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This program converts several Cufflinks output files into easily readable Microsoft Excel tables using Apache's POI library. Only the "cuffdiff" output format currently is supported, but future versions may include other output formats.

The source code and executable directory structure must be downloaded at the GitHub repository using the "Download ZIP" button on the right-hand side of the page: https://github.com/njdbickhart/ConvertCufflinksToExcel.

Installation and usage information can be found at https://github.com/njdbickhart/ConvertCufflinksToExcel/blob/master/README.md.

For more information, contact Derek Bickhart at [email protected].

NOTE: This program is available only at the GitHub repository and cannot be downloaded using the ARS "Download Available" link or form. However, if you download the program from GitHub, we ask that you please fill in the download form below so that downloads can be tracked. Thanks!


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