Livestock and Poultry Auditing & Verification

The AMS Livestock and Poultry Program offers a variety of auditing services to help companies differentiate their products and services in the marketplace through independent, third-party  audits by USDA’s globally recognized audit team. Through these voluntary user-fee services, AMS audits against established standards often set by a company, by industry, or a foreign government. These standards are made publicly available to support Program transparency.

For example, USDA’s Export Verification Programs can help companies meet export requirements through programs such as Beef Exports to Japan or Pork for the European Union, while one of the most widely known programs, the USDA Process Verified Program, allows companies to establish and implement their own standards and have their documented programs audited by USDA. Contact us at any time to discuss your marketing challenges and auditing needs at [email protected].

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