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Nitrogen Index Tool - N Index 4.5.1 - CODE

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Code for Nitrogen Index 4.5.1 Application

The Nitrogen Index is a tool written in the programming language Java that is used to calculate nitrogen uptake and leaching in farming techniques.

The user assumes all risks and responsibilities for the use and application of the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Indices’ tool, code and interpretation of results. The authors and their affiliated institutions, USDA, ARS, SMSBRU, other U.S. government agencies, and Colorado State University will not be liable to Index users for any damage, including lost profits, lost savings, lost time, actions by regulatory agencies, or any other direct or indirect incidental or consequential damages occurring from the user or inability to use the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Indices, their databases, their results, or their documentation for any purposes. The use of the tool, code, and information, their application, and any modification of the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Index tool and/or additional tools developed from the code or any changes to the code, are the responsibility of the user.

Users of the Nitrogen Index 4.5.1 tool, information, or code should acknowledge their use with a short statement and citation. Recommended citations are as follows:


Delgado, J.A., M. Shaffer, C. Hu, R. Lavado, J. Cueto Wong, P. Joosse, D.Sotomayor, W. Colon, R. Follett, S. Del Grosso X. Li, and H. Rimski-Korsakov, 2008. An index approach to assess nitrogen losses to the environment. Ecol. Eng. 32:108-120.

Delgado, J.A., M. Shaffer, C. Hu, R.S. Lavado, J. Cueto Wong, P. Joosse, X. Li, H. Rimski-Korsakov, R. Follett, W. Colon, and D. Sotomayor. 2006. A decade of change in nutrient management requires a new tool: A new nitrogen index. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 61:62A-71A.


Users of the Nitrogen Index 4.5.1 code should acknowledge their use of the code. Applications developed using and/or modifying the code should include a short statement acknowledging the use and/or modification of the Nitrogen Index 4.5.1 code.

Users interested in using and/or modifying the code will have to work independently and assume full responsibility for editing and changing the code for their edited, modified or new applications of the code.

By downloading, using, and/or modifying the Nitrogen Index 4.5.1 tool, information and/or code, the user agrees to the above terms.    

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