
Mandates Toolbox

Children’s Health Defense believes in complete health freedom for parents. It should be the parent’s choice, and not the government’s, to decide what goes into the bodies of their children. Statewide policy is becoming more and more oppressive while, at the same time, more inadequately-tested vaccines are added to the childhood schedule. Parents in many states are now fighting to keep their personal beliefs and religious exemptions in place and prevent mandates.

Collected from many advocates across the United States, this resource list contains many helpful items that proved to be useful. Children’s Health Defense hopes this “toolbox” full of factual information in a central location will aid in the defense of health freedom.  Please feel free to use any of these resources and, except for the ones that are copyrighted, brand them for your needs in your state. Updated July 20, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Reproducible Children’s Health Defense Articles

Mainstream Media Articles

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Vaccine Safety

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP)

Presentations, Charts, Graphs and Pamphlets

Published Papers

Information For Legislators



  • Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D.
  • Joel Sussmann’s presentation to the Toronto Board of Health
  • Iowa State Senator Guth speaking about Vaccine Safety before Iowa Senate on Feb. 11, 2019:
  • Harvard immunologist, Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. speaking on natural immunity and vaccination:
  • PANDA – Informed Consent: Choice or Dilemma?

  • PANDA – The Ugly Truth About The Covid-19 Lockdowns:

Past Action Alerts

Breaking News: University of California Makes Tactical Retreat, Revises Executive Order

As you may know, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and I (with the able assistance of Children’s Health Defense chief legal guru Mary Holland, Physicians for Informed Consent’s human vaccine encyclopedia aka Greg Glaser and San Diego ace litigator Ray Flores) filed an injunction lawsuit to stop the University of California’s (UC) executive order requiring all students, faculty and other employees to get the flu shot by Nov. 1 or face not being able to work or register for class.

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CHD Sues NY State Demanding Vulnerable and Medically Fragile Children Their Rights to an Education Under IDEA Law

Yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel of Children’s Health Defense and Kim Mack Rosenberg of Bouer Law LLC joined forces and filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction to compel New York State to honor its federal obligation to admit students with disabilities to school this September, notwithstanding the State’s repeal of the religious exemption to its vaccination mandate.

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CHD Will Sue the University of California Over Mandatory Flu Vaccine Policy

Dr. Janet Napolitano says mandatory flu shots will “lessen the chance of being infected with COVID.” However, prevailing research suggests that flu vaccines actually raise the risk from coronavirus infection. Join our fight against the “UC Jab”!

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CHD’s Brief to the European Court of Human Rights

CHD has submitted a “friend of the court” brief to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Grand Chamber, as they make decisions on a case that arises from a vaccine mandate law in the Czech Republic.

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COVID Vaccines: An Alarming Update from Europe

Anyone who cares about upholding the internationally established human right to prior, free and informed medical consent should be deeply concerned about unfolding developments in the European Union (EU). Concurrent press reports refer to the possibility of an EU-wide coronavirus vaccine mandate, quoting Belgium’s Minister of Justice as saying, “If they refuse, we’ll force them.”

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Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion of Civil Rights?

eBook Sign-Up—Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion of Civil Rights?

¡También disponible en español! Free eBook Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion of Civil Rights? Around the world, vaccine mandates are snowballing. In the U.S. growing numbers of legislators and public health offi­cials are imposing oppressive mandates that trample on religious, parental and human rights. In this, our third Children’s Health Defense eBook, we will take a […]

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Families of Children with Disabilities Sue New York State to Enforce Rights Under IDEA and Allow Children to Attend School

Attorneys Kim Mack Rosenberg of Bouer Law LLC, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), filed a lawsuit July 25, 2019, in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (NY). The lawsuit asks the Court to enjoin the State from enforcing a recent repeal of religious vaccine exemptions under the NY vaccine law that will cause the catastrophic exclusion from school of thousands of children with disabilities despite federal law to the contrary.

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Families Sue New York State to Stop the Repeal of the Religious Exemption to Vaccines

Albany, NY—Attorneys Sussman and Kennedy filed a lawsuit today in New York State (NYS) Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the NYS legislature’s June 13, 2019 repeal of the religious exemption to vaccination, Public Health Law Section 2164(9). The plaintiffs, 55 NYS families who held lawful religious exemptions, request that the court enjoin the enactment of the repeal temporarily, preliminarily and permanently.

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How to Win Any Vaccine Debate

By Levi Quackenboss Do you wish you always had the perfect facts at your fingertips when finding yourself in a vaccine debate? Now you can, with this How to Win Any Vaccine Debate e-book. Are you wanting to become active in shaping your state’s laws around children’s health but don’t know where to begin? Get started […]

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Injunction Lawsuit Against the University of California – Filed!

Late last week, our founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr., General Counsel Mary Hollard and Rick Jaffe, a highly regarded national health care attorney, filed an injunction lawsuit against the University of California’s recent flu mandate for the entire 510,000 member UC community. 

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Mary Holland Speaks at New York Freedom Rally

CHD’s Vice Chair and General Counsel Mary Holland addressed an enthusiastic crowd at the Freedom Rally in Albany, New York on August 3. Ms. Holland stressed that mandatory vaccination equates to the loss of vital human rights including the right to bodily autonomy, due process, equal protection, informed consent and the right to refuse unwanted medical procedures.

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New Jersey Bills S2173 and A3818 “Exemptions from Mandatory Immunizations”

On Thursday, December 12, the New Jersey Senate Health Committee held a hearing on bill S2173 that will repeal the religious exemption to vaccination. The bill passed out of the 10-member committee with a vote of 6 to 4 in favor of sending the repeal of the religious exemptions to the floor. It will be voted on in the Senate on Monday, December 16th and is expected to pass.

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NYC Mandatory Measles Vaccination Violates NY State Law, CHD Challenges Legality.

The New York City Commissioner of Health declared a public health emergency yesterday, ordering all people who live, work or reside in four Brooklyn zip codes to be vaccinated with the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine declared to be “effective and safe.” Non-compliance with the order is a misdemeanor subject to criminal and civil fines, including imprisonment.

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Season 2, Episode 1 of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

In the first episode of our second season “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he and Vaxxed 2’s Polly Tommey cover the rallies, mandates, censorship, the lawsuit against University of CA and much more!

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Statements on Judge Mackey’s Ruling on NYS Temporary Restraining Order

Judge Mackey rendered his decision today rejecting the families’ request for a temporary restraining order. While this decision is a set-back, it isn’t the final decision. The case will move forward with more decisions to come. There will be a preliminary injunction hearing in the near future. CHD will provide updates.

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Take Your Legislators Back to School

By Levi Quackenboss Want to get involved in local advocacy but don’t know where to start? Take Your Legislators Back to School is the perfect resource to explain the basics, prepare you for which topics interest legislators the most, and how to prepare yourself and your team to testify in committee hearings.

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Taking It to the Streets — Peaceful Protest in Albany as NYSBA Walks Back COVIDVaccine Mandate Recommendation

The New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) met Saturday, June 13th to discuss the proposal to mandate Covid-19 vaccines. By any measure, the day was a success, as the NYSBA’S Health Law Section changed its vaccine recommendation and its House of Delegates did not endorse its report, unquestionably in part because the health freedom community put them on notice.

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Testimony on MA Bills H.4095 and S.2359

The pharmaceutical industry has undertaken a very ambitious campaign to legislate away vaccine exemptions in the United States and Canada. France, Italy and Germany have rescinded vaccine exemptions too, suggesting the campaign is worldwide.

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The Jig Is Up

As a GP with more than 50 years experience in treating children and their families, I feel it my duty to speak out against the new vaccine mandates, for three main reasons.

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Vaccine Mandates for Everyone, Everywhere—A Globally Coordinated Agenda

In the United States, those who are vaccine risk-aware have much to be concerned about right now. More and more states—and many legislators from both political parties—are displaying a willingness to impose heavy-handed vaccine mandates that trample on religious, parental and human rights—including the precious right to “security of person” guaranteed by Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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