E-mail Subscription Mailing Lists

envelope  State and Regional Water Board E-mail Subscription Web Page Links

The State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards use electronic subscription mailing lists (aka: listservs) for sending information to interested parties. Become a member of these lists and receive announcements by e-mail on a specific topic.

The State Water Board covers mainly ‘statewide’ issues. The Regional Water Boards cover topics that are more region-specific. Navigate to the Email List Subscription Form web page that you are interested in, and subscribe to one or more of these email lists.


Unsubscribing - You can unsubscribe from a list by following the instructions contained in the confirmation email you received when signing up.  Also, if you've been a member for awhile and have since received an email from one of our lists, you can follow the unsubscribe instructions accompanying that email. This information will appear either within the email (at the bottom) or as an attachment. Thank you.

For assistance, questions, or comments, you can contact the Webmaster at: [email protected].