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Research Project: Biological Control of Latin American Weeds and Insects

Location: Office of International Research Engagement and Cooperation

Project Number: 0210-22310-011-001-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: May 10, 2021
End Date: May 9, 2025

The objective of this NACA is to discover, develop, evaluate and ship biological control agents of invasive species. The invasive species of concern threaten agriculture and natural environments anywhere in the world, but the emphasis of the agreement will be on those invasive species that either originated in Latin America or that threaten Latin America. Discovery includes initial discovery of potential biological control agents (arthropods, nematodes and microorganisms) and definition of their taxonomy sufficient for subsequent research, development and regulation. Development includes refinement of methods for monitoring, rearing and otherwise necessary methods for manipulation of the species. Evaluation of the biological control agent allows to evaluate its efficacy against the target invasive species and determines specificity (i.e. avoids damage to non-target organisms). Basic information developed on systematics, behavior, physiology and other aspects of the biology of target and biological control organisms are considered relevant to the overall effort.

Staff will travel to sites of native origin of invasive species, collect potential biological control agents and perform other elements of the objectives either at their central facility or at collaborating institutions. Results of biological and other studies will be published in peer reviewed journals. Project plans will be written and reviewed according to the procedures for an ARS laboratory. Reporting will include an annual report written in narrative style to complete requirements for the NACA. In addition, FuEDEI will provide the written materials for an AD-421 annual report including a list of publications and talks.