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WEPS - Researcher, Developer, Public Release

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WEPS - Researcher, Developer, Public Release 

Note: WEPS 1.6 is now available. It is often referred to as WebStart WEPS, since it is a Java WebStart application. 

Access public and international configured WebStart WEPS releases here:




WEPS version 1.5.52 (now archived) and documentation are also still available using the download link on this page. This download includes:


WEPS full release 1.5.52 (2016-11-30)

WEPS User's Manual (June 2016)

WEPS Technical Documentation – USDA Agricultural Handbook #727 (August 2020)





This is the WEPS version used for research, development and public use purposes. NRCS developed and maintains the components of the WEPS Databases. The USDA-Agricultural Research Service is the lead agency for developing the science in the WEPS model and the model interface. A copy of the WEPS User's Manual is made available as a separate download for those interested in accessing this documentation without the entire WEPS program and databases (the manual is included in the full WEPS download package).


WEPS • the Wind Erosion Prediction System is a tool for predicting the effects of management (practices and cropping rotations) on the wind erosion potential for a selected field site. WEPS simulates daily wind erosion processes based on weather, management crop rotations and soil conditions. The researcher, developer, public configuration allows full use of experimental methods available in WEPS for research, development and public purposes domestically and internationally. 


For more information about WEPS, see our WEPS related websites (Rangeland Resources & Systems Research and archived Wind Erosion Research) or USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service’s WEPS website.

Contact is Chris Coreil, [email protected], National Erosion Specialist, with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Fort Worth, TX; 817-509-3213




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