
The Community Link newsletter is an authorized bi-monthly publication produced by the Directorate of Prevention, Resilience and Readiness for the Army community. The contents of the Community Link are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of the Community Link is the responsibility of the Communications and Outreach Division at DPRR. For questions, or to submit articles and photographs to the Community Link, please contact DPRR.

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June 2024
In this issue of Community Link, you’ll find out about the new Engage training, Army initiatives for strengthening suicide prevention, the 2023 DOD Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military and how the Army recognized Sexual Assault and Prevention Month in April. You’ll also learn about child care, Army spouse employment, permanent-change-of-station benefits and managing stress.


April 2024
In this issue of Community Link, you’ll find out about the restructuring of the SHARP program, navigating grief after a suicide, recognizing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Month of the Military Child. You’ll also learn about the new unique personal development skill identifier for Solders who complete Tier 3 Ask, Care, Escort Suicide Intervention training, how to use the Army’s Employee Assistance Program and an update on I-PAG implementation.


February 2024
In this issue of Community Link you’ll learn about financial planning; reliable childcare initiatives for Military Families; how to navigate teen dating violence; and how to enhance quality of life and prevention efforts across the force.


December 2023
In this issue of Community Link you’ll learn about how to improve Family readiness with community; a mindful eating approach for the health and nutrition of the military; goal setting in the new year; navigating your first holiday season without a loved one; setting boundaries for healthy relationships; and the SAAPM 2024 theme announcement.


October 2023
In this issue of Community Link you’ll learn about how intergenerational trauma and domestic violence affect families; the Army resource that support survivors after a suicide; Connect to Protect: Support Is Within Reach, a top suicide prevention program; the implementation of the SHARP IRC recommendations; and boosting quality of life for military Families.


August 2023
In this issue of the Community Link you’ll find how the social determinants of health help build healthy communities; the essentials of financial readiness; hiring for the Integrated Prevention Advisory Group; methods to promote physical fitness, healthy eating and good sleep; and a special insert with articles and resources for Suicide Prevention Month 2023.


June 2023
The articles in this edition of Community Link include how the Total Army Sponsorship Program can help families prepare for a permanent change of station; how the DSPO Your Words Matter campaign aims to challenge—and change—how we talk about mental health; Sgt. 1st Class Chatonna Spicer’s powerful account of surviving sexual assault and harassment; recognition of the winners of the Liz Blanc SARC, VA and Promoting Excellence in Prevention awards; a special section highlighting how units across the Army observed SAAPM 2023; a recap of the April and May webinars; and much more!


April 2023
The articles in this edition of the newsletter include: What Do You Know About Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault and Its Relevance for SAAPM 2023; Ways to Conquer the Mental Trauma of Sexual Assault; How People Communicate Differently and the Do’s and Don’ts of Verbal and Physical Communication Methods; Compassionate Leadership From the Point of the USMA SARC; The Importance of the Culture of Trust for Unit Effectiveness and a Safe Environment; Building Hope Through Bystander Intervention; and a recap of the February and March webinars and much more!


February 2023
The following stories are in this edition of the newsletter: diversity, equity and inclusion and how these concepts function as pillars for empowering Soldiers and leaders; tips for combating loneliness and feelings of exclusion; the press release on free emergency care for Veterans seeking crisis care; how sexual harassment and sexual assault can impede the Army’s DEI efforts; the official theme announcement for SAAPM 2023; building team cohesion between pilots and crew chiefs; ways to start a resolution at any point in the year; advice for springing forward into sobriety; a highlight on the Safe Helpline’s decade of service; and recaps of the December and January webinars.


December 2022
How the Army Coaching Program is investing in Army Leadership; Recaps of ARD’s Webinars and Resilience Round Up Podcasts; RAND Study Examining Sexual Assault Experiences in the Active-Component Army; Stand Up for SAAPM 2023: Crowdsourcing Results; Unwrapping the Holiday Spirit on Army Bases; Creating Your Own Holiday: Nontraditional Family Celebrations; Bells on Bobtails Ring: Sexual Harassment Warning Signs During Holiday Festivities; Time Management Strategies; Coping With Anxiety.


October 2022
How the role of social emotional learning skills prevents sexual misconduct; The DOD recognizes Connect to Protect as a top suicide prevention program; New reform initiatives announced to counter sexual harassment and sexual assault; The 2022 DOD Red Ribbon Award winners declared; Learn how performance optimization beats burnout; ARD launches new Sky Soldier Toughness Initiative; Senior leadership pledge support for suicide prevention; How to participate in National Depression and Awareness Month.


August 2022
Understanding the impacts of trauma on the road to healing. New Army initiatives to combat harmful behaviors. How to cultivate emotional resilience to bounce back after an injury. Cadets use R2 skills during Cadet Summer Training 2022. Suicide Prevention Month special edition spread. Resilience spotlight on Sgt. James Sowell. Staff at Camp Zama learn about cultural empathy in workshop. Suicide Prevention Month awareness materials are available for download.


June 2022
Using your character strengths at work and at home. A leader’s resilience journey through grief after his son’s death. How mentors can foster the Army professional ethic and personal development for Soldiers. The ways positive peer influence can prevent sexual assault. SAAPM highlights from around the Army. Webinar speaker, David Bartley, discusses the impact of strong connections. Summer Strengthening Campaign materials are available for download.


April 2022
Understanding our role in sexual harassment and sexual assault prevention. Army develops SHARP training for commanders and leaders. The DOD 2021 on-site installation report evaluates local sexual assault prevention efforts. Deployment modules provide support strategies for Soldiers and Families. SHARP professionals share how to build trust with survivors. How to optimize your performance to prevent burnout.


February 2022
How R2 skills help focus the mind to optimize physical achievement. Army plans significant changes to SHARP based on Independent Review Commission recommendations. New handbooks help leaders implement suicide prevention program. Key revisions to deployment cycle resilience training enacted. New SAAPM 2022 awareness materials available for download.


December 2021
Survivors of sexual assault have rights to legal services provided by the Army. Army launches new suicide prevention initiative. The 2021 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey is open. Celebrating the holidays responsibly. Army introduces BH Pulse tool to help leaders. Building resilience with winter strengthening campaign resources. SAPR policy updates.


October 2021
Redefining resilience beyond being stoic to leaning on your support network. Army launches SHARP Fusion Directorate Pilot. Fort Carson’s Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program receives Red Ribbon Honor. Speak Out! For SAAPM 2022: Share your message to eliminate Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault. U.S. Army Sustainment Command combines wellness programs under one new division.


August 2021
Suicide Prevention Month special edition: Finding purpose and meaning through building spiritual strength. A First Sergeant’s journey from struggle to healing. The ARD Suicide Postvention Unit Commander’s Handbook. Performance experts help Cadets thrive during summer training. Webinar recap on relationships. The importance of forming social bonds at work. Emotional Dimension, one of the five dimensions of personal readiness.


June 2021
Keeping military kids resilient by reestablishing social connections post-pandemic. Army officer recounts his experience as a sexual assault survivor to drive culture change. The Army’s limitations on prescribed medications. Making smart choices while drinking alcohol at summer gatherings and events. Webinar recap on strengthening teams and individuals. Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month participation across the Army. Four easy ways to build social resilience.


April 2021
Leader’s guide on building cohesion by creating psychological safety. Updates to SHARP expedited transfer policy. Self-care strategies for SHARP professionals to avoid burnout. Army selects 2021 SARC of the Year. Recap of April’s webinar on using technology to measure what matters most. The 7 C’s of resilience for military kids.


March 2021
A conversation about the Fort Hood Independent Review, suicide prevention, and resilience with Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael A. Grinston. How command teams can ensure sexual assault victims have the support they need. Olympic athlete Alexi Pappas shares her struggle with depression during the Jan. 28 ARD webinar. How to get the new SHARP and Suicide Prevention awareness materials.


December 2020
New interactive layout design! Senior leaders announce findings from Fort Hood Independent Review. ARD and The Center for the Army Profession and Leadership identify five characteristics of the Army profession. MRTs share Core Resilience Skills to help the Army community thrive. New tool aims to enable commanders to track, prevent high-risk behaviors. How the COVID-19 pandemic adds to holiday triggers for those struggling with substance abuse.


October 2020
Army addresses rise in suicide cases. Leaders call for end to negative behaviors at SHARP Program Improvement Forum. New SHARP program director emphasizes change. ARD launches new comprehensive website. SHARP Academy adds escape room experience to annual training. New section highlights news, “Around the Force.”


August 2020
R2 learning and resilience resources for back to school during COVID-19. In-depth look at ARD’s training program, Engage. Review of revisions to AR-600-20 and AR 600-85. Army launches Commander's Risk Reduction Toolkit. MRT skills prepare Soldiers for ACFT.


June 2020
Finding purpose and meaning in times of COVID-19. How to ‘Engage’ during social distancing to help those struggling. Maintaining sobriety during a public health crisis. SAPR Connect online community. Religiosity and posttraumatic growth.


May 2020
ARD launches pilot program embedding Performance Experts in units. Resilience is key in COVID-19 fight. Recognizing the mental toll of the pandemic can help people cope. SAAPM 2020 Award recipients. The link between sexual harassment and sexual assault.


February 2020
Engaged leadership and the art of listening. Research on connections between alcohol and sexual assault. Nuts and bolts of the ARD Measurability Assessment Guidebook. R2 Mobile Training Team teaches new suicide prevention curriculum. Unit Risk Inventory Version 3, Web Reporting Tool Released.


October 2019
New Directorate initiatives to build personal readiness. DoD takes 3-pronged approach to suicide prevention. ‘Not in My Squad’ revamp on last days of Dailey as SMA. CATCH program requirements. Leaders talk strategies on reducing mental health stigma. Army Body Composition Program encourages Soldiers to utilize R2 Performance Experts.
