the 2023-24 CWSRF IUP.
Notice | CWSRF Program Page | WRFP Program Page
03/11/2024 by noon
SWRCB-DDW-21-003: Hexavalent Chromium MCL
The State Water Board is accepting comments on the addition of materials to the list of Documents Relied Upon for the proposed Hexavalent Chromium MCL regulations.
Revised Notice | Aviso Modificado | Notice | Aviso | Program Page
03/04/2024 by noon
R2 BPA to Facilitate NPDES Permitting
The State Water Board is accepting comments on the proposed approval of an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
02/12/2024 by noon
OTC Policy Draft 2021-2022 Determinations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the 2021-2022 draft determinations to approve mitigation measures for the Water Quality Control Policy on the Use of Coastal and Estuarine Waters for Power Plant Cooling (Once-Through Cooling or OTC Policy) for the following power plants: Alamitos Generating Station, Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Harbor Generating Station, Haynes Generating Station, Huntington Beach Generating Station, Ormond Beach Generating Station, Redondo Beach Generating Station, and Scattergood Generating Station.
Notice | Program Page
01/18/2024 by noon

2023 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft handbook.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
12/12/2023 by noon
Proposed regulations changes for SWRCB-DDW-21-003: Hexavalent Chromium MCL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulations.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
12/15/2023 by noon
Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, Benjamin B. Magana, Jr.
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.
Revised Notice | Notice | Proposed Order
12/18/2023 by noon
Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, Associated Consulting Civil & Environmental Services, Inc.
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.
Notice | Proposed Order
12/18/2023 by noon
Revised Proposed Trash Assessment Methodology
The State Water Board will only consider written comments regarding the revised proposed Methodology.
Notice | Program Page
12/14/2023 by noon
Scott-Shasta Preliminary Draft Emergency Regulation
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the preliminary draft emergency regulation.
Electronic comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
or Hard copy mail to: State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights P.O. Box 2000, Sacramento, CA 95812 (mail) 1001 I Street, 14th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 (hand-delivery)
Notice | Program Page
11/16/2023 by 5 p.m.
Probationary Hearing Notice and Draft Staff Report for the Tulare Lake Subbasin
The State Water Board will accept written and oral comments on the probationary hearing draft staff report for the Tulare Lake Subbasin.
Electronic comments should be submitted to: [email protected]
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
12/11/2023 by noon
Sacramento/Delta Draft Staff Report
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Staff Report.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page

Written comments can be submitted electronically to: [email protected]

Alternatively, written comments may be submitted by mail to:
State Water Resources Control Board
Division of Water Rights
Attn: Bay-Delta & Hearings Branch
P.O. Box 100
Sacramento, CA 95812-2000

Proposed Revised Direct Potable Reuse Regulations (SBDDW-23-001)
The State Water Board will accept written comments relevant to the changes to the proposed regulation text.
Notice | Program Page
11/06/2023 by noon
Interim Mitigation Update
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the draft Resolution.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
10/30/2023 by noon
Clear Lake Emergency Regulation
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed Draft Emergency Information Order Regulations for the Clear Lake Watershed.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
10/31/2023 by noon
Santa Ynez TMDL
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed Basin Plan amendment.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
10/23/2023 by noon
Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook
he State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook.
Notice | Program Page
10/20/2023 by noon
Proposed Making Conservation a California Way of Life Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments relevant to the proposed regulatory action.
Notice | Program Page
Lahontan Bacteria Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed Basin Plan amendment and SED.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
10/16/2023 by noon
Dominguez Channel and Greater Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor Waters Toxic Pollutants TMDL
The State Water Board will accept comments on the proposed approval of the Basin Plan amendment.
Notice | Program Page
Factsheet: English | Spanish
Factsheet Glossary: English | Spanish
10/15/2023 by noon
Draft Municipal Stormwater Cost Policy
The State Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Draft Municipal Stormwater Cost Policy and Staff Report.
Notice | Program Page
10/03/2023 by noon
Proposed Amendment to Statewide Aquatic Weed Control Permit
The State Water Board will only accept written comments regarding the proposed addition of Casitas Water District to Attachment G of the Aquatic Weed Control Permit.
Notice | Program Page
9/29/2023 by noon
Draft Extended Arrearage Program Guidelines
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the draft California Water and Wastewater Extended Arrearage Payment Program Guidelines
Notice | Program Page
9/25/2023 by noon
The Forum’s 2023 Colorado River Salinity Standard Triennial Review.
Written comments from the public and interested parties on the Forum’s report will be accepted. Written comments can be submitted electronically to the Forum in care of Don Barnett at [email protected].
Alternatively, written comments may be submitted by mail to:
Emma McCorkle
California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Colorado River Basin Region
73-720 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA 92260
Notice | Document Availability
9/15/2023 by noon
Draft FY 2023-24 FEP
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed Draft FY 2023-24 FEP.
Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso | Program Page
8/30/2023 by noon
& 9/12/2023 by noon (for Appendix L only)
SBDDW-23-001: Proposed Direct Potable Reuse Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments relevant to the proposed regulatory action.
Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
9/8/2023 by noon
Cannabis Cultivation General Order
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed updates to the Cannabis Cultivation General Order.
English | Spanish | Hmong | Program Page
8/18/2023 by noon
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.
Extension Letter | Transmittal Letter | Proposed Order | Petition Page
8/11/2023 by noon
SWRCB-DDW-21-003: Hexavalent Chromium MCL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulatory action.
Third Revised Notice | Aviso Aviso Revisado | Program Page
UPDATED Deadline
8/18/2023 by noon
Draft Desalination Siting and Streamlining Report to Expedite Permitting
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Draft Report.
Notice | Program Page
7/28/2023 by noon
Mountain House Community Services District Thermal Plan exception
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed concurrence with the Thermal Plan exception for the Discharger.
Notice | Program Page
7/24/2023 by noon
Petition for Rulemaking to Set Minimum Flows on the Scott River
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Petition.
Notice | Program Page
7/20/2023 by noon
Amendment to Incorporate Copper TMDLs for Newport Bay
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the final amendment.
Notice | Aviso | Traditional Chinese | Program Page
7/17/2023 by noon
Proposed Amended Trash Assessment Methodology
The State Water Board Executive Director will only consider written comments regarding the proposed amended Trash Assessment Methodology.
Notice | Program Page
6/30/2023 by noon
The State Water Board will accept both written and oral comments on the proposed SFY 2023-24 (FFY 2023) CWSRF and DWSRF IUPs
Notice | Program Pages CWSRF: DWSRF:
6/23/2023 by noon
2022 TMP Reconsideration
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft order.
Notice | Program Page
6/13/2023 by noon
Emergency Regulation to Ban Decorative Grass Watering
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Notice of Proposed Emergency Rulemaking
Notice | Program Page
5/25/2023 by 5:00 p.m.
NOP Comment Letter – Tuolumne River Voluntary Agreement
The State Water Board will accept written comments regarding scoping elements. Comments can be submitted electronically to: [email protected]. Comments can also be mailed to the address below:

Division of Water Rights Mail Room
Attn: San Joaquin Unit
State Water Resources Control Board
P.O. Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812-2000 (mail)
1001 I Street, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 (hand-delivery)

Notice | Program Page
5/25/2023 by noon
Salton Sea Management Program's Phase 1 Plan
The State Water Board will accept comments on the Phase 1 Plan.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
5/2/2023 by 5:00 p.m.
Water Quality Enforcement Policy
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed amendments to the Enforcement Policy.
Notice | Program Page
4/28/2023 by noon
Draft Amended Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program Guidelines
The State Water Board will accept both written and oral comments on the Draft Amended Guidelines.
Notice | Aviso | Program Page
4/25/2023 by noon
2024 California Integrated Report
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the draft 303(d) List and draft staff report.
Notice | Program Page
4/3/2023 by noon
Once Through Cooling (OTC) Policy Amendment
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the Draft OTC Policy Amendment and Draft Staff Report.
Notice | Program Page
3/17/2023 by noon
Draft Expedited Drinking Water Grant Funding Program Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Guidelines.
Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso revisado | Aviso | Program Page
2/10/2023 by noon
Draft Scientific Basis Report Supplement

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
2/8/2023 by noon
Climate Change Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
1/2/2023 by noon

2022 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, The Reynolds Group; Mobi-Dos, Inc.
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.

Revised Notice | Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
Proposed Regulation Modifying Water Right Ownership Notice Requirements and Reporting Dates
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.

Notice | Program Page
Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook
The State Water Board, Division of Drinking Water, will accept written comments on the draft Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
SAFER Report on Point-of-Use and Point of Entry
The State Water Board is accepting written comments

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
Prohibited Uses Emergency Regulation December 2022
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Emergency Rulemaking.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
OTC Policy 2020-2021 Draft Determinations
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the 2020-2021 draft determinations to approve mitigation measures for the Water Quality Control Policy on the Use of Coastal and Estuarine Waters for Power Plant Cooling

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Metal Detection Limits for Purposes of Reporting (DLR)
The State Water Board will solicit public input regarding the proposed revisions to the antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, and thallium detection limits for purposes of reporting (DLR) and the proposed adoption of iron, manganese, and zinc DLRs.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Onsite Wastewater Systems Policy (OWTS Policy) Renewal
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed amendments to the OWTS Policy and associated California Environmental Quality Act documentation.

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Salinas Pesticide and Toxicity TMDL
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed TMDL.

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Bacteria TMDL
The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) will accept comments on the proposed Basin Plan Amendment and final Substitute Environmental Documentation (SED)

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Racial Equity Action Plan
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the draft Racial Equity Action Plan.

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by 5:00 PM
R5: Southern Lost Hills Oilfield Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
R6: Lahontan Editorial Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Colorado River Basin OP-OC TMDL
The State Water Board will accept written comments regarding the proposed TMDL

by noon
Proposed Water Loss Performance Standards
The State Water Board will accept written comments regarding the proposed Water Loss Regulations

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Comment Letter: October 3, 2022, Board Meeting – CWSRF IUP or Comment Letter: October 3, 2022, Board Meeting – DWSRF IUP
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed SFY 2022-23 (FFY 2022) CWSRF and DWSRF IUPs

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Addition of TBU Definitions to the Los Angeles Regional Basin Plan
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Amendment to Extend SHEL Attainment Date for Newport Bay Fecal Coliform TMDLs
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Fund Expenditure Plan for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund (FEP)
The State Water Board is accepting written comment on the Draft FY 2022-23 FEP

Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso Modificado | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
2018 Bay-Delta Plan Implementation NOP
The State Water Board will accept written comments regarding the scoping element.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Rulemaking - Proposed Regulation Modifying Water Right Ownership Notice Requirements and Reporting Dates
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Rulemaking

Notice | Program Page
by 5:00 p.m.
Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, Associated Soils Analysis, Inc
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.
Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
Region 5: Central Valley Tribal Beneficial Use Definitions
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Statewide Construction Stormwater General Permit Reissuance
The State Water Board is accepting written comments, including any directly related evidence, on only the revisions to the antidegradation findings in Section I.H.2 of the Fact Sheet in the proposed Statewide Construction Stormwater General Permit. Written comments must clearly relate to the antidegradation revisions.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Amendment to Statewide Vector Control Permit
The State Water Board is accepting written comments only regarding the proposed addition of the active ingredient Pyriproxyfen and the applicable receiving water monitoring trigger.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Replacing, Removing, or Upgrading Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Grant and Loan Program Regulations Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulatory action.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Amendment To Statewide General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit For Residual Aquatic Pesticide Discharges To Waters Of The United States From Algae And Aquatic Weed Control Applications
The State Water Board is accepting Written Comments only on the proposed additions in Attachment G of the Aquatic Weed Control Permit.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Petition Of AES Redondo Beach, LLC, For Review Of The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Failure To Adopt A Time Schedule Order For The Redondo Beach Generating Station Order R4-2016-0222-A01 - SWRCB/OCC FILE A-2779
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.

Transmittal Letter | Proposed Order | Program Page
by noon
Revised Draft Emergency Curtailment and Reporting Regulation for the Delta Watershed
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft revised emergency regulations and updates to Technical Appendix D of the Water Unavailability Methodology.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, AdvancedGeo, Inc.; AdvancedGeo Environmental, Inc.; and Robert Marty
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, United States Defense Logistics Agency, Building 545, DFSP Moffett Field
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order.

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
Proposed Vapor Intrusion Assessment Amendment to State Water Board Resolution No. 92-49
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Amendment.

Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso Modificado | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Draft Proposition 68 Groundwater - Drinking Water Treatment Operations and Maintenance Funding Program Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Guidelines.

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
GabilanCreek Turbidity TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Basin Plan amendment.

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin to Improve and Clarify Waste Discharge Prohibition Language
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Amendments.

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Plan to Utilize the Allocation from the Budget Act of 2021 for the Groundwater Cleanup and Water Recycling Projects
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed plan (described in the Notice) to utilize the Allocation from the Budget Act of 2021 for Groundwater Cleanup and Water Recycling projects.

Notice | Aviso | Proposition 1 | Water Recycling Funding Program Guidelines
by noon
Proposed Statewide Construction Stormwater General Permit Reissuance
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the proposed revisions listed in this Notice

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Santa Ana Region - TDS/N Management Program
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin that would revise and update the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and nitrogen management program (TDS/N management program) in the Santa Ana Region.

by noon
Santa Ana Region Elsinore Max Ben
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

by noon
Proposed Administrative Draft on Hexavalent Chromium Maximum Contaminant Level
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Administrative Draft

Notice | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Draft Sanitary Sewer Systems General Order Reissuance
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Order.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
CEQA Scoping Comment - Copper and Zinc
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Water Quality Control Plan.

Comments can be submitted electronically to [email protected].
Comments can also be mailed to the address below:
State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Water Quality
Attention: Chris Beegan
P.O. Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812-0100 (mail)
1001 I Street, 15th floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 (hand-delivered)

Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso Modificado | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Russian River Pathogen TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comment on the proposed approval of the following two amendments to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (North Coast Water Board) amendment of the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) 1) to include the Action Plan for the Russian River Watershed Pathogen TMDL and prohibition against the discharge of fecal waste materials to waters of the State within the Russian River Watershed and 2) editorial changes to the Policy on the Control of Water Quality with Respect to On-Site Waste Treatment and Disposal Practices in Section 4 of the Basin Plan.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Electric Utility General Order
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Order.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Water Loss Performance Standards Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Order Denying Petition for Reconsideration  G. Scott Fahey and Sugar Pine Spring Water, LP – Deadwood Spring and Three Unnamed Springs Tributary to Tuolumne River, Tuolumne County.
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Order.

Cover Letter and Draft Order | Program Page
by noon
Draft Implementation Plans for the Drinking Water and Wastewater Allocations from the Budget Act of 2021
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed DWSRF IUP and CWSRF IUP Amendments (Draft Implementation Plan)

Notice | Program Page - Drinking Water | Program Page - Wastewater
by noon
Draft Order 2021 TUCP-TMP Reconsideration
The State Water Board is accepting written comment on the draft Order.

Comments on or objections to the 2022 TUCP should be submitted in accordance with the instructions in the December 3, 2021 Notice for the 2022 TUCP. Any combined comments on the draft Order and 2022 TUCP must be submitted as instructed in the Notice of the 2022 TUCP and to [email protected]. Please indicate in the subject line “Comment Letter: 2021 TUCP-TMP Reconsideration/2022 TUCP”.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Wastewater amendments to the Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Amendments.

Notice | Program Page
by noon

2021 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
Drought Conservation Emergency Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Emergency Regulations.

Notice | Second Revised Emergency Regulations Digest | Revised Emergency Regulations Digest | Emergency Regulations Digest | Proposed Text of Emergency Regulations | Program Page
by noon
Microplastics in Drinking Water Methods and Plan
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed methods and plans.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Hexavalent Chromium MCL Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Notice of Preparation.

Please submit your written comments to [email protected] or via mail to Kim Niemeyer, State Water Board, Office of Chief Counsel P.O. Box 100 Sacramento, California 95812-0100. In your response, please indicate the public agency or other entity you represent, and the name and phone number of a contact person.

Notice | Program Page
by 5:00 p.m.
Colorado River Basin Yucca Valley Prohibition Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
San Diego Basin Plan Biological Objectives Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed amendment.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Guidelines

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Draft Statewide Caltrans Stormwater Permit
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed draft Permit.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft FY 2021-22 Fund Expenditure Plan for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft plan.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Restoration Projects Statewide Order
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Order and draft PEIR.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Statewide Construction Stormwater General Permit Reissuance
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Construction Stormwater General Permit Reissuance.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Racial Equity Resolution
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Resolution.

Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso Modificado | Aviso | Draft Resolution | Program Page
by noon
Draft Emergency Regulation: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Watershed
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft emergency regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Toxicity Policy
The State Water Board is accepting written comments only on the proposed resolution and its attachments (which include the proposed revisions to the Toxicity Provision and proposed revisions to the Staff Report). Comments that are unrelated to the resolution and its attachments, including comments regarding the substantive provisions of the Toxicity Provisions, will not be accepted.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
2020-2022 California Integrated Report
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft 2020-2022 California 303(d) List and Draft Staff Report

Notice | Program Page
by noon
2021 OTC Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft OTC Policy Amendment and Draft Staff Report.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
OTC Policy Draft Determinations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on input and recommendations on the eight draft determinations

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Early Draft Anticipated DPR Criteria
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Addendum to the Framework

Please submit comments to: [email protected]
For additional information, please see Notice.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Los Angeles Region TMDL Implementation Schedule Extensions
The State Water Board is accepting written comment on the proposed approval of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region (Basin Plan) that would extend final TMDL Implementation deadlines for the listed TMDLs in the Los Angeles Region.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Bacteria TMDL for the Beaches in Pillar Point Harbor and Venice Beach
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft IUP.

by noon
SFY 2021-22 (FFY 2021) CWSRF IUP
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on draft IUP

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Region 8 - Upper Temescal Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comment on the proposed approval of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin that would establish water quality objective for (TDS) and nitrate-nitrogen in the Upper Temescal Valley GMZ for the Santa Ana Region (Basin Plan amendment).

by noon
Tribal BU Definitions Lahontan
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment

Notice | Program Page
by noon
2020 Safe Drinking Water Plan
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the development of the 2020 Safe Drinking Water Plan

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
General Order for Vegetation Treatment Program
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Order

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
College Lake Decision Hearing
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Decision Package.

Cover Letter and Notice of Opportunity to Comment | Draft Decision | Draft Permit | Draft Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan | Program Page
by noon
Pinto Lake TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Resolution to Authorize Use of Supplemental Environmental Project Funds to Supplement Southern California Regional Monitoring Programs
The State Water Board is accepting written comments the proposed resolution of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region to authorize use of Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) funds for Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) Regional Monitoring Programs (RMPs).

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Revisions to the Salt and Nitrate Control Program Basin Plan Amendments
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board’s (Central Valley Water Board) revisions to the Salt and Nitrate Control Program Basin Plan Amendments for the Water Quality Control Plans for the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River Basins and the Tulare Lake Basin.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Update on the Status of Phase 1 of the Salton Sea Management Program
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the status of Phase 1 of the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP)

Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso de Taller Revisado | Program Page
by noon
Region 9: Non-regulatory Updates to San Diego Basin Plan
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Dredge or Fill Procedures
The State Water Board is accepting written comment only on the Draft Resolution.

Notice | Draft Resolution | Program Page
by noon
Suction Dredge Mining General Permit
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Statewide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Suction Dredge Mining General Permit

Update Notice | Second Revised Notice | Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Region 2 Chlorine Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Basin Plan Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Colorado River Basin Bacteria Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
A-2688 and A-2689, Oceanside and Fallbrook NPDES Permits
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Order.

Transmittal Letter | Draft Order | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Order Rescinding Water Quality Order No. 2009-0006-DWQ General Waste Discharge Requirements for Landscape Irrigation Uses of Municipal Recycled Water
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Order.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Amended Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Guidelines

Notice | Program Page
by noon

2020 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
Hexavalent Chromium MCL Costs
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on estimates of costs associated with a range of potential hexavalent chromium maximum contaminant levels (MCL) and treatment technologies.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Revised Total Coliform Rule (SBDDW-20-002)
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Limited Amendments to Water Quality Certification for Yuba County Water Agency’s Yuba River Development Project
ProjectThe State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed order.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Aquatic Weed Control Permit Proposed Amendment
The State Water Board is a accepting written comments on the proposed amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
High Speed Rail Authority Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed MOU

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Toxicity 2018 to 2020 Changes
The State Water Board is accepting written comments directly related to the differences between the October 2018 versions and the July 2020 versions of the Toxicity Provisions and the Staff Report. Please see Notice for additional detailed information.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Adopted Changes to Monthly Urban Water Conservation Reporting Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the adopted changes to the reporting regulations

Notice | Adopted Regulation Text with Edits | Program Page
by noon
Perchlorate Detection Limit for Purposes of Reporting (DLR) (SBDDW-20-001)
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the revised regulation text.

Revised Notice | Notice | Revised Regulation Text | Draft ISR Addendum | Program Page
by noon
Salton Sea
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the status of Phase 1 of the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP).

Notice | Program Page
by noon
General Order for Winery Process Water Treatment Systems
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Order.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
OTC Policy Draft Determinations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on input and recommendations on the draft determinations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Bloomingcamp Water System
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Order

Notice | Draft Order
by noon
Draft Fund Expenditure Plan for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Plan

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Water Loss Regulation Webinar
The State Water Board will accept written comments on the related materials shared at the Webinar

Second Revised Notice | Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft IUPs for the CWSRF program and revised SCGF Guidelines.
Notice | Program Page
by noon
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the IUPs for the DWSRF program and revised guidelines for the implementation of Proposition 1 and Proposition 68 Drinking Water programs.
Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Supplemental Guidance: Screening and Evaluating Vapor Intrusion
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Supplemental Guidance. (See Notice on instructions where to submit written comments)

Revised Notice | Notice | Aviso Público Modificado | Aviso | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Order Allterra Environmental, Inc.
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Order.

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
OTC Policy Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Policy Amendment and Draft Staff Report

2nd Revised Notice | Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
White Paper Discussion on Economic Feasibility Analysis in Consideration of a Hexavalent Chromium Maximum Contaminant Level
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the White Paper

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
"303(d) portion of the 2018 California Integrated Report” or "303(d) list for the North Coast Region” or both
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed 303(d) list for the North Coast Region and the 2018 California Integrated Report. Comments must be limited to Item Four described on the first page of the Revised Notice.

Revised Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Underground Storage Tank
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed amendments

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Update to the Los Angeles Region’s Bacteria Objectives for Fresh, Estuarine, and Marine Waters Designated for Water Contact Recreation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Basin that would update the bacteria objectives for fresh, estuarine and marine waters designated for water contact recreation, based on the Statewide Bacteria Provisions.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Caltrans MOU
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft MOU
Notice | Program Page
by noon
Perchlorate Detection Limit for Purposes of Reporting (SBDDW-20-001)
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulatory action.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
"303(d) portion of the 2018 California Integrated Report” or "303(d) list for the North Coast Region” or both
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed 303(d) list for the North Coast Region and the 2018 California Integrated Report. Comments must be limited to the categories described in items one through three on the first page of this notice.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Definition of Microplastics in Drinking Water
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Definition

Notice | Program
by noon
Bacteria TMDL for the Petaluma River Watershed
The State Water Board is accepting written comment letters on the proposed approval of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin to establish a TMDL and an implementation plan for bacteria in the Petaluma River Watershed.

by noon
SWRCB Files A-2386, A-2477, and A-2508 – Los Angeles Regional Water Board
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Draft Order.

3rd Extension Letter | Second Extension Letter | Extension Letter | Transmittal Letter | Draft Order
Program Pages:
by noon
Administrative Update to Chapter 4 “Strategic Planning and Implementation” and Chapter 5 “Plans and Policies” of the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region that would administratively update Chapter 4 “Strategic Planning and Implementation” and Chapter 5 “Plans and Policies” by incorporating updated information and tables.

by noon
Western Analytical Laboratory
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Order upholding denial of accreditation renewal and imposition of civil liability.

by noon
Salton Sea
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the status of Phase 1 of the Salton Sea Management Program

Revised Notice | Notice
by noon
Quail Valley Septic Systems
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana Basin that would expand exemptions to the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (Septic System) prohibition of discharges from new septic systems in Quail Valley, a community in the City of Menifee.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Revised ELAP Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments that only pertain to the new changes to the proposed regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by 5:00 p.m.
Toxicity Appendices J and K
The State Water Board will accept input and recommendations on the content of the appendices. The State Water Board will also accept additional evidence directly related to the content of the appendices.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Policy for Developing the Fund Expenditure Plan for the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Policy

2nd Revised Notice | Revised Notice | Notice | Draft Policy | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Urban Water Conservation Reporting Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulatory action.

Second Revised Notice | Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page

2019 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
Proposed Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon

Draft Environmental Impact Report and General Waste Discharge Requirements for Composting Operations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Order.

Notice | Program Page

by noon

Proposed UST Reporting Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulatory action.

Notice | Program Page

by noon

Revisions to the SCR Lakes Trash TMDL, Legg Lake Trash TMDL, and the VRE Trash TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region (Basin Plan) that would revise the Total Maximum Daily Load for trash in Lake Elizabeth, Munz Lake, and Lake Hughes, the Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in Legg Lake, and the Total Maximum Daily Load for Trash in Ventura River Estuary.


by noon

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Scoping Meeting – Order for Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements for Implementation of Large Habitat Restoration Projects Statewide
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Scoping Meeting.

Note: Comment Letters should be addressed to: Jessica Nadolski (see Notice for emailing/mailing information.)

Notice | Program Page

by noon
General Waste Discharge Requirements for Disaster-Related Wastes
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft General Order.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Water Loss Regulation
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed economic framework and other information presented at the workshop on September 23, 2019.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Bay-Delta Plan Draft Biological Goals
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft biological goals.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Direct Potable Reuse Framework Second Edition
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Framework Second Edition

Note: Comment letters are to be sent to: [email protected].
See Notice for additional information regarding submittal of comment letters.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Proposition 1 Storm Water Grant Program Guidelines – Amended for Round 2
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Guidelines.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Water Recycling Funding Program Guidelines Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Guidelines.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Mojave River Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Basin Plan Amendment

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Administrator Policy Handbook – Safe and Affordable Drinking Water
The State Water Board is accepting written comment on the Draft Policy Handbook.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Statutory Adjudication of Water Rights in the Fresno River Watershed
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the petition for statutory adjudication and the staff recommendation described in the Fact Sheet.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
2019 Ocean Plan Review
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Staff Report and Work Plan.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Draft Proposition 68 Groundwater Treatment and Remediation Grant Program Funding Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft guidelines.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Underground Storage Tank Biodiesel Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed UST Regulations

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
CEQA - Composting General Order NOP
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for Amendment of General Waste Discharge Requirements for Composting Operations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
SFY 2019-20 (FFY 2019) DWSRF IUP
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed DWSRF IUP

Notice | Draft Intended Use Plan | Program Page
by noon
OTC Policy: 2017-2018 Interim Mitigation Determinations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on 2017-2018 Draft Determinations to Approve Mitigation Measures for the Water Quality Control Policy on the Use of Coastal and Estuarine Waters for Power Plant Cooling.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Cachuma Project Revised Draft Order
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the revised draft Order.

Notice of Extension of Comment Deadline | Notice | Program Page
by noon
SFY 2019-20 (FFY 2019) CWSRF IUP
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed SFY 2019-20 (FFY 2019) CWSRF IUP.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Lake Tahoe Pier Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Lahontan Region that would remove a discharge prohibition on new pier construction in fish spawning habitat and in areas immediately offshore of stream inlets at Lake Tahoe (Basin Plan amendment). The Basin Plan amendment would allow piers in previously prohibited areas to be constructed provided all applicable regulatory requirements are met.

by noon
GSA Engineering, Inc., 16950 Avenida de Santa Ynez, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the settlement agreement and proposed Order.

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
Salton Sea
The State Water Board is accepting written comments regarding the Status of Phase 1 of the Salton Sea Management Program.

Revised Notice | Program Page
by noon
Fahey CDO and ACL Hearing
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed draft Order.

Transmittal Letter and Draft Order with proposed Exhibits | Program Page
by noon
Delta RMP SEP Resolution
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Resolution allowing the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board to direct a portion of penalty funds to the Delta Regional Monitoring Program Supplemental Environmental Project fund.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Malibu Creek Trash TMDL Revisions
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to incorporate revisions to the Malibu Creek Watershed Trash TMDL.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Revolon Slough/Beardsley Wash Trash TMDL Revisions
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to incorporate revisions to the Revolon Slough and Beardsley Wash Trash TMDL.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Low-Income Water Rate Assistance Draft Report
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft report.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Winterization Revisions To Cannabis Policy
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on only on red bold/underline or red bold/strike out text that is associated with proposed revisions to the winterization requirements in the proposed updates to the Cannabis Policy and Staff Report.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Chollas Creek Administrative Record
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the incorporation of additional data and associated analyses that the State Water Board is incorporating into its administrative record for the consideration of approval of the site-specific water quality objectives for Chollas Creek adopted by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board under Resolution R9-2017-0015.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
TKO EnviroServices/Hayden
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order, Hayden Environmental, Inc. dba TKO EnviroServices; Julie Hayden; Kurt Hayden.

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
SOMA Environmental Engineering, Inc.
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Order for Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Administrative Civil Liability Order

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon

2018 Deadlines

Topic Deadline to Receive Comments Written Comments Received
DWSRF Policy Amendment – February 5, 2019 Board Meeting
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Policy Amendment

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Toxicity Provisions
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Establishment of the Water Quality Control Plan for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California; and Toxicity Provisions (hereafter Toxicity Provisions) and the Draft Staff Report, including the Draft Substitute Environmental Documentation, for the Toxicity Provisions (hereafter Staff Report).

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Revised POU/POE Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulatory text, addendum to the ISOR and additional documents.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed updates to the Cannabis Policy, Staff Report, and Cannabis Cultivation General Order
The State Water Board is accepting written comments only on the proposed updates.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Region 7 Administrative Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Colorado River Basin Region that would make editorial changes updating language and graphics related to the Salton Sea and correcting general errors in the Basin Plan.

by noon
Cleanup and Abatement Funding Program Guidelines
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Guidelines

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Caltrans TMDL Progress Report
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Total Maximum Daily Load Progress Report submitted by the California Department of Transportation pursuant to the requirement in the Statewide Storm Water Permit for the State of California Department of Transportation.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
CWSRF Policy Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Draft CWSRF Policy Amendment

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Pescadero-Butano Watershed Sediment TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board’s amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin to establish a total maximum daily load for sediment in the Pescadero-Butano watershed and an implementation plan to achieve the TMDL and related habitat enhancement goals.

by noon
Franklin Creek Nutrient TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Central Coastal Basin that would establish TMDLs for nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in streams of the Franklin Creek watershed.

by noon
Proposed Recycled Water Policy Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Revised Proposed Amendment and the Revised Draft SR/SED.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Santa Ana Region Newport Bay Selenium TMDL
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed amendment.

by noon
Petition of Asociacion De Gente Unida Por El Agua and Environmental Law Foundation - For Review of Waste Discharge Requirements General Order No. R5-2013-0122 issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region - SWRCB/OCC FILES A-2283(b)
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Order.

Transmittal Letter / Draft Order
by noon
Salt and Nitrate Control Program Basin Plan Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Amendments.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
R&M Petroleum, Inc., 805 N. Imperial Avenue, El Centro, CA - Cleanup Fund Claim #15815
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the settlement agreement and proposed Order.

Notice | Proposed Order
by noon
Revisions to Proposed Bay-Delta Plan Amendments
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed amendments. See Notice for further details.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
OTC Policy: 2016-2017 Interim Mitigation Determination
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Determinations

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Recycled Water Policy Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed amendment

Notice | Program Page
by noon
2018 Draft MOA Between State Water Board and DOGGR
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Revised MOA.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Dissolved Oxygen and Mercury TMDL for Suisun Marsh
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed amendment

by noon
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft IUP.

Notice | Draft 2018 Draft DWSRF IUP
by noon
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft IUP.

Notice | Draft IUP
by noon
Stornetta CDO & ACL Hearing
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the draft Order

Transmittal Letter and Draft Order | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Underground Storage Tank Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed modified regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Policy Conditional Waiver Renewal and TMDL List Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Amendment.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
California Stormwater Authority
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Resolution and Joint Powers Agreement.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Changes to Proposed Regulation Prohibiting Wasteful Water Use Practices
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed regulation.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Industrial General Permit Amendment
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed General Permit Amendment

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
Proposed Revised POU/POE Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed revised regulations

Notice | Program Page
02/02/18 Kommentare
Proposed Revised POU/POE Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed revised regulations.

Notice | Program Page
by noon
Santa Ana Region Chino South Revised Water Quality Objective
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed approval of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board's amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin that would revise the water quality objective for nitrate-nitrogen in the Chino South Groundwater Management Zone for the Santa Ana Region.

Revised Notice | Notice | Program Page
by noon
No Comments at this time
Santa Ana Region Revised Compliance Schedule for SHEL TMDL for Newport Bay and other Water Quality Standards Basin Plan Amendments
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the proposed Basin Plan Amendments

Revised Notice | Notice
by noon
OTC Policy: Encina Power Station
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Draft Determination to Approve Mitigation Measures for the Water Quality Control Policy on the use of Coastal and Estuarine Waters for Power Plant Cooling (Once-Through Cooling) - Encina Power Station

Notice | Draft Determination | Program Page
by noon
Proposed UST Regulations
The State Water Board is accepting written comments on the Proposed Regulatory Action.

Notice | Program
by noon

Comments can be addressed to:

Clerk to the Board
State Water Resources Control Board
1001 I Street, 24th Floor [95814]
P.O. Box 100
Sacramento, CA 95812-0100
916/341-5600  (fax) 916/341-5620
[email protected]

Please indicate on the subject line:
"Comment Letter - and the topic"