Summer Youth

Podcast Academy

Do you want to learn podcasting?

You're in the right place! The Bell is looking for young people who want to dive into the world of podcasting and tell stories about their communities.

The three-week summer podcasting academy will give you immersive, hands-on training that you will use to create your own podcast episode. You will have the exciting opportunity to work alongside professional storytellers, editors, and producers.

Time commitment

  • Program dates: Monday, August 5 to Friday, August 23

  • Weekdays 10am-3pm in person at our 25 Broadway office in lower Manhattan.

What exactly will I do?

  • Learn a range of podcasting and audio journalism skills, including interviewing, script writing, audio recording and audio editing

  • Work collaboratively with your fellow interns and professional editors to make your own podcast episode

  • Meet professionals in the industry

Who is eligible?

Any NYC public high school student, including 2024 graduates. Charter school students are eligible. Past journalism or podcasting experience is not a factor in our selection process.

Ideal candidates…

  • Are eager to gain experience in the journalism/media industry

  • Love to tell stories and to write

  • Are highly motivated and excited to put in the time and effort to learn how to make a narrative podcast

  • Enjoy new experiences and meeting new people

  • Communicate consistently and submit assignments on time

What will I get out of it?

  • Journalism and multimedia storytelling skills that will prepare you to pursue media-related fields

  • One completed podcast episode (contingent upon your timely completion of assignments)

  • $500 stipend, contingent upon successful completion of the program, as well as daily lunch and metro card allowance

  • Opportunity to be considered for future internship programs with The Bell

What have past participants said?

“The growth I have experienced over the past three weeks is immeasurable as I reflect on it with extreme gratitude. Everyone from the faculty to students were so supportive and kind. Overall, the atmosphere was very inclusive.”

“I was able to tell a story that was so meaningful to me...while learning a lot of new skills in audio editing and recording.”

“It was inspiring and motivational to hear from people who have had so much experience in the field of have them review our work was definitely a highlight because they genuinely guided us”

“I've always wanted to use my voice to effectuate change, and I think this is the medium for me.”

Listen to past participants’ stories here.


We will be hosting an online info session on:

  • Tuesday, May 28th at 5 p.m. ET: Register here

If you have other questions, please email our student programs manager Sabrina DuQuesnay: [email protected]


Deadline: June 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET

We strongly encourage you to prepare your responses to the following application questions in a separate space and then paste them into the application form only when you are ready to submit.


1. Why are you interested in podcasting? What do you hope to get out of this experience? (Ensure that your response is 1000-2000 characters.)

2. Tell us about something interesting that’s going on at your school, in your neighborhood or in your life. No topic is too big or too small. Be as detailed and descriptive as possible. (Ensure that your response is 1000-2000 characters.)


3. Make a 1-2 minute AUDIO recording answering the following question: What’s something that you love? Explain why you love it. 

Instructions for sharing:

  1. Upload the recording to your personal Google Drive.

  2. Rename the file FirstName-LastName-SYPA. (Ex: Sabrina-DuQuesnay-SYPA)

  3. Change the sharing permission to “Anyone can view.”

  4. Click on the right side of the file where you see the three dots and select “get link” from the dropdown menu.

  5. Copy the link and paste it into the application.  

Application checklist:

✅ I have confirmed my availability for the program dates.

✅ I have completed my written responses.

✅ I have completed my audio recording and followed the instructions for sharing.

✅ I have chosen an adult reference who can speak to my abilities.