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WinFlume 2.1

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WinFlume is a software package for the hydraulic analysis of long-throated flumes and broad-crested weirs. These are flow measurement devices for open channels that operate on the principle of critical flow. Unlike other types of critical flow devices, long-throated flumes do not need to be calibrated in the laboratory or the field but can be calibrated instead using hydraulic theory.  They are also more accurate than other critical flow devices, require less head loss, tolerate partial submergence, and are relatively inexpensive to build.  The WinFlume software can be used to analyze and calibrate existing installations, or to design new flumes for existing canals. The analysis can be adapted to varied channel configurations and provides estimates for the accuracy of the resulting rating curve - the relationship between the measured upstream head and the flow rate. WinFlume 2.1 (released September, 2023) supersedes WinFlume 2.0, is compatible with the Windows 10 and 11 Operating System and corrects malfunctions from previous versions.

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