Established by AFB in 1994, the Helen Keller Achievement Awards celebrate and promote the notable achievements of individuals and organizations that have improved the quality of life for people with disabilities.

For over 40 years, Helen Keller was AFB’s leading ambassador, inspiring millions of people around the world as she demonstrated all that can be accomplished through determination and perseverance. AFB continues to honor her legacy by recognizing exceptional organizations and individuals, from industry, education, and the arts, who have distinguished themselves in pursuit of expanding possibilities and creating a world of no limits for those who are blind or have low vision.

Each year, the Helen Keller Achievement Awards are given to companies and individuals. We have honored companies such as Apple, JPMorgan Chase, Google, and Netflix, among others. This award has also been bestowed on some of our most notable blind individuals, including Stevie Wonder, Washington State Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib, and architect Chris Downey. Check out our previous HKAA recipients here!

On April 18th, 2024, we honored, celebrated, and publicized the work of filmmaker Shawn Levy, actor Marilee Talkington, and film production company Lucasfilm! It is our sincere hope that others will follow their lead and commit to ensuring equal access and opportunity for people living with disabilities.

Learn more about the 2024 Helen Keller Achievement Awards here:

Learn More about 2024 HKAA

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