Our Identity Theft Program

The best peace of mind while traveling is enrolling in a comprehensive identity protection program like the ones we offer through Generali Global.

Smart monitoring

Proactive identity and credit monitoring services scour the deepest corners of the internet to search for compromised personal information – alerting you at the earliest sign of fraud.

Essential software

The Online Data Protection suite includes anti-phishing and anti-keylogging software, which is especially important if you’re using public Wi-Fi.

Lost or stolen documents

If your wallet, passport, credit card, or other important document is lost or stolen, we’ll have them canceled and help get a replacement – no matter where you are in the world.

Restoring your identity

If you ever become a victim of identity theft, multi-lingual certified identity theft resolution specialists are available 24/7 to work on your behalf to help restore your identity and prevent further damage.

To purchase identity protection now, select from the two packages below:

Identity Protection Plus
Identity Protection Elite
24/7 Identity Theft Resolution Service
Online Identity Monitoring Dashboard
Identity Monitoring
Credit Monitoring, Report, and Score
1 Bureau
3 Bureau
Suspicious Activity Alerts
Online Data Protection Software Suite
Lost Wallet Assistance
Medical Identity Theft Assistance
Emergency Travel Arrangements, Translation Services, and Cash Advance
Legal, Financial, Tax and Emotional Counseling
$1 Million Identity Theft Insurance
Package type
Identity Protection Plus
Identity Protection Elite
$20.99 per month
$27.99 per month
$33.99 per month
$47.99 per month
$49.99 per month
$62.99 per month
Yearly rates
Identity Protection Plus
Identity Protection Elite
$230.00 per year
$310.00 per year
$380.00 per year
$530.00 per year
$550.00 per year
$700.00 per year

How to avoid identity theft

Limit your use of public Wi-Fi as much as possible

While these networks are incredibly convenient, very often they are unsecure. This means that any information you input while connected to the hotspot could be viewed by someone else. For this reason, it is so important to never access your financial account or any other sites that require a password when using public Wi-Fi.

Use credit cards over debit cards

Depending on where you are traveling, some merchants still practice questionable transaction processes – making credit card or cash a safer method of payment. It almost always recommended to use the credit option of your card versus the debit option. If your card numbers ever did get into the wrong hands, most credit card companies will quickly reverse or cover fraudulent charges, while recovering funds from your drained bank account can be a bit more complicated.

Be cautious when using ATMs

Inspect the machine carefully before inserting your card. Fraudsters can attach card skimmers to the slot that capture your information when you insert it; very often, these look like they are part of the machine. Also, always shield the keypad when entering your PIN – scammers can also set up hidden video recorders. The safest ATMs to use are attached to banks in a well-lit areas.

Lock up valuable documents and items in the hotel

This includes boarding passes, confirmation emails, passports, jewellery, etc. Even hotel staff have been known to go through rooms while they are cleaning and steal items. Everything is much more secure in a safe.

Keep your phone password-protected

If you’re not the type of person to keep a password guard on your phone, make an exception while traveling. If your phone is ever lost or stolen, an identity thief could have a heyday with it.

Don’t post your vacation pics to social media with a geotag

It’s tempting to post those beautiful views and scenic snaps as soon as they’re taken – and of course we all want everyone to know where it was taken – but it can wait until you are back home.

Want to learn more about our Identity Theft Program?