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National Program 106: Aquaculture
Strategic Vision
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Vision Statement:

Science-based use of our natural resources to meet the seafood demands of a growing global population.

Mission Statement:

The mission of National Program 106, Aquaculture, is to conduct research and deliver technologies that improve domestic aquaculture production efficiency and product quality while minimizing impacts on natural resources.

Research Program Components: Action Plan National Program 106 Aquaculture 2020-2024

  1. Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Catfish Aquaculture
  2. Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Salmonid Aquaculture
  3. Improving the Efficiency and Sustainability of Hybrid Striped Bass Aquaculture
  4. Enhancing Shellfish Aquaculture
  5. Developing Marine Finfish Seedstocks
  6. Developing Sustainable Aquaponic Production Systems 

Projects in this Program. Click on a colored state to view research projects within the state.