Category | Express Editorials

Election 2014

Posted on 29 October 2014

Although the ballot contains a number of state and county races and several propositions, Tuesday’s election is really about the race in the 1st Congressional District, where incumbent Democrat Tim Bishop of Southampton, who is seeking a seventh term, is being challenged by State Senator Lee Zeldin, a Republican from Shirley.

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The Cost of the Bridge

Posted on 19 March 2014

Everybody, it seems, is against Southampton Town Highway Superintendent Alex Gregor’s plan to use federal grant money to replace the aging bridge that crosses Sagg Pond between Sagaponack and Bridgehampton. It’s not that people object to accepting the federal largesse, but they don’t like the heavy duty design being proposed. Recently, the Sagaponack Village Board [...]

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Honoring Jordan

Posted on 19 March 2014

An anonymous online petition drive begun late last year with the goal of obtaining the Congressional Medal of Honor for Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter and his fellow marine, Corporal Jonathan Yale, who were killed in Iraq 2008 as they defended their position from a suicide truck bomber, is gaining traction. On Sunday, U.S. Representative Tim [...]

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The Sounds of Silence

Posted on 12 March 2014

The silence emanating from the North Haven Village Board over its decision last month to hire a private company to undertake a deer cull in that community is frustrating for anyone who wants to know what their government is up to and downright childish on the part of the board. Readers may recall that last [...]

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Watered Down

Posted on 20 February 2014

Southampton Town Democratic Councilwoman Bridget Fleming probably thought the third time would be the charm when last month she again introduced legislation that would ban political party committee members from serving on the town’s planning, zoning and conservation boards. Last year, Ms. Fleming tried twice to get the measure passed, but it was blocked both [...]

Transparency Time

Posted on 12 February 2014

While it has been a concept bantered about since last year’s school board election season kicked off, the idea of the Sag Harbor School District joining the ranks of East Hampton and Southampton and offering recordings of its public meetings has formally been before the school board for six months now. Merely creating recordings of [...]

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Derailed or Delayed?

Posted on 06 February 2014

An ambitious plan promoted by the Long Island Farm Bureau to enlist the support of East End municipalities in its quest to hire federal sharpshooters to reduce the deer population it says has wreaked havoc with local farms was dealt a blow this week when East Hampton Town and Village, citing lawsuits and other concerns, [...]

A Frosty Fest

Posted on 06 February 2014

When it was originally conceived, HarborFrost was envisioned as a way to draw people into Sag Harbor at a time when businesses and residents were in the market for a little bustle, the doldrums of deep winter setting in with still months before spring began the thaw. It has become an event that is truly [...]

Off the Bus

Posted on 30 January 2014

For high school students, prom night is something of a step out of childhood and into the adult world. Prom night provides an opportunity for teenagers and their closest friends to dress up in perhaps the finest clothes they have ever worn and go out on the town on their own for one of the [...]

Top Priority

Posted on 23 January 2014

When the Village of Sag Harbor adopted a new zoning code in 2009 it focused largely on the village business district and surrounding properties. A pledge was made at the time that the residential zoning code would not be far behind and that the village’s wetlands code would also be the focus of a revision. [...]