
“The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History”

EMF warningNote: Many of our readers have taken steps to thwart wireless in their homes. However, with COVID school and work restrictions, most all of us are being forced to use wireless devices several hours every single day. It's a Zoom/Google Classroom world. There's no avoiding EMF. Dr. Kostoff,  a valued AofA reader and commenter, has written an detailed monograph that we share today. I looked up the term "monograph, and learned that it means "a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it." Mono - one. Graph - writing.


Ronald N. Kostoff, Ph.D.Research Affiliate, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology

KEYWORDS Unethical Research; Electromagnetic Fields; Wireless Radiation; Radio frequency Radiation; RF; Non-Ionizing Radiation; Mobile Networking Technology; 5G; Adverse Health Effects


This monograph describes the largest unethical medical experiment in human history: the implementation and operation of non-ionizing non-visible EMF radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) infrastructure for communications, surveillance, weaponry, and other applications. It is unethical because it violates the key ethical medical experiment requirement for “informed consent” by the overwhelming majority of the participants.

The monograph provides background on unethical medical research/experimentation, and frames the implementation of wireless radiation within that context. The monograph then identifies a wide spectrum of adverse effects of wireless radiation as reported in the premier biomedical literature for over seven decades. Even though many of these reported adverse effects are extremely severe, the true extent of their severity has been grossly underestimated. Most of the reported laboratory experiments that produced these effects are not reflective of the real-life environment in which wireless radiation operates.

Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal, and most do not account for synergistic effects of other toxic stimuli acting in concert with the wireless radiation. These two additions greatly exacerbate the severity of the adverse effects from wireless radiation, and their neglect in current (and past) experimentation results in substantial under-estimation of the breadth and severity of adverse effects to be expected in a real-life situation. This lack of credible safety testing, combined with depriving the public of the opportunity to provide informed consent, contextualizes the wireless radiation infrastructure operation as an unethical medical experiment.  Continue reading here.

Aluminum is a Secret Sauce!

Burger foilSuch a clever headline  and a WHOPPER of an obfuscation from National Pharma Radio, aka NPR. In the article they jauntily refer to a substance called "alum...."  The author might want to check in on the work of Chris Exley in the UK. His latest? The role of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines raises issues that deserve independent, rigorous and honest science

From NPR:

The Special Sauce That Makes Some Vaccines Work

There are many approaches to making a vaccine against COVID-19. Some use genetic material from the coronavirus, some use synthetic proteins that mimic viral proteins and some use disabled versions of the virus itself.

But before any of these approaches can generate the antibodies to the coronavirus that scientists say are essential to protecting people from getting sick, the immune system has to be primed to make those antibodies.

That's the job of something called an adjuvant.

"The definition of [an] adjuvant is something you add to enhance, in the case of immunity, the immune response," says Gregory Glenn, president of research and development at Novavax, one of the companies that has received money from Operation Warp Speed.

Vaccines essentially trick the body into making an immune response to a specific virus or bacterium, so if something dangerous comes along, the immune system will be prepared.

But before it can prompt a response to a specific virus, the immune system has to be made ready.

"When you inject a vaccine, the first immune cell that's of importance is a dendritic cell," Glenn says.

Dendritic cells are part of what's called the innate immune response. These cells will respond to anything foreign that enters the body, the coronavirus included.

Continue reading "Aluminum is a Secret Sauce!" »

Interview with Prof Chris Exley on People Behind the Science

Podcast_channel_artworkFrom Professor Chris Exley:

In April 2020, I agreed to a telephone interview with Marie McNeely, the co-founder of an organisation called People Behind the Science ( The interview took place in early May 2020 to the apparent satisfaction of all concerned. In late June 2020, I received an email from Michael Green, also a co-founder of People Behind the Science, telling me, without explanation, that my interview would not be broadcast on their podcast. Subsequent emails from myself asking for an explanation and asking for the return of a copy of the interview were completely ignored by Green. Only when my US legal representatives issued a demand letter for a copy of the tape of the interview was a reply from Green forthcoming. He agreed to send an mp3 copy of the interview to prevent legal action being taken against him. However, what he actually sent was not what I asked for. He sent a highly edited copy of the interview in which there are many gaps and all words spoken by Marie McNeely had been removed. This is the low-resolution interview tape that I received from Green. Perhaps, as you listen you can play, fill in the gaps? Make your own judgement as to whether anything I say on this version of the interview would warrant censorship. Rather it appears to me from everything that has gone on that I am the subject of censorship here and that someone has threatened Green and McNeely with some form of repercussion should they broadcast my interview on their podcast. Whatever the reason, People Behind the Science and specifically McNeely and Green, should be ashamed of their actions. They do not deserve the support of anyone listening to or contributing to their podcast in the future.


SafeMinds: Having an Aunt or Uncle with Autism May Put Children at Higher Risk of ASD

Safeminds 2018 logoRisk estimated at 3 to 5 percent vs. 1.5 percent in general population

According to new research from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a child who has a parent with a sibling on the spectrum is more likely to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared to the general population. The study, published in Biological Psychiatry, analyzed health records of approximately 850,000 children born in Sweden between 2003-2012. Using the Swedish National Patient Register and the Multi-Generation Register, information on ASD diagnoses in both the child and parental generations were recorded.

Close to 13,000 Swedish children ended up with an autism diagnosis, about 1.5 percent of the cohort. However, children whose mother had one or more siblings with autism were three times more likely to have ASD than the general population and children whose fathers had one or more siblings on the spectrum were twice as likely to be diagnosed with autism than the general population. The study considered the slightly higher autism risk rate of children from mothers who had a sibling with ASD to that of the fathers to be insignificant. The research also reported that the autism risk rate was not different if the parent had a brother versus a sister with autism.

Ultimately, the researchers found that 3 to 5 percent of children whose parents have a sibling on the spectrum also have autism themselves. This points to a 100 to 230% increased chance of developing the disorder compared to the 1.5 percent autism rate in the general population. According to the authors, this is the first epidemiological study to provide an autism risk estimate for children with aunts or uncles on the spectrum.

Continue reading "SafeMinds: Having an Aunt or Uncle with Autism May Put Children at Higher Risk of ASD" »

Beda Stadler Prof Emeritus Medical Faculty University of Bern: Coronavirus Why Everyone Was Wrong

Beda StadlerBeda M. Stadler, former Director of the University Institute of Immunology at the Insel Hospital in Bern, is emerited professor of Immunology from the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern. His major research interests were in basic research in the field of allergy and autoimmunity as well as applied research in the field of immunology.

As Vice President of the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER Switzerland he was heading the life science team and was a member of the CTI Start-up & Entrepreneurship label board.

During his career he liked to express his scientific and rational views in public as a frequent guest speaker and columnist for various print media.

Posted on Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong The immune response to the virus is stronger than everyone thought

The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland, he also likes to use provoking language, which should not deter you from the extremely important points he makes.

This article is about Switzerland and it does not suggest that the situation is exactly the same globally. I am advocating for local measures according to locale situations. And I advocate for looking at real data rather than abstract models. I also suggest to read to the end, because Stadler makes crucial points about testing for Sars-CoV-2.

The coronavirus is slowly retreating. What actually happened in the past few weeks? The experts have missed basic connections. The immune response against the virus is much stronger than we thought.

By Beda M Stadler

This is not an accusation, but a ruthless taking stock [of the current situation]. I could slap myself, because I looked at Sars-CoV2- way too long with panic. I am also somewhat annoyed with many of my immunology colleagues who so far have left the discussion about Covid-19 to virologist and epidemiologist. I feel it is time to criticise some of the main and completely wrong public statements about this virus.

Firstly, it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel. Secondly, It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus. Thirdly, it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.

But let’s look at this one by one.

1. A new virus?

At the end of 2019 a coronavirus, which was considered novel, was detected in China. When the gene sequence, i.e. the blueprint of this virus, was identified and was given a similar name to the 2002 identified Sars, i.e. Sars-CoV-2, we should have already asked ourselves then how far [this virus] is related to other coronaviri, which can make human beings sick. But no, instead we discussed from which animal as part of a Chinese menu the virus might have sprung. In the meantime, however, many more people believe the Chinese were so stupid as to release this virus upon themselves in their own country. Now that we’re talking about developing a vaccine against the virus, we suddenly see studies which show that this so-called novel virus is very strongly related to Sars-1 as well as other beta-coronaviri which make us suffer every year in the form of a colds. Apart from the pure homologies in the sequence between the various coronaviri which can make people sick, [scientists] currently work on identifying a number of areas on the virus in the same way as human immune cells identify them. This is no longer about the genetic relationship, but about how our immune system sees this virus, i.e. which parts of other coronaviri could potentially be used in a vaccine.

So: Sars-Cov-2 isn’t all that new, but merely a seasonal cold virus that mutated and disappears in summer, as all cold viri do — which is what we’re observing globally right now. Flu viri mutate significantly more, by the way, and nobody would ever claim that a new flu virus strain was completely novel. Many veterinary doctors where therefore annoyed by this claim of novelty, as they have been vaccinating cats, dogs, pigs, and cows for years against coronaviri.

2. The fairy tale of no immunity READ MORE HERE

WHO's lead scientist Soumya Swaminathan places chief hope in Oxford and Moderna vaccines

image from www.fic.nih.govHaving systematically screwed up the hydoxychloroquine (HCQ) trials for the treatment of the Covid virus and otherwise prevented its general use, all of which likely ended up in countless unnecessary deaths (see Dr Meryl Nass's despairing assessment) the WHO are now turning their attention to the first crop of vaccines, created at reckless speed with new technologies. The WHO's chief scientist told Reuters on Friday:

GENEVA (Reuters) - AstraZeneca's <AZN.L> experimental COVID-19 vaccine is probably the world's leading candidate and most advanced in terms of development, the World Health Organization's (WHO) chief scientist said on Friday.

The British drugmaker has already begun large-scale, mid-stage human trials of the vaccine, which was developed by researchers at University of Oxford.

This week, AstraZeneca signed its tenth supply-and-manufacturing deal.

"Certainly in terms of how advanced they are, the stage at which they are, they are I think probably the leading candidate," WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan told a news conference.

The Oxford vaccine has a shaky history, funded to the tune of £90m million by the British government and taxpayer, and already in manufacture in billions of doses, the human trials began in April amid false reports that the animal trials had been successful: the product is arguably commercially too big to be allowed to fail. It also has the advantage that its lead developer Andrew Pollard heads the committee that will advise the British government on its use. Admittedly, last week he was in an apparently non-committal mood in conversation with Prince William:

Prof Pollard highlighted HIV, a virus for which no vaccine has been found because it mutates, saying scientists' great fear was that coronavirus could be the same. In that case, he said 'there is nothing we could do apart from social distancing forever' - a prospect William described as 'frightening'.

Continue reading "WHO's lead scientist Soumya Swaminathan places chief hope in Oxford and Moderna vaccines" »

Further Anomalies of the Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine

image from upload.wikimedia.orgby John Stone

On 27 April a New York Times article reported excitedly the result animal trials of the Oxford Coronavirus vaccine:

"Scientists at the National Institutes of Health’s Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Montana last month inoculated six rhesus macaque monkeys with single doses of the Oxford vaccine. The animals were then exposed to heavy quantities of the virus that is causing the pandemic... But more than 28 days later all six were healthy, said Vincent Munster, the researcher who conducted the test.."

This would have been just as well because just four days earlier on 23 April Oxford Vaccine Group under the leadership of Andrew Pollard amid immense publicity had begun experimenting on human subjects. On 30 April a contract was announced with AstraZeneca to manufacutre the vaccine, promising to deliver an entirely new vaccine to the market at unprecedented speed by September. The only trouble was that when the results of the animal trial came to light in mid-May it was disclosed that on the contrary all the monkeys had  become ill. The Daily Mail reported:

"In the latest animal trials of the vaccine carried out on rhesus macaques, all six of the participating monkeys went on to catch the coronavirus.

"Dr William Haseltine, a former Harvard Medical School professor, revealed the monkeys who received the vaccine had the same amount of virus in their noses as the three non-vaccinated monkeys in the trial.

This suggests the treatment, which has already received in the region of £90 million in government investment, may not halt the spread of the deadly disease."

Haseltine also commented in Forbes:

"There is a second troubling result of the Oxford paper. The titer of neutralizing antibody, as judged by inhibition of virus replication by successive serum dilutions as reported is extremely low. Typically, neutralizing antibodies in effective vaccines can be diluted by more than a thousand fold and retain activity. In these experiments the serum could be diluted only by 4 to 40 fold before neutralizing activity was lost."

Manifestly, human testing proceeded both against an entirely misleading background, and prematurely - which poses the most serious ethical questions. And now that we know that though the product was defective everything ploughs on regardless - Oxford/AstraZeneca now have contracts for hundreds of millions of rounds of the vaccine from both the British and the United States government.The British government has both a huge financial investment in the product and a reputational one, but it may help that Prof Pollard is both an adviser to the British regulator and chair of the committee recommends vaccine for public use.

John Stone is UK Editor for Age of Autism.




Professor Chris Exley: Aluminium in human brain tissue

AluminumExcerpted from the Blog of Professor Chris Exley, worldwide expert on aluminum and its effects on the human brain.


We have now measured the concentration of aluminium in human brain tissue from over two hundred donors involving at least five different brain banks. This equates to several thousand individual brain tissue samples. We have information relating to sporadic and familial Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, epilepsy and autism. If I am honest, I am slightly bemused when, correctly, the question is asked about brain aluminium content in ‘control’ tissues. Bemused because such a question does suggest that the presence of an established neurotoxin, known to cause dialysis encephalopathy, is perhaps ‘normal’ and not a cause for concern.

We recently asked the question as to how much aluminium in human brain tissue is too much ( and we described an experiment in the paper to answer this question. We now have the data from this new study on the aluminium content of brain tissue from donors with no known neurological impairment and no identifiable neurodegenerative disease. The results are published in Nature’s Scientific Reports ( and they are unequivocal.

Read more from Professor Exley at Aluminium in human brain tissue at The Hippocratic Post

April 4 Expert Panel on COVID-19 & The Vaccines To Follow

Thank you to our Anne Dachel for transcribing excerpts for our readers.  Anne says:

"This was one of the most informative and empowering talks I’ve ever listened to in all the years I’ve been working as an autism advocate. Every person concerned about what the COVID 19 pandemic will do to our medical freedom needs to hear these speakers and learn the truth about what’s coming. There is no walking away from this threat to our liberties."

April 4, 2020, Panel discussion the COVID 19 crisis and what a vaccine could mean to the American people.


Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Rashid Buttar.

Here are excerpts from the discussion.

Charlene: “…the year 2020 was a big deal. … This is the year, if we don’t help people understand this critical issue we may loss our freedoms, and they may be able to come in and try …to force us into these vaccines. But we did not know what we were getting into….

“I was watching Tucker Carlson  [Fox, Tucker Carlson Tonight]. He’s actually had Bobby Kennedy on…  We couldn’t believe that mainstream media outlet was covering that. We felt like Tucker’s our friend…

“Last night…on Tucker Carlson Tonight … He had a guest and they talked about Operation Wrap Speed, the COVID vaccination where they’re literally going to pass through the trials that they should be doing. They’re going to skip all that safety measures to get to this vaccine. They’re going to have a hundred million ready to go. …

“The guest talked about this as if it’s a good thing, and Tucker Carlson who has interviewed our good friend Bobby Kennedy, ….  I was really letdown by the fact that Tucker Carlson allowed that guest to say that and didn’t dig in. …”

5:42 Kennedy: “There’s now eighty separate vaccine projects. Bill Gates has eight of them. Bill Gates is now the biggest vaccine producer in the world, bigger than any other company.

Continue reading "April 4 Expert Panel on COVID-19 & The Vaccines To Follow" »


image from pbs.twimg.comby John Stone

This is  the letter I sent to my Member of of Parliament yesterday forwarding the excellent  letter to the UK's Secretary of Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock (pictured with Bill Gates),  by Robert Verkerk and Damien Downing:

Dear ------,

I am forwarding the excellent letter (attached) to Matt Hancock by Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Nautal Health International and Damien Downing of the British Society for Ecological Medicine requesting transparency over the introduction of any COVID-19 vaccines in response to the current crisis, and I would suggest that it is necessary for the Secretary of State to make clear undertakings rather than vague professions of good faith. The letter can be found here on-line [1]. 
It was well understood even in the 19th century how statistics could be distorted for political purposes, since when the methods have only become more sophisticated and ultimately potentially more obfuscating. The safety, usefulness and effectiveness of universal vaccines should have to be meticulously and transparently established, yet we advance at reckless pace. It is certain that none of the candidates will have long term testing and it is questionable who on the face of it they could sensibly be given to [2].
There are other matters of transparency which go beyond the Verkerk/Downing letter. For example, the unusual arrangement by which the Secretary of State is also the main shareholder in the Porton Down Lab (as is now well-known). It was distressing to see how the Secretary of State began pumping public money into the speculative Porton Down vaccine project in the early stages of the epidemic, while failing to ensure that the puplic were immediately protected [3] (we are now heading for the worst fatality rate of any country). On the 19 March Public Health England put out a statement that they no longer considered COVID-19 to be a high risk disease [4] and within a day we were facing lockdown. Not much more convincing, now, are tub thumping references to British innovation by the Business Secretary or the Prime Minister.

Continue reading "A Letter to My Member of Parliament: THE CRITICAL NEED FOR TRANSPARENCY AROUND COVID-19 VACCINES" »

A New Route for Harm: Autism in the New Paper by Exley and Mold

AluminumWe recently published the abstract of a new paper by Exley and Mold 'Imaging of aluminium and amyloid β in neurodegenerative disease' which in particular offers new evidence ralating to the possible etiology of  autism. Prof Exley has elaborated:

"...the novel finding was the deposition of amyloid-beta and especially its presence in the vasculature similar to what is called cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) in Alzheimer's disease. CAA could be interpreted as evidence of a toxin in the blood 'attempting' to cross the blood brain barrier to gain entry to brain tissue. CAA along with amyloid beta deposits in parenchyma does very much suggest brain damage and its presence in young brain donors is very surprising. It does raise the question if there are similarities between what is happening in brain tissue in autism and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease."

It is stated in the paper:

"Our observations of amyloid β-like deposits in autism brain tissue are novel and may suggest neuropathology similar to that seen in CAA. We identified several examples of CAA in autism brain tissue as well as deposits of amyloid β in β sheet conformations in parenchymal tissues...Previous research identified diffuse deposits of amyloid β in brain tissue in older individuals with autism (39 and 50 years of age)...while herein amyloid β in β sheet conformations was confirmed in individuals with autism aged, 14, 15, 22, 33, 44 and 50 years of age.

Recently the non-amyloidogenic pathway of metabolism of amyloid precursor protein has been implicated in autism...while our observations suggest that the amyloidogenic pathway may also be important..."

It is obviously vital that this discovery is further investigated. Read the full paper here.


Imaging of aluminium and amyloid β in neurodegenerative disease

AluminumHeliyon, Science Direct

ChristopherExley, Matthew J.Mold

The Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Received 10 December 2019, Revised 16 March 2020, Accepted 21 April 2020, Available online 25 April 2020.

Imaging of aluminium and amyloid β in neurodegenerative disease



Recent research has confirmed the presence of aluminium in human brain tissue. Quantitative analyses suggest increased brain aluminium content in a number of neurodegenerative diseases including familial Alzheimer's disease, congophilic amyloid angiopathy, epilepsy and autism. Complementary aluminium-specific fluorescence microscopy identifies the location of aluminium in human brain tissue and demonstrates significant differences in distribution between diseases. Herein we combine these approaches in investigating associations between aluminium in human brain tissue and specific disease-associated neuropathologies.


We have used aluminium-specific fluorescence microscopy, Congo red staining using light and polarised light and thioflavin S fluorescence microscopy on serial sections of brain tissues to identify co-localisation of aluminium and amyloid β and tau neuropathology.

A combination of light, polarised and fluorescence microscopy demonstrates an intimate relationship between aluminium and amyloid β in familial Alzheimer's disease but not in other conditions and diseases, such as congophilic amyloid angiopathy and autism. We demonstrate preliminary evidence of amyloid β pathology, including associations with vasculature and parenchymal tissues, in autism in tissues heavily loaded with aluminium.


We suggest that complementary aluminium-specific fluorescence microscopy may reveal important information about the putative toxicity of aluminium in neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders.

FREE From Dartmouth Medical School Trained Dr. Paul Thomas COVID-19: The Life Saving Strategies the News Media Will Never Tell You

Dr Paul Covid Book
Thank you to Dr. Paul Thomas, MD for offering free downloads of his book COVID-19: The Life Saving Strategies the News Media Will Never Tell You.

Dr. Paul Thomas (affectionately known as “Dr. Paul”) received his MD from Dartmouth Medical School and completed is pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego.

​Dr. Paul is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. FAAP. He is also trained in Integrative and Holistic Medicine. He is also a diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine. ABAM.

Click HERE to register for your free copy today.

Dr. Thomas has over 1.2 million YouTube subscribers. Amazon banned the sale of this book on their site.  

MIT Technology Review: How does the coronavirus work?

MIT reviewExcerpted from the MIT Technology Review May 2020 issue:

How does the coronavirus work? What it is, where it comes from, how it hurts us, and how we fight it.

By Neer Patel

What is it?

A SARS-CoV-2 virion (a single virus particle) is about 80 nanometers in diameter. The pathogen is a member of the coronavirus family, which includes the viruses responsible for SARS and MERS infections. Each virion is a sphere of protein protecting a ball of RNA, the virus’s genetic code. It’s covered by spiky protrusions, which are in turn enveloped in a layer of fat (the reason soap does a good job of destroying the virus).
Where does it come from?

Covid-19, like SARS, MERS, AIDS, and Ebola, is a zoonotic disease—it jumped from another species to human hosts. This probably happened in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. Scientists believe bats are the likeliest reservoir; SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative is a bat virus that shares 96% of its genome. It might have jumped from bats to pangolins, an endangered species sometimes eaten as a delicacy, and then to humans.

How does it get into human cells?

Continue reading "MIT Technology Review: How does the coronavirus work?" »

British Government Plays With Fire Over COVID-19: Enter Prof Pollard

image from en.wikipedia.orgby John Stone

Next week Over Vaccine Group begin human testing for a COVID-19 vaccine with a with a view to marketing by the autumn. The speed of the process may be accelerated by the fact that Professor Pollard who heads the OVG is also advisor to the the UK's licensing body, the MHRA, and chair of the JCVI, the body which recommends vaccines to the British schedule. He very likely also sits on the British government’s mysterious Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.  Age of Autism has been higlighting the manifold and apparently contradictory roles of Prof Pollard for more than four years. In 2014 as recently appointed chair of the JCVI he recommended Bexsero meningitis B vaccine of which he was lead developer to the UK infant schedule, leading to a sudden leap in its commercial prospects. Even the package insert discloses serious dangers for Bexsero including a 3 in 1000 risk of Kawasaki Disease for an infant having three doses. 

While Pollard and likely the British government's plans rush forward many scientists have questioned either the wisdom of the COVID-19 vaccine or how fast one could be brought to the market. On the present time scale we will know nothing of the long term effects. Tests will be carried on healthy people 18-55 but rolled out for children, the sick and the elderly. It will be trialled against "a control injection" not genuine placebo, (in fact a Men ACWY vaccine). At present we do not even know if the disease itself results in long term immunity or any immunity against all the other mutations which are beginning to proliferate. Meanwhile, the OVG promotes discussion about whether vaccination should be made compulsory. Indeed, if it were it would be Prof Pollard's committee which would decide what every man, woman and child in the United Kingdom would receive, and would not be able to refuse.

This is Pollard’s most recent disclosure in the JCVI minutes:

Professor Pollard receives no personal payments from the manufacturers of vaccinesHe is Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group in the Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford and has current research funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Institute for Health Research, the European Commission, Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, InnovateUK, Meningitis Research Foundation, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation. Hechairs the scientific advisory group on vaccines for the European Medicines Agency and is a memberof WHO’s SAGE.Other investigators in the Department conduct research funded by vaccine manufacturers and theDepartment has received unrestricted educational grant funding for a three-day course on paediatricinfectious disease from Gilead, and GSK in June 2019.

While it is inevitable that any scientist is going to be an enthusiast for is or her own research the long term indifference of the British government to traditional checks and balances is deeply concerning, and no less so at this difficult time. 

Recruitment begins for a clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine led by Andy Pollard

andrew pollard

Professor Andrew Pollard, Vice Master of St Cross College, is the Chief Investigator on a new study developing a possible vaccine for COVID-19. The 'ChAdOx1 nCoV-19' vaccine, as it is called, was developed by a team of University of Oxford researchers based on an adenovirus vaccine vector. A collaborative team from the Jenner Group and the Oxford Vaccine Group is now recruiting over 500 healthy volunteers for clinical trials of the vaccine. While applications for volunteers have closed, those interested in volunteering for future COVID-19 studies can register interest here.

Pollard is one of a team of academics, which includes himself, Professor Sarah Gilbert, Professor Teresa Lambe, Dr Sandy Douglas and Professor Adrian Hill, who began the project on Friday 10 January 2020. Pollard said, ‘Starting the clinical trials is the first step in the efforts to find out whether the new vaccine being developed at Oxford University works and could safely play a central role in controlling the pandemic coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.’

You can read more about the study here.

Riley Lewis

7 April 2020

Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Non‑neurodegenerative/ Non‑neurodevelopmental Disease: A Comparison with Multiple Sclerosis

Annette_Funicello_Former_Mouseketeer_1975Note:  In 1993, my husband won a sales award with his company and we were able to take a trip for four days. I chose DisneyWorld in Orlando. We stayed at the elegant Victorian hotel. One afternoon, I went into a ladies room in the lobby and behind me, in walked in Annette Funicello, with a lucite cane that was filled with glitter. I'll never forget it. We were in the ladies room, which meant we had business to conduct, and I didn't want to embarrass Ms. Funicello.  But I had to say SOMETHING. This was America's Sweetheart! I'd watched her beach movies. I knew she was the most famous Mouskateer.  I'm proud of what came out of my mouth! I said, "Oh, Ms. Funicello, now I really feel like I am in DisneyWorld because I saw  you."  She smiled at me. Funicello died at age 70 from MS. This beautiful girl, gorgeous woman, was destroyed by the disease.

I tell you this because when we read science, like this study from Chris Exley and his colleagues, the conclusions affect real lives. I tell you this, why?

"Because we like you."  M-O-U-S-E.

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3
Exposure and Health
Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Non‑neurodegenerative/Non‑neurodevelopmental Disease: A Comparison with Multiple Sclerosis

C. Linhart1 · D. Davidson2 · S. Pathmanathan2 · T. Kamaladas2 · C. Exley3Received: 5 October 2019 / Revised: 7 February 2020 / Accepted: 15 February 2020 © The Author(s) 2020


Human exposure to aluminium is a burgeoning issue. The brain is a sink for systemically available aluminium and a putative target of neurotoxicity. An increasing number of studies continue to confirm the presence of aluminium in human brain tissue though primarily in relation to donors who have died of a neurodegenerative or neurodevelopmental disorder. Herein, we have measured aluminium in brain tissue in donors who died of a specific disease or condition though without showing any neurodegeneration. The donors were diagnosed as not suffering from multiple sclerosis. Herein, these novel data are compared with recent data on aluminium in brain tissue in multiple sclerosis. Brain tissues from all four lobes were obtained from the Multiple Sclerosis Society Tissue Bank. Tissues were digested using microwave-assisted acid digestion and their aluminium content was measured by transversely heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Both are established methods in our laboratory. Detailed statistical analyses were used to compare new data with recent data for multiple sclerosis. Aluminium was found in brain tissue in each donor with a high proportion of measurements (189/291) being below 1.00 μg/g dry weight. The data for all cases (median and IQR) were 0.74 (0.48–1.28), 1.23 (0.62–1.63), 0.84 (0.45–1.14) and 1.01 (0.62–1.65) μg/g dry weight for occipital, parietal, temporal and frontal lobes, respectively. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between aluminium content of brain tissue and the age of donor. Comparison of data for this non-multiple sclerosis group with brain aluminium data for donors dying with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis showed that the latter had a statistically significant higher content of brain aluminium. The data reinforce a previous conclusion that the aluminium content of brain tissue in multiple sclerosis is elevated and support the suggestion that human exposure to aluminium may have a role to play in the aetiology of multiple sclerosis. Keywords Human exposure to aluminium · Aluminium in brain tissue · Aluminium in multiple sclerosis · Aluminium and neurodegenerative disease · Aluminium and neurodevelopmental disease  Read the paper here.

The Latest Autism Gene Study: NIH Director Collins Hails Deliberate Waste of Time, Money and Lives...

image from encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.comBy John Stone

In a short article in Southern Maryland Chronicle a few days ago the Head of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, hailed the latest autism gene study under the title 'Largest-Ever Genetic Study of Autism Yields New Insights'. Perhaps the message here is that in order to fight crime the government has decided to investigate the victims not the perpetrators (actually it has been doing this for three decades). In 2006 as Head of the Human Genome Project Collins told Congress:

"But genes alone do not tell the whole story. Recent increases in chronic diseases like diabetes, childhood asthma, obesity or autism cannot be due to major shifts in the human gene pool as those changes take much more time to occur. They must be due to changes in the environment, including diet and physical activity, which may produce disease in genetically predisposed persons. Therefore, GEI (the Genes and Environment Initiative) will also invest in innovative new technologies/sensors to measure environmental toxins, dietary intake and physical activity, and using new tools of genomics, proteomics, and understanding metabolism rates to determine an individual's biological response to those influences."

References on-line to GEI seem to peter out round about 2008 (perhaps they were in danger of finding something). So, 14 years ago Collins warned that there would be no material result from this kind of research and it is what the government have been doing ever since, more or less as an employment scheme (typically, the new study boasts nearly two hundred authors). As Eisenhower said to no avail in his farewell speech six decades ago:

"Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity....

"The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

"Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific/ technological elite."

Now - with whatever insights their may be into gene risk association or even patterns of damage - is that all the NIH have really succeeded in doing is  generating  a lot more data: the new study is not only "the largest ever" it is "the largest-ever" in NIH speak (and with a huge cast), but in terms of government approved science we are not an inch nearer discovering what is driving the autism epidemic, just as Collins told Congress it would not all those years ago: it is all one giant step for mankind to nowhere. Meanwhile, the autism rate in schools is perhaps 4 or 5 times higher than it was then: it is rather hard to tell because NIH and CDC have failed to monitor it in any systematic way.

When I started out on this trail I recall a meeting at a freezing local church hall in early 1997 addressed by Paul Shattock, now of the ESPA Autism Research Unit, Sunderland. One of the many and terrible things Paul told us was that 90% off the funding into the causes of autism was being swallowed by useless gene research, meanwhile the problem was ten times as bad as ten years before. He foretold exactly was going to play out. How appalling and cynical this charade has been.

If you want to turn a disaster into a catastrophe and catastrophe into a cataclysm send for Collins!!!

John Stone is UK and European Editor, Age of Autism







Editor of Age of Autism



Coronavirus Can Be Caused By Viral Interference, A Known Result Of Flu Vaccines

Science post imageNews and articles about CORONAVIRUS are everywhere but our article, here on Age Of Autism, may be much different from what we are reading and seeing elsewhere.  It is interesting to observe the business side of all of this talk of health.  This from Business Insider, for example:

The flu is a far bigger threat to most people in the US than the Wuhan coronavirus. Here's why.

Although the CDC considers this coronavirus (whose scientific name is 2019-nCoV) to be a serious public-health concern, the agency said in a statement Friday that "the immediate health risk from 2019-nCoV to the general American public is considered low at this time."

A graver health risk for Americans — not just right now, but every year — is the flu….."When we think about the relative danger of this new coronavirus and influenza, there's just no comparison," William Schaffner, a vaccine expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Kaiser Health News (KHN). "Coronavirus will be a blip on the horizon in comparison. The risk is trivial."....So far, experts report that the median age of those who have died from the Wuhan coronavirus is around 75. Many of these individuals had other health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease…..Currently, the fatality rate for the coronavirus is about 3%. 

While the flu's fatality rate is lower than that, the CDC is still far more concerned about protecting Americans from influenza.

And there you have it.  Like Ralphie in A Christmas Story, it’s all about selling Ovaltine, but in this case, it’s the flu vaccine, which can be ineffective, we are told .  As a result, you can bet lots of money is being lost and it sure looks like this virus in China has become a good excuse to get rid of these flu vaccines.  Another business piece that is obviously revving up, is to invent a coronavirus vaccine.

Honestly, just reading up on both influenza and coronavirus brings up some interesting reading.  For starters, it appears in China, that this year, there were twice as many flu shots being given:

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Negative Efficacy: UK Cervical Cancer Rate Rising in Teens Vaccinated for HPV

CevarixzImagine the horror of learning your young daughter has cervical cancer, once a rare disease, after having trusted that the HPV vaccine would prevent this disease.

From Children's Health Defense:

Bombshell Study Questioning HPV Vaccine Efficacy Appears as the UK’s Cervical Cancer Rates Rise in Young

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines hit the global marketplace in the mid-2000s. From the start, public health agencies enthusiastically promoted HPV vaccination as the “best way to protect [young people] against certain types of cancer later in life.” However, a blistering new study by British researchers—and new data showing that cervical cancer rates are surging in British 25- to 29-year-olds—raise numerous questions about officials’ inflated claims. The study’s results indicate, instead, that the jury is still out on whether HPV vaccination is effective.

The question is far from academic because, prior to Britain’s introduction of HPV vaccination in 2008, cervical cancer rates had been trending sharply downward. In fact, between the late 1980s and mid-2000s, cervical cancer rates halved. Now, Britain’s leading cancer research charity (Cancer Research UK) reports a steep 54% rise in cervical cancer in one of the very age groups that first received the vaccine.

The 2020 study, published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, critically appraises twelve published randomized controlled trials that HPV vaccine makers GlaxoSmithKline and Merck used to buttress assertions about their vaccines’ efficacy (Cervarix and Gardasil). The British authors do not beat around the bush in presenting their conclusions, which include the following:

  • The trials’ questionable methodology generated “uncertainties” so significant that they undermine claims of efficacy.
  • The ages of the women who participated in the trials were not representative of the younger adolescents who constitute HPV vaccination’s primary target groups.
  • The studies used highly restrictive criteria to exclude many potential participants, limiting the trials’ “relevance and validity for real world settings.” (During Science Day presentations for the Jennifer Robi vs. Merck and Kaiser Permanente Gardasil lawsuit in January 2019, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. made the same point, describing the “elite club of superheroes” who constituted the study group and noting that Merck purged anyone with the slightest vulnerabilities to the vaccine or its ingredients despite the fact that the vaccine would ultimately be marketed to girls with the very vulnerabilities excluded during the clinical trials.)
  • The trials used “composite and distant surrogate outcomes” that essentially made it “impossible to determine effects on clinically significant outcomes.” The authors explain that the surrogate outcomes used (forms of cervical dysplasia called CIN1 and CIN2) often regress on their own “and are of limited clinical concern.” They also note that different forms of cervical dysplasia each have “their own different natural histories, prevalence and incidence and strength of association with cancer.” Lumping together vastly different forms of dysplasia into the trials’ composite surrogate endpoints, therefore, was “problematic.”

    Read the full reports at Children's Health Defense here.

Journal Of Alzheimer's Disease: Aluminum and Amyloid-β in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimers generations
Note: One wonders why this isn't front page news, instead of a new virus in China (for which is a vaccine is in the works) and rare Ebola (for which a vaccine is coming out.) Alzheimer's affects at least three generations at a pop.  When a grandparent succumbs, Mom and Dad (the sandwich generation) may race through savings and certainly face exhaustion finding care.  Their children pay a price. The parallels in care and behavior to an autism diagnosis are heart breaking. Yet aluminum is prevalent in day to day living and in bolus presence in many vaccines. Deodorants and antacids tout being aluminum free as a selling point.  Still, the topic is verboten when an adjuvant in vaccines.  Vaping and e-Cigs were ripped in headlines quickly for safety concerns. Just last week, I got 3 fliers in the mail from my daughters CT Medicaid talking about the dangers of vaping.  Imagine the expense, and vaping isn't mandated or pushed by doctors, stores, the media. It's a legal product one chooses.   Doctors tell women to have genetic tests for breast cancer, and many women choose preventive mastectomy to prevent the disease. With aluminum and Alzheimers, the aluminum is foisted upon us and we're ridiculed if we say, NO.

Here is a study  that includes Professor Chris Exley that should chill every reader, if the media would only publish it.


Article type: Research Article

Authors: Mold, Matthewa | Linhart, Carolineb | Gómez-Ramírez, Johanac | Villegas-Lanau, Andrésc | Exley, Christophera; *

Affiliations: [a] The Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire, United Kingdom | [b] Institute of Pharmacy/Pharmacognosy, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria | [c] Grupo de Neurociencias de Antioquia, Sede de Investigación Universitaria SIU, Medellín, Colombia

Correspondence: [*] Correspondence to: Professor Christopher Exley, The Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected].

Keywords: Aluminum in human brain tissue, amyloid-β, familial Alzheimer’s disease, human exposure to aluminum

DOI: 10.3233/JAD-191140

Journal: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-9, 2019
Accepted 16 December 2019
| Published: 13 January 2020


Genetic predispositions associated with metabolism of the amyloid-β protein precursor underlie familial Alzheimer’s disease; a form of dementia characterized by early disease onset and elevated levels of cortical amyloid-β. Human exposure to aluminum is linked to the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and recent research measured a high content of aluminum in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease. To elaborate upon this finding, we have obtained brain tissues from a Colombian cohort of donors with familial Alzheimer’s disease. We have used established methods to measure the aluminum content of these tissues and we have compared the data with a recently measured dataset for control brain tissues. We report significantly higher levels of aluminum in brain tissues in donors with familial Alzheimer’s disease than in control tissues from donors without neurological impairment or neurodegeneration. We have used aluminum-specific fluorescence microscopy along with complementary imaging for amyloid-β to demonstrate a very high degree of co-localization of these two risk factors in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum and amyloid-β were co-located in senile plaques as well as vasculature, the latter resembling cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Aluminum was also found separately from amyloid-β in intracellular compartments including glia and neuronal axons. The research has identified an arguably unique association between high brain aluminum content and amyloid-β and allows postulation that genetic predispositions defining familial Alzheimer’s disease underlie this relationship.

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Infants are Uniquely Vulnerable to Aluminium in Vaccines

AluminumInfants are Uniquely Vulnerable to Aluminium in Vaccines

Professor Chris Exley | 9th January 2020 | Infection/Disease, Paediatrics, Pharmacy/Drugs
The Hippocratic Post

Aluminium is Toxic

In 1984, as an undergraduate at the University of Stirling, Scotland and while carrying out my first piece of independent research, I watched for the first time a fish, a salmon parr, die from acute aluminium toxicity. The whole process took less than forty-eight hours. Within six hours, the fish showed signs of distress and its behaviour changed markedly. It proceeded to seek out the corners of the tank, pushing its head and body against the side of the tank. After twenty-four hours, it began to move randomly and chaotically around the tank before losing its orientation, slipping onto its back, taking a last gasp, before dying. I was left in no doubt about the toxicity of aluminium. I am recalling this event herein because there does seem to be significant complacency concerning the toxicity of aluminium.

An Aluminium Adjuvant is Acutely Toxic Too

In a recent post ( I explained why a single injection of a vaccine that includes an aluminium adjuvant is, akin to the salmon above, also an acute exposure to aluminium. It is acute because the total concentration of aluminium in the immediate vicinity of the injection site is extremely high, in the case of a single dose of Infanrix Hexa vaccine, approximately 8000 times higher than is required to kill a salmon parr within forty-eight hours. Even allowing for some dilution of the injected aluminium adjuvant into body fluids bathing and innervating the tissues surrounding the injection site the total concentration of aluminium in a vaccine is sufficient to cause cell death within hours and perhaps minutes of receiving the injection. This is the definition of an acute response, death (cells or whole organism) within a short period of exposure to a toxin. It is a necrotic form of cell death. It initiates an inflammatory response (redness at the injection site). This inflammation drives and perhaps accelerates the subsequent immune response ( A number of mechanisms bring about remediation of acute aluminium toxicity at a vaccine injection site. These are chemical, physical and biological. The toxic free metal ion, Al3+, forms soluble and insoluble complexes with myriad biological molecules while particles of aluminium adjuvant and other insoluble aluminium compounds are taken up by cells infiltrating the vaccine injection site. All of these processes act to reduce the acute toxicity of aluminium at the injection site by lowering the immediate concentration of toxic Al3+. These remedial processes act to secure aluminium in a number of different compartments. All are systemic and all are potential sources of biologically reactive aluminium to the rest of the body. Many chemical compartments where aluminium is bound in myriad different complexes including simple organic moieties like citrate or more complex proteins like the iron transport protein transferrin promote the transport of aluminium away from the injection site. These processes can be envisaged as continuous passive diffusion of soluble aluminium away from the injection site. The majority of injected aluminium adjuvant is particulate in the first instance and actively taken up, literally eaten, by a number of different cells infiltrating the injection site. Some particles of aluminium adjuvant are taken up by macrophages and thereafter they are retained at or close to the injection site as a granuloma. Generally, these collections of macrophages are considered as benign ‘cancers’ though such descriptions have been coined for situations where the cellular cargo is not aluminium. For example, macrophagic myofasciitis or MMF is a disease, first described by Romain Gherardi in Paris, in which aluminium-rich granulomas at vaccine injection sites are implicated in disease aetiology. Other cells heavily laden with aluminium do not remain close to the injection site and carry their cargo well beyond where the vaccine is administered, for example visiting local lymph nodes as early stops on their travels. Evidence is mounting that these cells may transport aluminium into brain tissue using both lymph and blood as access routes. Perhaps most worrying, evidence of transport of aluminium into brain tissue across the blood-brain barrier and meninges has been shown in autism ( Read more and comment at The Hippocratic Post.

Yet Another "RARE" Autoimmune Disease Caused By Vaccines

Vaccines colorfulBy Teresa Conrick

This case study, just recently out, shows a bad result and we cannot deny its existence: 

✹    Man Develops Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia After Getting Flu Vaccine, Case Study Reports  DECEMBER 3, 2019

The case highlights the importance of educating patients to report any unusual symptoms after vaccination.

The study, “Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in a Renal Transplant Patient Following Seasonal Influenza Vaccination,” was published in the journal Case Reports in Hematology.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, or AIHA, occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own red blood cells, causing a reduction in the number of these cells and leading to hemolytic anemia.

Symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, and jaundice. Cold agglutinin disease (CAD) is one of the most common forms of AIHA, marked by the formation of autoantibodies against red blood cells formed upon exposure to cold temperatures.

AIHA can have an unknown origin or result from an underlying disease or medication. Vaccines have been associated with triggering this condition.

This report described the case of a man, age 58, who received a seasonal flu vaccine (quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine IIV4) as part of routine care.

That may have been considered a “rare” occurrence but researching Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia brought the following case studies up, also as a result of vaccination.  It’s important people are aware of this as it is a serious consequence, not always medically investigated, and can be fatal. 

Case in point: 



MILLMAN, Special Master On January 28, 1999, petitioner filed a petition on behalf of her daughter, Lauren Brown (hereinafter, “Lauren”),for compensation under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 19861 (hereinafter the "Vaccine Act" or the "Act"). ...Petitioner alleges that Lauren’s vaccinations were a substantial factor in Lauren’s contraction of hemolytic anemia, causing her death. Respondent denies causation. The court held a hearing in this case on May 10, 2000. Testifying for petitioner was Dr. Ralph Shapiro. Testifying for respondent was Dr. Gregory H. Reaman. Both are specialists in pediatrics, oncology, and hematology….

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The Echo-Chambers of Public Health

Heads in the sandBy John Stone

Some readers may recall back in August following the pronouncements of British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, about clamping down on vaccine misinformation. I tried to help by reviewing our National Health Service webpage 'Vaccines are safe and important'. It may be said the web-managers were perfectly courteous but referred my comments to "Public Health England Immunology Team" who took no less than 106 days to reply. I was expecting something really good, considered expert replies to all my criticisms. What actually arrived was nothing but links to other web-pages committing similar solecisms and evasions. Reproducing the letter could apparently open me to draconian penalties but fundamentally the taunt about the "echo-chambers of social media" turns out to be nothing but projection: all they can do when challenged is repeat the propaganda. MISINFORMATION IS INFORMATION THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT LIKE

Review of the United Kingdom National Health Service webpage ‘Why vaccination is safe and important’ (media reviewed 30 July 2019).

I am responding to claims or statements in this web-document ' Why vaccination is safe and important' [1] (not following the original order of presentation). 

I begin with the statement:

“(Vaccines) do not overload or weaken the immune system - it's safe to give children several vaccines at a time and this reduces the amount of injections they need”

It is not clear what the evidential basis is for this statement. Formerly, at least, British health officials were keen to cite a paper by Offit et al (2002) which suggested absurdly an infant could withstand 10,000 vaccines at a time. However far-fetched, this was based on a theoretical claim about routine exposure to environmental antigens. Evidently some environmental exposures are more dangerous than others, otherwise people would not be at risk from infectious diseases at all, but the basis of exposure through vaccination is different (injected), and involves adjuvants so it is perhaps not relevant at all to talk about the number of antigens (as in Offit). In August 2004 Dr Salisbury distinguished in an e-letter to me between the increased risk of adverse reactions in an extended schedule and “overload”, which begs the question what is meant by “overload” and what people are supposed to understand by such a statement. A paper by Aaby et al (2012) was entitled “Vaccine programmes must consider their effect on general resistance”, which is evidently a warning that there is no such blank cheque for expanding the schedule. I covered this ground in my published submission to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into anti-microbial resistance last year [2]. The NHS need to clarify what they mean, but also state what the evidential basis is for this claim.

Another statement apparently contradicts the proposition that there is anything inherently safe about vaccinating:

“(Vaccines) get safety tested for years before being introduced - they're also monitored for any side effects”

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The Ubiquitous Prof Pollard: How Serious is British Medical Journal About Commercial Influence?

Pollardandrew2.previewby John Stone

Recently, British Medical Journal has been signalling an ambitious  intent to rid public health of commericial influence 'COMMERCIAL INFLUENCE IN HEALTH: FROM TRANSPARENCY TO INDEPENDENCE', but how serious is it? In this regard I wrote first to its on-line correspondence column, Rapid Responses, and then when my letter was not published to the lead author of the pilot paper Roy Moynihan and journal's editor in chief, Fiona Godlee, which in turn was not replied to. I was drawing their attention to the story familiar in the pages of Age of Autism of Prof Andrew Pollard.

Prof Pollard is the lead developer among other things with Oxford Vaccine Group (OVG)  of the Meningitis B vaccine, Bexsero. OVG, which is also part of Oxford University, develops vaccines in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. Back in 2013 Oxford Vaccine Group became affiliated to the newly created agency Public Health England (PHE), a mysterious agglomerate body working within the United Kingdom National Health Service which seems to have been created with the intention of escaping normal governmental accountability.

Shortly after its creation the then Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, wrote to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the committee which recommends vaccines to the NHS schedule (and is also affiliated to PHE),  to urgently consider the case for Bexsero. The JCVI passed over this unusual request in June 2013 but Prof Pollard was himself appointed to head the JCVI for the very next meeting in October 2013, and under his chairship the vaccine was recommended to the infant schedule at his second meeting in February 2014. Soon after this event negotiations began for GSK to take over the vaccine division of Novartis which manufactured Bexsero, and these were completed early in 2015. This was by chance just in time for Hunt to come to an agreement with GSK over the provision of Bexsero and for him to announce the deal before the May 2015 general election. The commercial prospects of the product took off.

This is just part of the picture. Prof Pollard is adviser to the British and European licensing agencies, he sits on the board of the Jenner Vaccine Foundation until earlier this year with Dr Norman Begg Vice-President and Chief Medical Officer of  GSK Biologicals: he has connections with many products which are recommended by the JCVI. If BMJ did not think the instance was relevant Moynihan could have written to explain their position. Instead there is silence, while they back off discussing facts which are well inside the public domain, if largely hidden.

BMJ need to show they mean business.

The correspondence to -  but not with BMJ - is below.

Dear Prof. Moynihan,

I do not know whether there could be legal reasons why...has not posted on-line my letter of 5 December (see below) but there could not be a network of influence more germane or central to the issues you and BMJ are raising. This is certainly not a personal issue about Prof Pollard, but the ubiquitousness of his name poses extremely serious questions. The director of Oxford Vaccine Group (an agency of Public Health England) which develops vaccines with the industry is also the Chair of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (another agency of PHE) which recommend products to the UK schedule. He also acts as an advisor  to the MHRA  and  EMA, which was extensively discussed in the Nordic Cochrane complaints  about HPV vaccines. OVG took part as well in trials of the controversial Pandemrix vaccine in 2009 prior to marketing. I am just sketching in a few issues which could extend over many products.

It is not my view that Prof Pollard is individually to blame for this opaque situation since all these institutions are presumably aware of the potential conflicts and allow them to continue. I personally raised the problem of the OVG/JCVI conflict with the DH, PHE and in the Scottish Parliament to no effect. But I do believe there is an obligation for those who know about these problems to bring them into the light of day, and this could not be an area of greater legitimate public concern. I hope BMJ will see fit to act.

I also attach for information the GSK document 'Evening of Evidence' 30 September 2015.

With all good wishes,

John Stone (UK Editor, Age of Autism)

34 Outram Road, London N22 7AF

44 20 8888 7109 

cc Fiona Godlee, ...

Re: Pathways to independence: towards producing and using trustworthy evidence - the case of vaccines

Dear Editor

I express concern about the prestige and doctrine of quasi-infallibility accorded to vaccines, which even put them in a different category from other medical products [1]. The assumption that all medicines are double blind placebo safety tested  was called into question in these columns in relation to vaccines earlier this year and unfortunately not satisfactorily answered [2]. It often seems that the imperative to ward against infectious disease has itself become reckless.

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Acute exposure and chronic retention of aluminum in three vaccine schedules and effects of genetic and environmental variation

AluminumYet another damning article about the aluminum exposure of infants through vaccine products. 
For Immediate Release - Pittsburgh, PA

1. A study of the toxicity of the doses of aluminum in vaccines, led by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler of the publicly funded Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, was motivated by an absence of appropriate testing of aluminum safety testing in vaccines. Dosage safety testing of metals in vaccines is not required by federal regulatory bodies. 

2. The research represent an objective and independent evaluation of an important aspect of the CDC's vaccine schedule safety. 

3. The study builds on prior work that established a "safe" baseline of Al in vaccines for infants derived from FDA limits for adults, corrected for body weight per dose. 

4. A Key Finding is that the CDC schedule likely induces Al toxicity in newborns for over 70 percent of their days in the first seven months of life. This represents chronic aluminum toxicity during a critical period of brain development.

5. The IPAK research team, which included a Board-certified pediatrician, also studied an alternative schedule (the "Vaccine Friendly Plan") and found can be expected to result in aluminum toxicity in only 5% of days over the same time period.

6. In the study discussion, the team has called on the FDA to conduct dose-escalation studies of body-weight adjusted injected forms of aluminum in infant mice to assess the safety of the CDC recommended schedule for humans.
Aluminum is known to induce autoimmunity in mice, rats, and humans. About 60% of vaccines on the CDC schedule contain aluminum. 
Ongoing research by scientists at IPAK includes a study of the effects of CDC recommended catch-up schedules on aluminum chronic and total toxicity, and to define strategies to reduce total aluminum load during catch-up efforts via careful brand choice and spacing out aluminum-containing vaccines.  Tens to hundreds of thousands of families are expected to vaccinate their older children for the first time due to loss of religious and medical exemptions, and therefore pediatricians should especially take heed of the findings of this study. 
This research is expected to reduce the incidence of autoimmune disorders in US children and adults.
Press inquiries (Dr. JLW interview): Contact Gretchen Fagan ([email protected])

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology

Volume 58, March 2020, 126444

Acute exposure and chronic retention of aluminum in three vaccine schedules and effects of genetic and environmental variation

Author links open overlay panel GrantMcFarlandaElaineLa JoieaPaulThomasbJamesLyons-Weilera


Like the mechanisms of action as adjuvants, the pharmacodynamics of injected forms of aluminum commonly used in vaccines are not well-characterized, particularly with respect to how differences in schedules impact accumulation and how factors such as genetics and environmental influences on detoxification influence clearance. Previous modeling efforts are based on very little empirical data, with the model by Priest based on whole-body clearance rates estimated from a study involving a single human subject.

Continue reading "Acute exposure and chronic retention of aluminum in three vaccine schedules and effects of genetic and environmental variation" »

New From Prof. Chris Exley Aluminium Adjuvants in Vaccines: Missing Information

AluminumBelow is an excerpt from the latest from Professor Chris Exley, in The Hippocratic Post blog.


I have been researching human exposure to aluminium for over thirty-five years. I am (sometimes affectionately) known as Mr Aluminium. About ten years ago, I became interested in aluminium adjuvants and specifically how they help to potentiate the immune response in vaccination. Funded initially by the Medical Research Council (Nanotoxicity of Aluminium Adjuvants) we set about testing dogma associated with their mechanism of action in vaccines. We have recently reviewed this subject including our own research in the field ( There are, of course, more questions remaining than answers obtained but we do now have a nascent understanding of the mode of action of aluminium adjuvants. It is clear that a vaccine including an aluminium adjuvant is an acute exposure to aluminium ( The aluminium adjuvant initiates an inflammatory response in the immediate vicinity of the injection site. Myriad infiltrating cells flood the damaged area and responding to the inflammation take up adjuvant and antigen into their cytoplasm ( though not necessarily as an adjuvant-antigen complex ( Adjuvant is transported to lymph glands ( and may also be carried in macrophages ( and other histiocytes throughout the body including into the brain ( The latter, though demonstrated in an animal model ( remains to be proven in humans. Vaccines that include an aluminium adjuvant are a source of aluminium to the rest of the body and this should be a concern.

This important and up to date information on aluminium adjuvants is missing from a vaccine safety information website hosted by the NHS ( Perhaps of equal importance is that the information given there is, at best, incorrect.

Example 1. ‘Adjuvants are added to vaccines in very small amounts, which have been shown to be safe.’
There have not been any clinical trials designed and carried out to test the safety of aluminium adjuvants. Not a single clinical safety trial for any vaccine that includes an aluminium adjuvant. Vaccine manufacturers are not obliged to demonstrate the safety of aluminium adjuvants. Indeed vaccine manufacturers invariably use aluminium adjuvants as placebos in vaccine efficacy trials (

Example 2. ‘There’s no evidence that the levels of aluminium we come across every day increase the risk of conditions like dementia or autism.’
There may not be consensus that aluminium increases the risk of dementia but there is burgeoning scientific evidence that this is the case. Recent research on aluminium in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease ( left very little doubt that aluminium, an accepted neurotoxin, contributes towards Alzheimer’s disease ( The advice given by the NHS is at best incorrect and at worst misinformation. While the evidence linking aluminium with autism remains preliminary the high content of aluminium in brain tissue in autism ( should not be so easily, perhaps conveniently, discarded.

 Read the rest of the article here.


New Study on Alumunium Adjuvants by Shardlow, Mold, Exley

AluminumThe Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
12 November, 2019

The interaction of aluminium-based adjuvants with THP-1 macrophages in vitro: Implications for cellular survival and systemic translocation.

Emma Shardlow, Matthew Mold, Christopher Exley


•Untreated THP-1 macrophages can survive for up to 9 days in vitro.
•After 9 days most cells have de-differentiated to a monocytic phenotype.
•Cells rapidly engulf aluminium particulates as early as 3 h post exposure.
•Most cells are not adversely impacted by intracellular aluminium adjuvant particles.


Within clinical vaccinations, recombinant antigens are routinely entrapped inside or adsorbed onto the surface of aluminium salts in order to increase their immunological potency in vivo. The efficacy of these immunisations is highly dependent upon the recognition and uptake of these complexes by professional phagocytes and their subsequent delivery to the draining lymph nodes for further immunological processing. While monocytes have been shown to internalise aluminium adjuvants and their adsorbates, the role of macrophages in this respect has not been fully established. Furthermore, this study explored the interaction of THP-1 macrophages with aluminium-based adjuvants (ABAs) and how this relationship influenced the survival of such cells in vitro. THP-1 macrophages were exposed to low concentrations of ABAs (1.7 μg/mL Al) for a maximum of seven days. ABA uptake was determined using lumogallion staining and cell viability by both DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) staining and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay. Evidence of ABA particle loading was identified within cells at early junctures following treatment and appeared to be quite prolific (>90% cells positive for Al signal after 24 h). Total sample viability (% LDH release) in treated samples was predominantly similar to untreated cells and low levels of cellular death were consistently observed in populations positive for Al uptake. It can thus be concluded that aluminium salts can persist for some time within the intracellular environment of these cells without adversely affecting their viability. These results imply that macrophages may play a role in the systemic translocation of ABAs once administered in the form of an inoculation.  Read more at Science Direct here.

Commentary: As predicted, animal protein containing biologics induce de novo autoimmune disorders

Immune systemBy Vinu Arumugham 

AoA is grateful to Vinu Arumugham who has written an analysis of an article in MedPageToday by Diana Swift ("expert critique" Melinda Engevik): "Biologics Tied to New-Onset IBD and Other Autoimmune Events - Though mechanism is unclear patients need monitoring for de novo disorders". He writes:

They quote: "We don't really understand the mechanism behind this yet, and the effect might apply to agents other than etanercept," Korzenik told the Reading Room

It is absolutely ridiculous for people to claim that the mechanism is “unclear” or not understood. I predicted that animal protein containing biologics would induce de novo autoimmune disorders (1)⁠. Most biologics are produced using Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. All biologics thus contain residual CHO host cell proteins. We have described the exact immunological mechanism involved in the induction of autoimmunity by immunization with homologous xenogeneic antigens (2)⁠. Bailey-Kellog et al. developed CHOPPI specifically because induction of autoimmunity by residual host cell proteins is a known problem (3)⁠.

Autoimmune disorders induced by biologics represent the second wave of iatrogenic diseases.

The first wave of iatrogenic diseases are of course all the autoimmune disorders induced by animal protein containing vaccines (1,4–9)⁠. The biologics that are now prescribed to “treat” these vaccine induced disorders are creating their own disaster, exactly as predicted.

For laypersons:

Says: “You may be wondering how an autoimmune reaction can occur. The autoimmune reaction may be triggered: ... If a foreign substance that is similar to a normal body substance enters the body.

Continue reading "Commentary: As predicted, animal protein containing biologics induce de novo autoimmune disorders" »

SPARK Autism Research And Risk Genes

Dnatoy3Exome sequencing of 457 autism families recruited online provides evidence for autism risk genesExome sequencing of 457 autism families recruited online provides evidence for autism risk genes

We identified variants in genes and loci that are clinically recognized causes or significant contributors to ASD in 10.4% of families without previous genetic findings. In addition, we identified variants that are possibly associated with ASD in an additional 3.4% of families.

What about the other 76.2% of families? Genetics research is fully funded. Biomedical research for autism is shunned. From Autism Speaks to IACC, dollars have gone to the safest haven of research where the fingers can only point straight back to the study participant.

Two New Papers Suggest Rotavirus Vaccines Including Paul Offit's Rotateq Are Undermining Immunity (Abstracts)

Paul offit babyRotavirus Epidemiology and Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine Effectiveness in Australia: 2010–2017

Julia E. Maguire, Keira Glasgow, Kathryn Glass, Susie Roczo-Farkas, Julie E. Bines, Vicky Sheppeard, Kristine Macartney, Helen E. Quinn


September 2019



BACKGROUND: Rotavirus vaccine has been funded for infants under the Australian National Immunisation Program since 2007, with Rotarix vaccine used in New South Wales, Australia, from that time. In 2017, New South Wales experienced a large outbreak of rotavirus gastroenteritis. We examined epidemiology, genotypic profiles, and vaccine effectiveness (VE) among cases.

METHODS: Laboratory-confirmed cases of rotavirus notified in New South Wales between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2017 were analyzed. VE was estimated in children via a case-control analysis. Specimens from a sample of hospitalized case patients were genotyped and analyzed.

RESULTS: In 2017, 2319 rotavirus cases were reported, representing a 3.1-fold increase on the 2016 notification rate. The highest rate was among children aged <2 years. For notified cases in 2017, 2-dose VE estimates were 88.4%, 83.7%, and 78.7% in those aged 6 to 11 months, 1 to 3 years, and 4 to 9 years, respectively. VE was significantly reduced from 89.5% within 1 year of vaccination to 77.0% at 5 to 10 years postvaccination. Equinelike G3P[8] (48%) and G8P[8] (23%) were identified as the most common genotypes in case patients aged ≥6 months.

Continue reading "Two New Papers Suggest Rotavirus Vaccines Including Paul Offit's Rotateq Are Undermining Immunity (Abstracts)" »

CORVELVA: 'MRC-5 contained in Priorix Tetra - Complete genome sequencing'

Corvelva vaccingateFrom

These latest analyses were made possible thanks to the active contribution of the French associations Association Liberté Informations Santé (ALIS), Ligue nationale pour la liberté des vaccinations (LNPLV) and the Australian Association Australian Vaccination-risks Network (AVN), that we thank.

New generation sequencing have become the preferred tool for in-depth analysis in the field of biology and medical science, especially high precision ones.  Thanks to these tools, we can approach in a more modern and comprehensive way a number of applications such as de novo sequencing, metagenomic and epigenomic studies, transcriptome sequencing and genome re-sequencing.

This last one (re-sequencing) is largely used in human field, both for research and diagnostic purposes and consists of NGS - Next Generation Sequencing  of an entire single genome, to map the Single Nucleotide mutations (SNP), insertions and deletions of more or less long sequences that have occurred in certain locations of the genome, and variations in the number of copies of genomic portions/genes (CNV, Copy Number Variants).

This procedure helps to understand the development mechanism of some pathologies, in order to identify the directions for a future clinical treatment as in the case of cancer for example. Indeed, by this method the genetic heritage of a cancer patient can be fully decoded in both normal and cancerous tissue, thus allowing us to comprehend what exactly has changed within the genome, and, if possible, how to intervene with targeted measures.

The  re-sequencing procedure requires that the DNA  of an individual is mechanically broken into small dimension fragments (400-500  base pairs) and artificial DNA parts named adapters are tied to these fragments; adapters make it possible to tie the human DNA  fragments to a glass surface on which the bases reading (A, C, G, T) is performed. The DNA base pairs reading takes place by means of chemical reactions, namely the incorporation of nucleotides that have been marked by fluorescent molecules.  The million sequences (reads) thus obtained are then mapped on the human reference genome by specific software and all the variants are identified comparing the analyzed genome with the reference genome.

This same procedure has been performed on the human genome in Priorix® Tetra lot  n. A71CB256A, genome which belongs to cell line MRC-5 (of fetal origin); the work has been carried out by a company in the USA, that routinely deals with human genome re-sequencing analysis. *

*the name of the laboratory that has performed the analysis will be included in the next formal complaint we will file at the Public Prosecutor of Rome and as well at the Italian and European regulatory bodies. The associations who are filing the analysis funded by Corvelva will be promptly kept up to date with these shocking results too.  We are no denying that we feel, especially as parents, distressed by these results we are reporting - as if what we have found out so far was not enough to worry about.


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Two Recent Papers by Vinu Arumugham

Science post imageAutoepitopes (22 of 27) in rheumatoid arthritis differ from vaccine antigens by a single amino acid residue, ideal for low affinity self reactive T cell mediated autoimmunity and aluminum adjuvant promotes citrullination of vaccine antigens thus the synthesis of ACPA

Arumugham, Vinu

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder. Rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-
citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) are known to play a role in RA. RF and ACPA origin is
considered unknown.

Vaccines contain numerous residual proteins of food, animal, plant, fungal and bacterial origin,
from the manufacturing process. Protein sequence analysis shows that 14 of 14 known RF
autoepitopes differ from vaccine antigens by just one amino acid residue. The immune system’s cancer surveillance system looks for exactly such antigens. Cancer begins with a single DNA mutation where one base-pair is modified. Proteins encoded by this DNA segment will therefore also exhibit a single amino acid change. So such peptides with a single amino acid change (neoantigens) are strong markers for cancer and result in an anti-cancer immune
response, when accompanied by innate immune system co-stimulation. With thousands of such proteins in vaccines, there is an overwhelming anti-cancer immune response following vaccine administration. The adjuvant or live virus in the vaccine provides the requisite innate immune system co-stimulation. Since cancer cells/proteins are very similar to normal cells/proteins, attacking cancer always carries the risk of autoimmunity (collateral damage). Therefore vaccines cause numerous autoimmune diseases by triggering unnecessary anti-cancer immune responses.

Continue reading "Two Recent Papers by Vinu Arumugham" »

Rubella Virus Infection, the Congenital Rubella Syndrome, and the Link to Autism

Journal ERPHRubella Virus Infection, the Congenital Rubella Syndrome, and the Link to Autism Read the full pdf here

Anthony R. Mawson 1,* and Ashley M. Croft 2

1 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences,
Jackson State University, Jackson, MS 39213, USA

2 School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 2DT, UK;
[email protected]

* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 15 August 2019; Accepted: 15 September 2019; Published: 22 September 2019

Abstract: Rubella is a systemic virus infection that is usually mild. It can, however, cause severe birth defects known as the congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) when infection occurs early in pregnancy. As many as 8%–13% of children with CRS developed autism during the rubella epidemic of the 1960s compared to the background rate of about 1 new case per 5000 children. Rubella infection and CRS are now rare in the U.S. and in Europe due to widespread vaccination. However, autism rates have risen dramatically in recent decades to about 3% of children today, with many cases appearing after a period of normal development (‘regressive autism’). Evidence is reviewed here suggesting that the signs and symptoms of rubella may be due to alterations in the hepatic metabolism of vitamin A (retinoids), precipitated by the acute phase of the infection. The infection causes mild liver dysfunction and the spillage of stored vitamin A compounds into the circulation, resulting in an endogenous form of hypervitaminosis A. Given that vitamin A is a known teratogen, it is suggested that rubella infection occurring in the early weeks of pregnancy causes CRS through maternal liver dysfunction and exposure of the developing fetus to excessive vitamin A. On this view, the multiple manifestations of CRS and associated autism represent endogenous forms of hypervitaminosis A. It is further proposed that regressive autism results primarily from post-natal influences of a liver-damaging nature and exposure to excess vitamin A, inducing CRS-like features as a function of vitamin A toxicity, but without the associated dysmorphogenesis. A number of environmental factors are discussed that may plausibly be candidates for this role, and suggestions are ordered for testing the model. The model also suggests a number of measures that may be effective both in reducing the risk of fetal CRS in women who acquire rubella in their first trimester and in reversing or minimizing regressive autism among children in whom the diagnosis is suspected or confirmed.

Review of the United Kingdom National Health Service webpage ‘Why vaccination is safe and important’ (media reviewed 30 July 2019).

image from upload.wikimedia.orgby John Stone 

As Britain's new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, calls for reassuring messaging about vaccination on the web, AoA's British editor looks at an NHS web-page on vaccination safety and finds it full of holes. Unfortunately, the problems with the vaccine program do not lie with its critics. A copy of this review will be sent to the NHS web editors.

I am responding to claims or statements in this web-document ' Why vaccination is safe and important' [1] (not following the original order of presentation). 

I begin with the statement:

“(Vaccines) do not overload or weaken the immune system - it's safe to give children several vaccines at a time and this reduces the amount of injections they need”

It is not clear what the evidential basis is for this statement. Formerly, at least, British health officials were keen to cite a paper by Offit et al (2002) which suggested absurdly an infant could withstand 10,000 vaccines at a time. However far-fetched, this was based on a theoretical claim about routine exposure to environmental antigens. Evidently some environmental exposures are more dangerous than others, otherwise people would not be at risk from infectious diseases at all, but the basis of exposure through vaccination is different (injected), and involves adjuvants so it is perhaps not relevant at all to talk about the number of antigens (as in Offit). In August 2004 Dr Salisbury distinguished in an e-letter to me between the increased risk of adverse reactions in an extended schedule and “overload”, which begs the question what is meant by “overload” and what people are supposed to understand by such a statement. A paper by Aaby et al (2012) was entitled “Vaccine programmes must consider their effect on general resistance”, which is evidently a warning that there is no such blank cheque for expanding the schedule. I covered this ground in my published submission to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into anti-microbial resistance last year [2]. The NHS need to clarify what they mean, but also state what the evidential basis is for this claim.

Another statement apparently contradicts the proposition that there is anything inherently safe about vaccinating:

“(Vaccines) get safety tested for years before being introduced - they're also monitored for any side effects”

Continue reading "Review of the United Kingdom National Health Service webpage ‘Why vaccination is safe and important’ (media reviewed 30 July 2019)." »

If You Write to this "Parliamentary Group" Please be Careful

image from www.rescuepost.comBy John Stone

This is a follow up to my brief article at the end of February British MPs are Front for Gates and the Pharmaceutical Industry

The deadly charade continues. British television viewers were told on ITV NEWS on Thursday night that an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) was to investigate "the  resurgence of the anti-vaccination movement".  They should not be deceived into thinking however that the APPG  "Vaccinations For All is the equivalent of a parliamentary committee. The secretariat for the group - which itself  consists of five little known members of the House of Commons and two of the House of Lords - is listed as an organisation  called Results UK, which is in turn a satellite of GAVI, which we all know is a partnership of  the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO,  Unicef, the World Bank and the Pharmaceutical Industry etc. Every single vaccine manufacturer is represented within GAVI.

The strategy has been apparent since the summer of 2017 when the director of GAVI, Seth Berkley, had an article published in the on-line Spectator - a British news journal - calling for "anti-vaxxers" to be banned from the web, when what he was really setting out to do was ban all criticism of vaccines from the web while simultaneously indulging in hate rhetoric. In the British context it might perhaps be a modestly hopeful sign that the present move comes from an undistinguished ad hoc group of parliamentarians rather than a standing committee: less helpful is the continuing treachery of the mainstream media which cannot any longer report anything without a having devious agenda behind it.

The deadline for submissions to this inquiry is 30 August. Many people from the vaccine injury/vaccine critical community are apparently writing but if they do they should be aware that the group is an industry lobby organization and not one of the standing parliamentary committees which regularly hold inquiries as part of their remit - there may be some point in trying to embarrass them but their standpoint is essentially hostile, and their avowed concern is to silence families of the injured not listen to them.

Continue reading "If You Write to this "Parliamentary Group" Please be Careful" »

Yet Another Highly Unethical and Socially Irresponsible “Genes-Only” Study Fails to Show that Autism is 80% “Genetic”

Genes enviroNote: We have excerpted this from James Lyons-Weiler's site with permission.


In a WebMD article, the results from a large genetic-factor-only study gleefully reports that the newest, highest-ever estimate of the percent liability of autism risk that can be attributed to “genetics” is 80%, leaving the remaining 20% to environmental factors.

The article also claims that this new, highest estimate is reported by the study authors to be “…roughly in line with those from prior, smaller studies on the issue, further bolstering their validity“.

Consistent Results From Invalid Methodology Does not Make Those Results “Valid”.  It Makes Them “Consistent”.

The “roughly in line with” is an appeal to consistency.  But the Liability Threshold Models differ from other approaches methodologically. Previous studies, one of which was conducted by the same group of researchers, had estimates that ranged from 0 to 99% heritability.  The average, until this group started using liability-threshold models, was around 40% attribution to genetics. Their studies increased the average, but it still hovered around 50% liability.  Only the liability threshold models, used by this group, show results around 80% liability.  So their method is consistent with itself.  No surprise there. But that’s nowhere near “roughly in line” with all prior studies.

JLW chart

The article skips over the fact that the newest, latest study, like the prior studies, fails to actually measure the contribution of a single environmental factor.  While the article rails against “anti-vaxxers”, the study ignores the vaccination status of those involved in the study.  The mantra of so many studies never showing association has be tempered with a mature, responsible and realstic interpretation in the context of how those studies were conducted: restricted to one vaccine (MMR), and then there is this:  Read the full article at Lyons-Weiler's site here.

Press Release: Vaccine Deaths in India Have Not Been Evaluated: Uppsala Monitoring Center

image from i.ytimg.comNew Delhi 

8 July 2019.

Vaccine Deaths in India Have Not Been Evaluated: Uppsala Monitoring Center

Government records show there have been many deaths after Pentavalent vaccine (PV) administration. Not one of these deaths has been investigated as a ‘vaccine reaction’, according to Rebecca Chandler of the Uppsala Monitoring Center in Sweden - the global hub for drug reaction monitoring. 

Chandler revealed this shocking information in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), responding to Jacob Puliyel (pictured) who has asked for a revision of the way adverse events after immunization (AEFI) are investigated in India using the WHO-AEFI classification.

Chandler clarified that the WHO-AEFI classification used in India is deployed only in developing countries. This classification helps to identify reactions caused because of  the improper administration of vaccines and the use of a contaminated multi-dose vial; but not new vaccine-product-related reactions. Vaccine-product-related reactions occur even when the vaccine has been administered properly. The WHO-AEFI classification reports are not fed to databases that allow pharmacovigilance for these rare occurances.

In developed countries, on the other hand, adverse-event-reports for drugs and vaccines are maintained within a single database and this allows for pharmacovigilance – to pick up an increase in the frequency of unusual symptoms. 

Chandler’s response explains why the numerous deaths after the administration of the Pentavalent vaccine (combined diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, H influenza b and Hepatitis B vaccine) in India and Asia have not been acknowledged as a possible ‘signal’ for investigation.

Puliyel notes that data from states with good reporting of adverse events imply that there are likely to be 7020–8190 additional deaths each year in the country, because of the shift from DPT to Pentavalent vaccine. This is a huge mortality burden.

He has called for the Uppsala Monitoring Centre to examine the data from the Government of India (and other Asian countries where the vaccine is used) and confirm or deny a possible causative association with vaccination.

“If not the Uppsala Monitoring Centre, then who? If not now, then when?” writes Jacob Puliyel

Also,  the Indian Government must stop using WHO-AEFI classification and develop a proper database for pharmacovigilance like all developed countries. 

“Only such a transparent appraisal can reassure the public and build trust, and only this will reduce vaccine hesitancy,”  Puliyel said. (END)

The correspondence in the British Medical Journal can be accessed here.


Jacob Puliyel MD MRCP M Phil


Press Release: UN Headquarters to host groundbreaking discussion on vaccine misinformation and growing distrust

image from Release (with 24 hours notice). Note, no one actually present with specialist knowledge of vaccine safety.

Experts, UN officials and private sector representatives to convene to address drivers of vaccine hesitancy and stagnating immunization rates worldwide

27 June 2019

WHAT:  UNICEF and the Permanent Mission of Japan are hosting a high-level event at the United Nations in New York to bring together technical experts, policy makers, governments, civil society and the private sector to combat misinformation on vaccines. This will be the first event of its kind to take place at the United Nations in New York, focusing on building trust on vaccines. Experts will analyze how we can improve stagnating or declining vaccination rates, and champion children’s right to immunization. At the event, UNICEF will also release a brief on the causes of vaccine hesitancy, based on trend data over the past four years. Please contact [email protected] for an embargoed copy of the brief.


• UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore
• H.E Mr Koro Bessho, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
• Ethan Lindenberger, vaccine advocate
• Laura Trevelyan, BBC correspondent
• Dr. Stewart Simonson, Assistant Director General, World Health Organization
• Dr. Chris Wolff, Deputy Director, Vaccine Delivery, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
• Dr. Gillian Steelfisher, Senior Research Scientist, Harvard
• Mr. Jason Hirsh, Head, Health Policy, Facebook

WHEN: 13:15 - 14:30 pm, Friday, 28 June 2019

WHERE: UN Secretariat Conference Room 11, UN Headquarters, New York or watch live through this link

WHY: Vaccines save millions of lives, yet in low- and middle-income countries, large numbers of children go unvaccinated mainly because of limited availability and access to services. But in some countries, an emerging threat is misinformation, largely through social media. Anti-vaccine groups have effectively exploited social media, creating confusion and stoking fears among parents, potentially undermining progress in reaching all children with vaccines. For example, global cases of measles have surged to alarmingly high levels in 2019, including in countries which had previously been declared measles free.


MEDIA CONTACT: Sabrina Sidhu, UNICEF New York, +1917 476 1537, [email protected]

This event will be webcast here. For photos and broll on vaccines, please click here.

Study Underscores Need for More Research to Determine Whether Vaccines Are the Source

AluminumStudy Underscores Need for More Research to Determine Whether Vaccines Are the Source

From The Weston A. Price Foundation.

Washington, DC—June 4, 2019—High concentrations of aluminum characterize the brains of autistic children, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.[1]

Researchers from Keele University in the U.K. examined brain tissue from deceased individuals with a diagnosis of autism, finding some of the highest values for aluminum in human brain tissue yet recorded. The research investigated brain tissue from ten donors, representing all donors available at the Autism Brain Bank, and a standout observation was the location of aluminum in primarily inflammatory, non-neuronal cells with evidence of these cells moving from blood and lymph into brain tissue.

Sources of ingested aluminum include infant formula, foods in aluminum packaging, and foods cooked in aluminum pans or foil. However, in general less than 1 percent of dietary aluminum is absorbed.[2] A highly probable source of aluminum in the brains of autistic children is vaccines. A fully vaccinated child receives almost 5,000 mcg aluminum by 18 months of age.[3] The amount of aluminum in the eight doses given at the two-month baby check-up is 1,225 mcg.3 By contrast, the maximum allowable aluminum per day for intravenous feeding in children is 25 mcg.

U.S. vaccines containing one or more types of aluminum include diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (ST, DTAP, Td, Tdap); influenza type b (Hib); hepatitis (A and B, A/B); the meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines; and human papillomavirus (HPV). All of these vaccines are on the CDC vaccine schedule. Babies routinely receive the hepatitis B vaccination on the first day of life.

Aluminum compounds in vaccines include aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, “aluminum salts,” amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS), and potassium aluminum sulfate.[4] Merck’s proprietary AAHS adjuvant (added to the Gardasil Hib and Hepatitis A and B vaccines) was not safety tested and is among the components blamed for the adverse reactions to the Gardasil[5] as well as hepatitis vaccines.

“Government assurances that vaccines don’t cause autism cannot hold up to this new discovery,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “Parents are right to hesitate before injecting neuro-toxic aluminum into their children.”

Continue reading "Study Underscores Need for More Research to Determine Whether Vaccines Are the Source" »

Junk Science Gets to Root of Autism! It's Spontaneous!

170718-human-genome-featureNote: This story below Junk' DNA can cause autism, groundbreaking study finds was published just yesterday. Feel free to read it, and share your thoughts. "With no family history of autism, the genetic cause of these individuals' conditions was probably spontaneous, not inherited, mutations, researchers said."

I have 3 children with autism, I had to look up the word, SPONTANEOUS.  It means "spur of the moment," something that doesn't happen in my home unless it's cleaning up a crapisode (kidding, we no longer have those, so take heart younger parents.)  Spontaneous out of the blue oh my golly gee what could have done this genetic mutations may have caused this RAGING epidemic.Groundheartbreaking. 

Junk DNA appears to be scientifically controversial - which may mean that it's existence serves a purpose for industry, profit, etc.  From  Researchers have determined how satellite DNA, considered to be “junk DNA,” plays a crucial role in holding the genome together. Their findings, published recently in the journal eLife, indicate that this genetic “junk” performs the vital function of ensuring that chromosomes bundle correctly inside the cell’s nucleus, which is necessary for cell survival. And this function appears to be conserved across many species.  Read more here. "Futurity features the latest discoveries by scientists at top research universities in the US, UK, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The nonprofit site, which launched in 2009, is supported solely by its university partners (listed below) in an effort to share research news directly with the public."


Junk' DNA can cause autism, groundbreaking study finds

Disorder doesn't appear to be caused by specific genes, but by "regulatory DNA'

Mutations in so-called "junk DNA" can cause autism, according to a groundbreaking study published Monday.

The study, which used artificial intelligence technology, is the first to link such mutations to the developmental disorder. Researchers have been looking for specific, autism-causing genes since 2003, when the human gene was first mapped.

The research, led by Olga Troyanskay, deputy director for genomics at the Flatiron Institute's Center for Computational Biology (CCB) in New York City and a professor of computer science at Princeton University, in collaboration with Robert Darnell, the Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn Professor of Cancer Biology at Rockefeller University and an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, was published Monday in Nature Genetics.

Researchers used machine learning to conduct analysis on whole genomes of 1,790 individuals with autism, as well as their unaffected parents and siblings, according to a news release from the Simons Foundation, via Eureka. The Flatiron Institute is the research division of the Simons Foundation.

With no family history of autism, the genetic cause of these individuals' conditions was probably spontaneous, not inherited, mutations, researchers said.

According to the foundation:  Read more here.

Corvelva Updates Scientific Vaccine Purity Safety Testing

Grazie  mille a la nostra amici a Corvelva.Corvelva vaccingate

Click here to see this full report at the Corvelva site.

We want to take stock of the situation together with you. Eight months have passed since July 2018 and in these length of time we have achieved extremely satisfying results. We have presented a research program and regarding the vaccines analysis we are able to make a point of reference, with the objectives achieved, those being finalised and those only planned for now.

To begin with, the analyses of 2 compounds for each vaccine have been verified by means of standards, using certified control standards with a concentration in the order of micrograms / mL. The compounds we have chosen are among those known for their critical hazard profile. We are talking about a cumulative quantity, a total amount of those recognized as identities and those to be identified, which can be estimated within the order of 50 micrograms / mL, in contrast to the EMA / FDA guidelines.

These tests have given positive results, therefore they fully confirm the analysis method! The contaminations observed are probably due to different and variable manufacturing process’ phenomena and topics. What has been observed in the course of the studies is an “inter-batches” variation of the composition, which makes us assume that there are some steps along the whole product manufacturing process that are difficult to control.

Such analyses have allowed us to achieve the following steps:

  • Conformity assessment of composition as outlined in the vaccine datasheet
  • Screening for chemical and protein/peptide contaminations, as well as those deriving from genetic material
  • Confirmatory study of chemical and protein target compounds through con standard certificates of inspection

The following vaccines have been submitted to an initial screening:

Continue reading "Corvelva Updates Scientific Vaccine Purity Safety Testing" »

Scurrilous, Misleading Attack On Prof Christopher Exley By The Sunday Times

image from John Stone

An attack on leading aluminium toxicity expert Christopher Exley in the Sunday Times yesterday begins with the false claim in the title that his funding has been halted. This seems like a blatant attempt to mislead: what was halted the week before last after political pressure was a Go Fund Me page for supporting his research, while the Keele University website has remained open for donations. Another false claim is that there were no controls for his autism brain study. While there were no "normal" brains in the study there were comparisons:

"The aluminium content of brain tissues from donors with a diagnosis of ASD was extremely high (Table 1). While there was significant inter-tissue, inter-lobe and inter-subject variability the mean aluminium content for each lobe across all 5 individuals was towards the higher end of all previous (historical) measurements of brain aluminium content, including iatrogenic disorders such as dialysis encephalopathy [13][15][16][17][18][19]. All 4 male donors had significantly higher concentrations of brain aluminium than the single female donor. We recorded some of the highest values for brain aluminium content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues in these male ASD donors including values of 17.10, 18.57 and 22.11 μg/g dry wt. (Table 1). What discriminates these data from other analyses of brain aluminium in other diseases is the age of the ASD donors. Why, for example would a 15 year old boy have such a high content of aluminium in their brain tissues? There are no comparative data in the scientific literature, the closest being similarly high data for a 42 year old male with familial Alzheimer’s disease (fAD) [19]."

Professional concerns about the use of aluminium adjuvants in vaccine products are by no means unique to Prof Exley and colleagues.

The professional attack in the report is led by Andrew Pollard who is said to be a professor of "paediatric infection": it does not mention Pollard's manifold roles as leader of Oxford Vaccine Group, which develops vaccines with the industry (mostly containing aluminium), as chair of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation which recommends vaccines to the British schedule, as leading adviser to the British and European licensing agencies, and board member of the Jenner Vaccine Foundation. In July 2017 he also called in the Guardian newspaper for compulsory vaccination without disclosing any of these roles. Real investigative journalists might be asking what research Pollard has ever undertaken into the safety of aluminium adjuvants in vaccine products which he helps develop, recommend and license?

John Stone is British editor of Age of Autism

DeVos Wants To Cut What?

Scissors giantThe Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos included cuts to Special Olympics funding in her budget proposal. For those of us with special needs kids, there are few places where we can feel even a little bit welcome, let alone at home. For many families, Special Olympics provides a refuge, not just a place to compete in sports and games. Athletics is important for all children. It teaches how to win, how to lose, perseverance. It builds social skills. It creates a community. Special Olympics is all that and much more. To cut it is but a drop in the bucket of the budget but sends a clear message. A losing message.  See the CNN report here.

Elsevier "Withdraws" Spanish Sheep Veterinary Study: By Celeste McGovern

"Non Solus" except "Scholar" has been replaced by "Pharma."

Thank you Celeste McGovern for allowing us to excerpt and link her article. I took Latin in high school, and am always interested in mottoes. Non Solus as the motto for publisher Elsevier described the symbiotic relationship between publisher and scholar. Alas, scholar has been replaced by pharma.


Elsevier’s “withdrawal” of a small veterinary study breaks all the rules of scientific publishing. The biggest name in scientific literature has produced fake medical journals for Merck’s advertisers before, so yanking a study that doesn’t pass the vaccine industry’s sniff test would be nothing. Celeste McGovern looks at a case study of how Pharma is killing science.

It’s not often that veterinary research is so controversial that it falls into the jaws of censorship zealots. That is exactly what happened recently, however, when editors at a science journal suddenly turned on a small Spanish sheep study which they had already peer-reviewed and published and stamped it: “WITHDRAWN” — the equivalent of a scarlet letter “A” in the science publishing world.  This was not about shoddy science or ethical breaches; an editor tried to soothe the outraged veterinary professor at the head of the research. But the focus was “delicate” and “controversial” and someone — some anonymous letter-writer – had wanted the study removed, and the journal acquiesced.

Dear Dr. Luján,

“I wanted to step in here to say that your manuscript is not being retracted – which implies wrongdoing and could damage your professional reputation,” Anne-Marie Pordon, publisher of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences titles for Elsevier journals interjected in a heated e-mail exchange between the lead researcher and various editors.  “We are withdrawing the paper, which does not imply misconduct in any way. There will be simply a statement that says “This paper has been withdrawn at the request of the _____” (Authors or Editors in the blank.)”   Pick your poison. You remove it, or we remove it.

Mercky past

Elsevier journals are described as “one of the world’s major providers of science, technical and medical information.”  They also have a skeleton or two in the closet. A decade ago, they were exposed in a private injury case for being paid by Merck to manufacture and distribute two completely fake journals to market Merck’s drugs. They looked like authentic, peer-reviewed science journals, but they contained only favourable studies about the use of Merck’s deadly Vioxx and another drug with potentially fatal side effects. Nowhere did they disclose that they were paid advertising for Merck.  Four more fake Elsevier journals were sponsored by unnamed pharmaceutical companies.

Continue reading "Elsevier "Withdraws" Spanish Sheep Veterinary Study: By Celeste McGovern" »

Are There “Sleeper” VACCINE-caused Mutations Cytochrome P450 Genes Produce Which Medicine Deliberately Ignores?

Science post imageRead the full article by Catherine Frompovitch at NaturalBlaze


The human cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily comprises 57 genes. These genes code for enzymes that can have a role in: metabolism of drugs, foreign chemicals, arachidonic acid and eicosanoids; cholesterol metabolism and bile-acid biosynthesis; steroid synthesis and metabolism; vitamin D(3) synthesis and metabolism; retinoic acid hydroxylation; and those of still unknown function. Cytochrome P450 was once believed to be mainly a hepatic drug detoxication system, but is now understood to include a myriad of enzymic reactions implicated in important life processes. Mutations in many CYP genes cause inborn errors of metabolism and contribute to many clinically relevant diseases. [2]

Question: Are metabolism differences in CYP genes the cause of many vaccine adverse reactions, especially brain encephalopathy that precipitates Autism and other clinically relevant diseases in infants, toddlers and even adults? Was that the reasoning why a Vaccine Court Master awarded Hannah Poling’s Autism claim $1.5 million plus ongoing $500,000 per year for life [4]?

James Lyons-Weiler on the New MMR/Autism Study From Denmark

James Lyons WeilerAoA links to Lyons-Weiler's review of the new paper by Hviid:"

An Autopsy on Hviid et al. 2019’s MMR/Vaccine Science-Like Activities

JUST IN TIME to be sandwiched between two one-sided Senate Hearings, a new cohort study by Hviid et al. has all of the hallmarks of a completely well-done study.  Well done as in overcooked.  Here is my initial assessment.

The burnt ends on this brisket are obvious.  Just like all the past studies on the MMR/autism question, the study focuses on one vaccine.  This is a problem because the variable they call “genetic risk” (having an older sibling), which is the most significant variable, is confounded with health user bias (there is no control over vaccine cessation).  It’s an important variable, but genetic risk of what?  Of autism?  Or of autism following vaccination?  It’s impossible to tell because the study never tests a VACCINE x FAMILY HISTORY interaction term.  Or any other interaction term that includes vaccines.

Were it not such an imporant question for which so much “science-like activities” have occurred, we could just shrug our shoulders, one could argue that defining the data analysis strategy is just about how one like to season their meat.  But there is real evidence Hviid (who did the data analysis) appears to be up real data cookery here.

(1) The smoking gun is the study-wide autism rate of 0.9-1%.  The rate of ASD in Denmark is 1.65%.  Where are the missing cases of ASD?  Given past allegations of this group’s malfeasance and fraud, the rest of the study cannot be accepted based on this disparity alone: the study group is not representative of the population being studied.....(continue reading at

Chief Medical Officer to the British Government Defends MMR Safety: Autism Up by 15 Times And Still No Explanation

image from upload.wikimedia.orgby John Stone

Since November I have been writing, on and and off about my correspondence with Dame Sally Davies, the out going Chief Medical Officer of England, and to the British Government. This correspondence is now published under Freedom of Information (barring my address and telephone number). It began when I asked Dame Sally to support her comment on the BBC about MMR "It's a a safe vaccine - we know that". 

Recently, I made this list of points which I believe emerged from the exchange:

-          ASD in schools is at least 15 times the level of 25 years ago

-          1.74% of all schoolchildren in the recent Northern Ireland census (the most complete data we have at the present time) had a severe/complex level of ASD disablement (education Stage 5)

-          The overall rate is 2.9% for the province but 4.7% for Belfast

-          Epidemiologists trying to explain the rise in ASD at the beginning of the millennium were still only talking about a rate of 0.2%

-          1999 National Statistics for schools’ mental health showed a rate of 0.2% for ASD/PDD for those born between 1984 and 88 but by the 2004 survey the overall rate was 1%

-          The rate appears to have risen 5 times during the years following the introduction of MMR and 3 times since, and the majority of cases are not fringe diagnoses

-          There is still no robust or adequate evidence of a large ASD population over the age of 35 and Dame Sally was unable to cite any

-          Our schools, and their finances, are breaking down under the burden of disablement, with ASD being frequently mentioned as the major cause

-          The social cost of ASD, once almost invisible, is set to outstrip old-age in the near future and is only likely to keep rising

-          There is no robust or adequate evidence base for MMR safety: the six studies in the single review cited by Dame Sally were flawed and inadequate

-          The first of these studies was only published 14 years after the products were introduced in the UK, and Dame Sally failed to cite any pre-marketing data, so the question also arises what the evidence base was for safety before they were introduced?

-          The MHRA yellow card scheme would be incapable picking up long term neurological effects of vaccination

-          The government has no coherent or convincing explanation of these events which are set to engulf everybody

A pdf of the correspondence can be read and downloaded here.

John Stone is UK editor of Age of Autism.

Hey there Julia, do you know anything about anything?

image from John Stone

The Guardian has been attacking charitable donations made to Age of Autism through the Amazon. Julia Carrie Wong, the journalist, seems to think she knows something about it.

"Age of Autism, for example, styles itself as the “daily web newspaper of the autism epidemic”. The site publishes a steady stream of content emphasizing the dangers of vaccination and promoting the discredited idea that autism is caused by “excessive vaccinations”. "

Well, Julia, perhaps you ought to take note that it was not Andrew Wakefield that said vaccines cause autism, it was the US government. Following the Hannah Poling award in 2008 Julie Gerberding, at the time Director for the centers for Disease Control, told Sanjay Gupta on CNN:

"Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism."

On separate occasions the Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration told journalists Sharyl Atkisson and David Kirby:

"The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case based on a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures."

But while autism spins out of control and is now approaching unsustainable 3% of children in the UK, and the cost of autism to the community is beginning to outstrip that of old age it becomes ever more difficult to get any serious or sensible answers out of our health officials. I recently had an  exchange with the outgoing government Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davis, asking her what the evidence base for MMR safety was and she could not cite anything more convincing than the new paper from the Danish State Serum Institute: a review of six weak and flawed papers the first of which was published 14 years after the MMR was added the schedule in the UK. She was unable to mention any pre-marketing studies, or studies against placebo - it was a very poor answer. The full correspondence has now been published under freedom of information.The new paper like three of the six papers in the review, shows a protective effect against autism,indicative of bias. It sets the autism rate at 1% when in the UK is near three times higher. It is hopelessly conflicted with vaccine industry and CDC attachments, just as the Guardian is.

So, Julia, what do you think your opinion is really worth?

John Stone is UK editor of Age of Autism.


CHD Press Release: CDC’s ACIP Considers Expanding Recommendations for HPV Vaccine to Ages 27 to 45



Children’s Health Defense Chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., calls such discussions “reckless” based on the available safety information.

Washington, DC – The CDC Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) will consider recommending the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine to both women and men ages 27 to 45 in a meeting Feb. 27-28, 2019.  This recommendation would possibly expose over 80 million adults to the Gardasil 9 vaccine.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sent a letter to Chairman Jose R. Romero and ACIP members on February 25th, on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a non-profit organization devoted to children’s health. Kennedy has diligently followed the work of the committee to evaluate and recommend vaccines to the American public for over a decade and is well aware of the dangers of this vaccine given its track record with children.

Kennedy states that CHD considers an expansion of the HPV recommendations reckless based on the safety information available and outlined numerous reasons to support his concerns.

These include the fact that during Gardasil’s clinical trials an extraordinary 49.5% of the subjects receiving Gardasil reported serious medical conditions within seven months of the start of the clinical trials. Because Merck did not use a true placebo in its clinical trials, its researchers were able to dismiss the trial participants’ injuries as coincidences, employing the term “new medical conditions,” rather than classifying their injuries as “adverse events.”

HPV Vaccines have been reported to cause death and serious adverse events in the children and young adults age group at a rate higher than for any other ACIP-recommended vaccine. Since 2006, when Gardasil came on the U.S. market, people have reported over 450 deaths and over 61,000 serious medical conditions from HPV vaccines to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).[1] While these numbers reflecting reported vaccine injuries are startling, they likely only represent a fraction of injuries. A HHS-funded study established that the voluntary VAERS system captures less than 1% of vaccine injuries and deaths.

In September, CHD released an ordered stipulation from Health and Human Services (HHS) where officials admitted that they were not in compliance with statutory requirements for regular childhood vaccine safety reviews and reports to Congress, as required in the “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” section of the 1986 law: “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.” In early February, in a similar ruling, FDA admitted that they had no records of clinical trials relied upon to approve any currently licensed influenza or Tdap vaccine used in pregnant women.

Kennedy’s letter informs Romero that CHD will seek to hold ACIP members supporting the recommendation accountable for endangering this population with a product that has little proven efficacy but which likely puts them at higher risk of developing cancers and other grave health conditions.

US Take Action: Wed. measles hearing will be a pharma only show

Urgent call to actionFrom Autism Action Network

The US House of Representatives Oversight & Energy Subcommittee, of the Energy and Commerce Committee, will hold a hearing on the current measles outbreak and response efforts this Wednesday, February 27 at 10 am in the John D. Dingell Room 2123 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The focus of the hearing was obvious in the press release, “Measles is a highly contagious, life-threatening virus that was previously eliminated in the United States thanks to the success of the measles vaccine,” the four bipartisan Committee leaders said. “Unfortunately, measles cases are on the rise as a consequence of the virus’s transmission among unvaccinated groups.” No critics of federal vaccine policy or the vaccine industry will be allowed to speak.

Please call Rep. Frank Pallone, the Chair of the Oversight & Energy Subcommittee and let him know you do not want the federal government to endanger our right to say “no,” and to let vaccine critics speak at the hearing:

(202) 225-4671

 And call Pallone’s boss,  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who has ultimate control over what hearings are held and who is allowed to speak, with the same message:  

(202) 225-4965

 Please click on the link below to send messages to your member of the House and the two US Senators from your state letting them know that you support vaccine choice.

 The hearings appear to be the next phase in a script the vaccine industry has been following around the world to eliminate vaccine choice. First, predictable outbreaks of measles, which was considered little more than a childhood inconvenience a generation ago, has been rebranded as a killer disease. Outbreaks that until recently were considered insignificant are used to whip up hysteria by corporate media outlets that rely on advertising dollars from the big four drug companies, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi and Glaxo (who also control more than 80% of the global vaccine market). Governments are frightened and bribed into eliminating vaccine choice for their populations delivering unimpeded access to captive markets. This scenario has played out in Italy, France, Croatia, Romania and California, and now appears to be slated for all of the United States.

 Please share this message with friends and family, and please post to social networks. And if you support the work of the Autism Action Network please make a donation at