Sell and Distribute Self-Published Books

Sell your self-published books how you want, where you want, and for the right price. Blurb lets you print on-demand and distribute copies through Amazon and over 39,000 stores.

  • Sell Any Book Format

    Sell Any Format

    Choose the best format for your self-published to strike a balance between your creative vision and a price that works for your audience.
  • Creation Tools to Sell Self-Published Books

    Flexible Creation Tools

    From glossy coffee-table books to device-ready PDFs, now you can design once and sell and distribute your books often.
  • Book Distribution Options

    Distribution Options

    Create a self-published book you can sell and distribute at scale through the Blurb Bookstore, on Amazon, and in over 39,000 stores with Ingram’s worldwide distribution.
  • Total Creative Control to Sell and Distribute Self-Published Books

    Total Creative Control

    Make all your own creative and marketing decisions for your project. Design something that matches your vision, choose the best printing options for you, and share it with your friends, fans, and followers.
  • Reduce Self-Publishing Risk by Printing as You Go

    Print As You Go

    Reduce your self-publishing risk! Order a single book to proof— and since projects can be digitally printed as they're sold, this eliminates upfront expenses.
  • Update Sales Tools to Distribute & Sell Self-Published Books

    Online Sales Tools

    Share a preview of your project on social media or embed it on your website. Sell and distribute your book directly through your personal storefront on and track your sales and earnings by channel in your dashboard.


Reach Your Audience

Find the best channel for getting your self-published book to your audience.

Beginnen Sie


Blurb Bookstore Blurb Bookstore

Blurb Bookstore

Sell your self-published book as soon as it’s finished! In a few clicks, people can buy your book directly from the Blurb Bookstore, without any listing charges or fees.

Amazon & Ingram to Sell & Distribute Self-Published Books Amazon & Ingram to Sell & Distribute Self-Published Books

Amazon and More

Your Photo Book can reach Amazon’s global audience with our one-click setup and seamless integration. You can also make your Trade Book available to stores like Barnes & Noble through the Ingram catalog.

Do the Math

  • Set Base Price for You Self-Published Book

    Base Price

    Your book's cost is your base price. This is determined by your book specifications, such as paper and cover type, and the unit volume of your order.
  • Set Fees for Your Self-Published Book


    Amazon and Ingram have distribution fees, which are part of the retail price.
  • Profit for Your Self-Published Books


    You set your profit margin per copy, which becomes part of the customer-facing retail price.
  • Get Payment Fast for Your Self-Published Book


    You can have payments sent to you monthly via Paypal or paper check, once you meet the minimum threshold.

Imagine The Possibilities

Ready to make your book?