Privacy Policy and Notice of Personal Information Practices

We are committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information that you share with us. Here are the basics of our privacy policy and how we collect and use your personal information. Continue reading to see the entire policy.

  • We collect personal information from you directly and from your transactions with us.

  • We do not collect personally identifying information from you when you visit our website or online services unless you provide it to us.

  • We do not allow third parties to collect personally identifying information from your computer or mobile device when you visit our website or use our online services.

  • We will not sell your information to third parties.

  • Any third parties who perform services for us are required to safeguard any customer information and may only use it when performing those services.

  • We extensively secure and limit access to your information.

  • We protect information about potential, current, and former policyholders, members, applicants, attorneys, and team members.

The Information Collected

Non-public personally identifiable information ("Information" “NPI”) is information that identifies you and is not available to the general public. The following sections tell you more about how and when we collect your Information.

Information Collected

  1. Personal information may be collected from persons other than you.
  2. Personal information we collect may consist of:
    • Name.
    • Address.
    • Phone number.
    • Email and IP address
    • Social Security number.
    • Date of birth.
    • Signature.
    • Bank account number.
    • Employer information if you are enrolled in a group legal plan.
    • Gender.
    • Geolocation data, audio and electronic information.
    • Internet or other electronic network activity information, including but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding our website, application, enrollment form or advertisement.
    • Court records, government records, driving records, property information.
    • Inferences may be drawn from your personal information collected.
    • Tax identification information if we conduct business with you.
    • Professional and education information.
    • These categories of information may also be collected for eligible dependents covered under your legal plan.
  3. Sources we may use to collect personal information:
    • Directly from you when submitting an application, an enrollment form and/or in your communications and transactions with us.
    • Claims submitted.
    • Persons, including Attorneys, who are or will become involved in processing your application, your enrollment form and servicing your policy or any claims you may make.
    • Court records, government records, driving records, property information to enable us to determine coverage and process claims.
    • Your interaction with our website and mobile app.
    • Your employer, if you are enrolled in an employer-sponsored legal plan.
    • Financial institution.
    • If you participate in a survey, we collect the e-mail address and contents of the e-mail; and information volunteered in response to the survey.
  4. The information we collect is used:
    • To fulfill our responsibilities to you, process and service your policy, process premium payments, determine coverage, confirm transactions, process and settle claims, maintain and secure your legal plan account with us, provide support and services, respond to inquiries, investigate and address your concerns, to personalize your Website experience, and for testing, analysis, surveys and product development.
    • To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
    • As directed by you.
    • To notify you of new services and special offers.

 If you do not wish to be contacted by email for non-policy related communications, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions at the bottom of any ARAG email you receive or by contacting us.

If you are a policyholder or member, you can log in to your account at to manage your email subscriptions. To access your email subscriptions click on My Account in the top right of the homepage, then click on Email Address and Subscriptions on the left side of the screen. If you are not a policyholder or member, you may unsubscribe within the email you received or by contacting us.

Location Services for Mobile Apps

Your current location is only determined if you choose to use a function on our apps to determine your current location. If you allow your location to be obtained using an ARAG app, ARAG will use the services of Google Maps to determine your approximate location. Use of this Information is solely to distinguish your current location and not to identify you. ARAG does not automatically track your location when you use our apps. ARAG uses the services of Google Maps for location services. The Google privacy policy is available at and by this reference, is incorporated into this ARAG Privacy Policy.

The Information We Disclose

Information about our team members, customers, former customers or former team members will only be shared as permitted or required by law. ARAG does not sell your Information. Information about you or your company that has been collected is maintained in your or your company's policy and/or claims records. ARAG team member information is maintained in your individual employee file.

Information about our former customers and about individuals who have obtained quotes from us is safeguarded to the same extent as Information about our current policyholder.

We may disclose your personal information without prior written authorization when reasonably necessary:

  • To persons or organizations who need the information to perform a business, professional or insurance function for us or you. For example, businesses that assist us with administrative functions or marketing. When we disclose personal information for a business purpose, we enter into a contract that describes the purpose and requires the recipient to keep that personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose except in performing the contract.
  • To an insurance institution agent or insurance-support organization to perform its function in connection with an insurance transaction involving you or to collect information for the purpose of detecting and preventing insurance crimes or fraudulent claims.
  • To those persons involved in processing your application, enrollment, processing transactions, investigating claims, concerns and complaints. This may include investigators and attorneys who need the Information to investigate or settle a claim involving you as well as another insurance company if you are involved in an incident involving their insured.
  • To an insurance regulatory authority, a law enforcement agency or other governmental authority pursuant to law such as in response to a subpoena; to protect our legal interests as well as in cases of suspected fraud.
  • For the purpose of conducting actuarial or research studies in which you will not be identified in any report and any materials that do identify you will be destroyed as soon as they are no longer needed. The research organization agrees not to disclose the information unless permitted by law.
  • To a person who agrees that their only use of the information will be in connection with the marketing of a product or service and no privileged information or personal information relating to your character or protected class information will be disclosed.
  • To an affiliate whose only use of the information will be in connection with an audit of the insurance institution or agent, or the marketing of an insurance product or service and the affiliate agrees not to disclose the information for any other purpose to unaffiliated persons.
  • To a group policyholder for the purpose of reporting claims experience or conducting an audit of the insurance institution’s or agent’s operations or services, provided the information disclosed is reasonably necessary for the group policyholder to conduct the review or audit.

Access to Your Personal Information

You or your authorized agent have the right to submit a request to know what Information we collect and maintain; the right to obtain a copy of the Information you provided to us in a portable and, to the extent technically feasible, readily usable format; the right to submit a request to delete your Information; and the right to submit a request to correct inaccuracies to the Information we maintain unless we are exempt from honoring your request under the law. We will not discriminate against you, nor will you face retaliation for exercising these rights. You may submit your requests to ARAG via the following:

Mailing address:

Privacy Administration
Attention: Legal Department
ARAG North America, Inc.
500 Grand Avenue, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50309

Or email us at [email protected].

Or via our website using the “Contact Us” tab

Confidentiality and Security

We restrict access to your Information to employees who we have determined need it in order to provide products or services to you. We train our employees to safeguard customer information, and we require them to sign confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. We maintain strict physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your Information from unauthorized access by third parties.

Additional Information for Our Internet Users

We continuously improve our websites. We are interested in how visitors use our websites, what they like and dislike, and where they have problems. We may gather data on how users navigate our site so we can make and easy places to do business. Our tools may gather data such as what browser a person uses or even what pages are most popular.

We receive and store certain types of information from you whenever you interact with our Sites. Like many other websites, we store “cookies” and other web-based files on user devices to get certain types of information when your web browser accesses our Site.

We use cookies to improve your experience while using our websites and our internet apps. Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer. They do not contain any personally identifiable information about you. They help us personalize your experience when you return to our website, and they are required for certain portions of our website. Most browsers let you determine whether or not you accept our cookies. If you don't use cookies, you won't be able to use certain or features, such as keeping your product in your cart until you are ready to purchase. and may place small pieces of computer code (embedded objects) on our pages to help our advertising partners such as Google Adwords or Facebook, count how many customers they referred to our site. We may also use objects placed on other sites to monitor your exposure to our advertising or other offers online. These objects don't collect any personally identifiable information about you. Please visit to learn more or "opt out" of the persistent cookies and targeted advertising delivered by these vendors.

We also provide some links to third-party websites that are not owned by ARAG. ARAG has no control over their privacy practices and assumes no responsibility in connection with your use of their websites. We recommend that you check the privacy policy of any website before you provide any personally identifiable information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may modify our privacy policy from time to time. The most recent version is always posted at

What to do if you have Privacy or Security Concerns

If you have a concern about privacy or security at ARAG, we want to hear about it.

Please write to us at:

Privacy Administration
Attention: Legal Department
ARAG North America, Inc.
500 Grand Avenue, Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50309

or call us at (800) 888-4184

or email us at [email protected].

The Effective Date of this Privacy Policy is January 1, 2023.