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Browse an extensive list of federal, state, and local agencies, and other organizations that work on geoscience issues.

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AASP-The Palynological Society

AASP was established in 1967 by a group of 32 founding members to promote the science of palynology.

Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs: Energy Division

The overall mission of ADECA's Energy Division, as the State Energy Office, is to increase energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption, promote energy-efficiency and renewable-energy technologies, make energy efficiency more affordable for low-income residents, and to aid low-income households, especially those with vulnerable populations such as elderly, disabled and young children, with the increasing costs of home energy.

State agency alabama
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs: Office of Water Resources

ADECA's Office of Water Resources administers programs for river basin management, river assessment, water supply assistance, water conservation, flood mapping, the National Flood Insurance Program and water resources development. Further, OWR serves as the state liaison with federal agencies on major water resources related projects and conducts any special studies on instream flow needs as well as administering environmental education and outreach programs to increase awareness of Alabama’s water resources.

State agency alabama
Alabama Department of Environmental Management Contact Information

The mission at ADEM is to assure for all citizens of the State a safe, healthful, and productive environment. ADEM administers all major federal environmental laws, including the Clean Air, Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water acts and federal solid and hazardous waste laws.

State agency alabama
Alabama Emergency Management Agency Contact Information

The Alabama Emergency Management Agency (the "Alabama EMA") is responsible by statute and several specific Governors' executive orders for coordinating the emergency activities of all state departments and agencies with local governments, private agencies, organizations, federal agencies and other state governments for both peacetime emergency and disaster situations, and situations resulting from war-caused actions. These activities include hazard mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery operations.

State agency alabama
Alabama Forestry Commission Contact Information

The mission of the Alabama Forestry Commission is three-fold: to Protect the Forests from all harmful agents; to Service and Help Landowners to carry out responsible forest management on their property, using professional technical assistance so as to benefit themselves, their land and society; and to Educate the General Public about the value of our forests in insuring both a healthy economy and environment. We do this in the most efficient and cost effective way possible.

State agency alabama
Alabama Surface Mining Commission Contact Information

The Alabama Surface Mining Commission is the primary regulatory authority for surface and underground coal mining operations for the State of Alabama under the Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

State agency alabama
Alaska Department of Natural Resources Contact Information

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources' mission is to develop, conserve and maximize the use of Alaska's natural resources consistent with the public interest. The Department of Natural Resources manages all state-owned land, water and natural resources, except for fish and game, on behalf of the people of Alaska.

State agency alaska
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Contact Information

The Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) mission is to determine the potential of Alaskan land for production of metals, minerals, fuels, and geothermal resources, the locations and supplies of groundwater and construction material, and the potential geologic hazards to buildings, roads, bridges, and other installations and structures.

State geological survey alaska
Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

The mission of the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is to lead the way in homeland security and emergency management to foster a prepared, resilient Alaska capable of meeting the needs of its communities and citizens in response to all-hazards events.

State agency alaska
