Über uns

The AI Education Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that creates equitable learning experiences that excite and empower students everywhere with AI literacy. We believe that everyone—especially those who are likely to be disproportionately impacted by AI systems—should have access to the conceptual knowledge and skills they need to thrive as workers, creators, consumers, and citizens.

Why teach AI?

We’re preparing students to thrive in the age of artificial intelligence.

aiEDU began in 2019 with a meeting with a 20,000-student school district located in one of the most vulnerable communities to AI and automation, where we learned that students had no exposure whatsoever to AI education. Our founding team embarked on an exhaustive landscape analysis in partnership with the Georgetown Center for Security & Emerging Technology (CSET) to see if this new dimension to the digital divide was a systemic. We learned that, despite the drumbeat of thought leadership from Silicon Valley about the transformative and disruptive potential of AI, the vast majority of students in the U.S. complete their K12 education without any exposure to what Google calls “the new electricity.” 

By the time you’ve read this, you’ll have interacted with a variety of AI applications, likely without realizing it. From the music and content you consume, to your smartphone and internet-connected devices, to the products and services you buy, AI is already a part of our every day lives—and we’re only just starting to see the potential impacts that the technology will have. more about why AI literacy is so important →

Our Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change is centered on empowering educators, schools, districts, and other education organizations with accessible curricula and learning resources that make it easy for any teacher to easily integrate learning experiences that spark curiosity and excitement about AI. We seek to make AI education a part of every single students’ education, and build curricula and professional development offerings that connect AI to core subjects in addition to Computer Science and Career & Technology Education — which breaks down barriers and bottlenecks at resource-strapped school districts.

How we define AI literacy

AI literacy is the collection of skills and knowledge that a person needs to understand, use, and critically evaluate artificial intelligence. A person who is AI literate has the ability to use AI tools to function effectively in modern society. They understand AI impacts and make informed decisions, can leverage AI to achieve their goals, and can develop their knowledge and career potential without necessarily understanding the technical details of how AI systems are constructed.


aiEDU is led by a talented, diverse, and mission-driven team of educators and AI subject matter experts working in concert to make equitable AI education accessible to learners everywhere.

Our Partners

We collaborate with a diverse array of organizations to advance access to AI education.