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National Program 215: Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems
Strategic Vision
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Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems

This program develops and integrates improved management practices, germplasm, and land-use strategies to optimize economic viability and environmental enhancement in managing vegetation, livestock and natural resources on private and public lands. Research activities include: enhancing conservation and restoration of ecosystems and agroecosystems through improvements based on the application of ecological principles; improving management of fire, invasive weeds, grazing, global change and other agents of ecological change; developing grazing-based livestock systems that reduce risk and increase profitability in existing and emerging markets; developing improved grass and forage legume germplasm for livestock, conservation, turf and bioenergy and bioproduct systems; and improving decision-support systems including improving inventory, monitoring, and assessment tools.


Projects in this Program. Click on a colored state to view research projects within the state.