Key Points

  • When a chemical reaction happens, energy is transferred to or from the surroundings.
  • When energy is transferred to the surroundings, this is called an exothermic reaction and usually feels hot.
  • When energy is taken in from the surroundings, this is called an endothermic reaction and usually feel cold.
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Can you think of any everyday reactions that either release energy into the surroundings or absorb it?

Science flasks
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Watch this video about different and reactions.

While you're watching, look out for the different household items which can be used for exothermic and endothermic reactions.

What happened to the temperature when citric acid and bicarbonate of soda were mixed?

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Exothermic reactions

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Glowsticks are an example of an exothermic reaction

Exothermic reactions are which release energy from the chemicals into the surroundings. This energy is usually released as heat, so the surroundings get hotter. Handwarmers are an example of an exothermic reaction. They release heat into their surroundings.

However, exothermic reactions don't always release heat, sometimes the energy is released as light. For example, glowsticks release light without increasing in temperature.

Image caption,
Glowsticks are an example of an exothermic reaction

Example of an exothermic reaction

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 2, Sodium hydroxide solution is poured into a beaker of hydrochloric acid. The thermometer shows the initial temperature, which is room temperature, 1. Sodium hydroxide solution is poured into a beaker of hydrochloric acid. The thermometer shows the initial temperature, which is room temperature.

Respiration is a chemical process that takes place inside the cells of all living organisms. Respiration releases energy for the organism to use to stay alive.

Is respiration an exothermic reaction or an endothermic reaction?

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Endothermic reactions

Plants soaking up sunlight
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Plants use endothermic reactions to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis

Endothermic reactions absorb energy from the surroundings. This energy is usually absorbed as heat, so the surroundings get colder.

  • is an endothermic reaction because plant leaves absorb light energy.
  • reactions are endothermic because they absorb energy when the chemicals are heated.
Plants soaking up sunlight
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Plants use endothermic reactions to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis

Example of an endothermic reaction

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 2, Sodium carbonate powder is tipped into a beaker of ethanoic acid which contains a thermometer showing room temperature, 1. Sodium carbonate powder is tipped into a beaker of ethanoic acid. The thermometer shows the initial temperature reading which is room temperature.

When ammonium chloride powder is mixed with barium hydroxide powder and stirred, a chemical reaction takes place. The temperature drops to –14°C.

True or false? This is an exothermic reaction.

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Working Scientifically

Exothermic and endothermic reactions that occur at room temperature in the science lab can be investigated using a thermometer.

Here are some things to remember when conducting this type of experiment.

When investigating exothermic and endothermic reactions, it is important to minimise sources of error to make sure that the results are and .

A sign which says 'remember'

Accuracy can be improved by getting a precise value for the room temperature before the experiment begins, and using an insulated polystyrene cup to stop unwanted heat transfers.

An insulated cup with a lid
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An insulating polystyrene cup with a lid will make results more accurate

Results are repeatable if they are similar to each other when the experiment is repeated.

Sometimes one result from a set of repeat measurements is very different from the rest of the results. This is called an or an .

Usually it is best to ignore an outlier.

Find out more about accuracy and repeatability in this guide.

An insulated cup with a lid
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An insulating polystyrene cup with a lid will make results more accurate

Why would it be a good idea to put an insulating lid onto the polystyrene cup when doing this experiment?

Science flasks
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Working safely in the lab

Find out how to spot risks, hazards and understand hazard symbols

Working safely in the lab
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